Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Interested in the Indian Military? Check out this YouTube Channel.

First things first.  Turn off the music and just watch the video.  Once the volume is down take note.  What surprised me?  That the HAL LCA looks better than I thought (definitely need to get up to speed on that project) and second, the Indians are upgrading the Jaguar Attack jet.  Want to talk about an original at rough field operations?  Want to talk about designed for operating just behind the forward edge and delivering great performance?  And the way it mounted its self defense missiles was just plain cool.

The channel is here.

Which brings me to the final issue I want to address.  If you know of a military, firearms, fitness or preparedness website that you think others might be interested in then drop me a line at Talk.To.SNAFU@Gmail.com or leave a comment below.

The world wide web is a big place and we've got to broaden our horizons.  For military websites I'm really interested in other than US or UK pages...it would help if they covered their own domestic military issues too (instead of being an offshored site that covers the US).


  1. Can't find this in English, but... Apparently Is just released a video of a kid being executed.

    1. My bad, the video show a kid killing two supposedly Russian agents.

    2. Well Russians also start to push hard on Donetsk airfield, it's look like Ukrainians really pull of heavy artillery from the region as the besieged say they don't receive any fire support. And of course seps don't give a shit about any case fire. As some lad said the same day shit hit the fan in France, Russia will use it to push in Ukraine, they can't miss that great moment when eyes of Europe will look in the other way.

    3. Russia's goal isn't to take over Ukraine, it's to keep Ukraine from becoming a proxy in a Russian war with NATO.

  2. Journey- Dont stop believing for the LCA Tejas

    Paying anything to role the Dice........Just one more time

    1. Sorry Solomon...but for this particular video I had my speakers all cranked up.

  3. Some other well made videos regarding the Indo-US Yudh Abhyas exercises with good commentary and no music-





    And the 4th video has a little bonus....check out the top most comment made by none other than the Buntmiester.

  4. And this one here is the Indo-British Exercise Ajeya Warrior. Again, decent commentary and no music-


    All the video links posted above belong to a youtube channel named Luptonga. Do check him out for more.

  5. An off topic Sol.
    Apparently the Navy have a plan "C" for the next 20 years until the arrive of the FXX


  6. The main concern I have with India's military is the lack of progress in contracts due to corruption.

    For the past decade, they've had serious issues with artillery, mortars, rifles, fighter aircraft, etc and the contract cancelled or placed on indefinite hold because of accusation of corruption. And so the modernization of the Indian military has been placed on hold because of allegations.

    Now, corruption is serious and I am not discounting that, but I wonder if it there aren't rival corporations or even a power like China behind some of the allegations just to spoil it for rivals or delay the modernization entirely.

    1. There is a proven link between losing bidders and corruption allegations in Indian defence deals and this is now an accepted fact. The Govt of India and particularity the new one has taken steps to address this and will take further steps in the future.

      As far as modernisation goes this is going to see a big boost with the new Govt of India with national security being a key agenda for them, the new Defence Minister is a well respected technocrat and along with the PM are known as "doers" the past Defence Minister (Mr "clean" Antony) could hardly be called that.

      Give it 2-3 years and India's military progress will be back on track, they have already signalled this- S-70B (had been stalled for a while) deal cleared, artillery deals cleared, new submarines (P-75I) cleared, more tanks cleared etc etc

      Things are not business as usual as far as India is concerned (and this is a good thing).

  7. The Hal Tejas IS a beautiful plane, but I have doubts about it ever becoming a useful project.

    It is a 30 year old project, a 25 year old design, basically like the Saab Gripen, but unlike that aircraft it never went in to production and it is doubtful it will be in production, if ever, before the Saab has a new version that is cheaper and better.
    Al kinds of other options, like Russian planes or F16's will likely be cheaper as well.
    The main upside for India, of course is that this is their own project and that has a lot of value in itself, even if the plane is more expensive and less effective. The main question is.. can they pull it off... ?

    1. You move the interesting option, after Brazil will work on own Sea Gripen... the India is an potential customer in opinion of some annalist.

    2. 30 year project is a myth, funding was only released and the project term put in place in the mid-90s and the first prototype flew within 5 years. For one reason or another (sanctions, change in requirements by the IAF,over ambitious targets ) the LCA has faced its fair share of issues but it is hardly a dead project. The LCA (mk.1) is now set to receive its FOC within the next 6 months and the first Squadron will be operational by the end of 2015, the second by early 2017.

      And work on the LCA Mk.2 (the version the IAF really wants) is in full swing with the first flight by 2018/19 and operational service by 2020. I do recommend looking up the specs on the Mk.2 (AESA radar, new generation cockpit, new generation of EW systems, HMDS, advanced BVR missiles etc etc) it is really a very capable plane and will prove itself a success for sure (low RCS, advanced EW systems, high manoeuvrability and lethal weaponry).

      The IAF are committed to 200+ of the bird and the Indian Navy have committed to an initial order of 40 of the naval version to fly off their STOBAR carriers (alongside the MiG-29K), their CATOBAR carriers will need something else. The naval version just recently completed a simulated carrier ramp take off at the Indian Navy's Shore Based Test Facility (SBTF), check it out:


    3. I am stoked to see the LCA get off the ground, so to speak, and in service.

      The design principles behind it (small, agile, lightweight) make this a great replacement for the MiG-21. And if it is successful, it would be interesting to see smaller nations like Vietnamtry to acquire some to complement their Sukhois. Or maybe Phillipines or even Taiwan.

      wouldn't that be a great poke in the eye to China?

  8. Apologies if this has already been posted. Below is an article on the Jaguar upgrades the IAF is/has undertaken. There is also a recent Air Forces Monthly article on the subject that I will have to dig up.



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