Monday, January 12, 2015

Breaking. 6 Terror Cell Members Identified in France.

Fox News is reporting that 6 Terror Cell Members have been identified in France and that one of the members was spotted driving the vehicle registered to the Black Widow that made her way to Syria.

I asked why the President would go to the memorial service in France.

He didn't.

Some have questioned why he didn't and criticized him for it.

They're wrong.

Police had indicated that a terror cell was active in France and with this info it appears that another attack is imminent.  To send the US President (fuck his politics) into that type of environment would have been foolish.  They made the right call.

One last thing.  Fox News is also reporting that Homeland Security is stating that they will increase Protective Security for VIPs in the US and abroad.

This ain't over.  Not by a long shot.  Despite everyone wanting the world to "go back to normal" the bad guys get a vote and they want chaos.


  1. It's not just him, but the VP, SecState, retired SecState, etc.

    Holder was even in France at the time and did not attend.

    BigO did not even mention the attack in the weekly radio address on Saturday.

    1. dude. if you're part of security detail do you want any of our people to be attending such a large rally which would have the principal exposed like that? i wouldn't. its lining yourself up for a tragedy. feel free to hate the guy. i do. but they were right not to go.

    2. Here is the Press Sec admitting that they should have sent someone with a higher profile than just teh Ambassador

    3. btw, the 40+ leaders met away from the crowds and did not mix with them.

    4. doesn't matter what some lying hack says at the podium. even with my lack of visibility on the security threat i can tell that it was just too risky to send a high ranking person to that event. just cause that bastard doesn't have the balls to admit the obvious doesn't mean that he's speaking the truth.

      as far as other leaders attending...sorry and no disrespect but who cares. they're not a US official and the propaganda value of an attack against them would pale in comparison.

      i maintain my position. not going was the right thing to do.

      oh and with the French tapping into our intel networks for help with this case doesn't it make sense that it was known to us if there was a danger?

    5. 1. No high-ranking attendee in the French event
      2. No high-ranking attendee in the Washington DC event
      3. No mention in the Weekly Radio address 2 days after the fact

      You may make the "not enough time for security" argument for #1, but there is no excuse for #2 or #3

    6. can't and won't defend #2 or #3. i didn't know about the DC event and not talking to the American people about the event is worrying.

  2. Some info for you Sol. ISIS in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  3. Honestly surprised we have not launched a FAST team to France yet

    1. France is covered. i'd be worried about our embassies in Turkey, Germany, Spain, and various African countries. i hope those FAST boys are screwing there wives, playing with the kids and getting shit together at home. i think they're going to get called up (like you said) and its gonna be a long time before they get back home.

  4. Sol the word has been sent again that the targeting of military and all first responders and their families is back on the anti terror guys radar. They don't give us specifics if the chatter is up or if it's just a reminder.

    1. yeah a little birdy told me about that today. quite honestly i don't know how to respond to it. i'm primarily looking at other threats but that just add to the list of things to watch for. its gonna suck to be Muslim for awhile. an ordinary greeting for them will have me clawing for my sidearm....definitely time to plan where i shop, drive etc...a bit more carefully. she wants to go to the movies? we'll stream that at home. going out to eat? ok, if its off hours...want to go shopping? where. when and how long will we be out? life won't change but i will go into a brighter yellow alert...

  5. A general post regarding several topics addressed in the thread and in comments:
    - Fox News got a bit hyped up about this terror cell thing. Reality is a bit more complicated. There are known associates of last weeks terrorists who are on the loose, but not in France. Others belonging to the same "cell" are in jail, which means they could get involved into command and control of an attack but not take part in it. Truth is, i dont want to go info details, but these people go back a long long way for some of them ... Back even to Abu Zubaydah in some cases, or to the infamous "20th hijacket" of 9/11 (Zacarias moussaoui). Global djihadi is really a small world sometimes and the place were all the threads come back together might be somewhere in ISIS territory where another French born terrorist who's on the state departments list of the 10 most wanted may very well be the link between the two brothers claiming AQ affiliation and the third guy who said to be ISIS. But be that as it may, the terror cell FOx was going on about is no longer operational ... For now. Could be others though or copycats from the lunatic fringe;
    - can't give you guys any other advice than be careful without being paranoid ... Personally I wouldn't change any ordinary habits (yet) and definitely go out if I feel like it. Just as we said the other day, be ready to protect yourself at all times ;-)

    1. And regarding obama's no show at the rally in Paris, I can certainly understand there may have been security concerns, even though you got to admit if Bibi is willing to go, you would assume the area is "pretty safe". But why not send the VP then, that's what he's for, isn't he ? Or why didn't Eric Holder take part ? After all he was in Paris already and The guy has probably been to very March or rally I can think of ... But whatever, in terms of PR this was a major blunder when you had basically the whole world saying FU to a bunch of camel shaggers and the leader of the free world wasn't there ! If there ever was an example of obama's leading from behind, that's the one ...


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