Thursday, January 22, 2015

F-35 Close Air Support Testing Vid.

Step up all you JTAC bubbas....especially you John.

I watch this video and I just can't get thrilled.  I get the impression of medium altitude bomb drops...not close air support in the classic sense.  I could be wrong, but this doesn't look like what we were promised when they said that this airplane would replace the AV-8B and the A-10.

NOTE:  Some are saying that all munitions in the future will be precision type devices so flying low is unnecessary.  Others are saying that real professionals will not care what type of airplane delivers the munition as long as it lands where its suppose to.  If that's the case then we need to go to an all UAV force for close air support and save ourselves a ton of money.  If its as some are saying then the B-52 can replace several hundred F-35's in this job and be relevant again.  That's the problem when you're defending a flawed F-35.  To make the argument that it will be fine at providing close air support, you're at the same time pointing out that its not needed for that role!