Sunday, January 18, 2015

Is the SPMAGTF-CR actually a relatively old US Army idea?

While watching Seattle get slobber knocked by Green Bay (3rd quarter, its 16-0) I ran across this paper by LtCol's Richard C. Halbleib and Mark M. Earley.  It was presented in 1998 but it sounds like it was a power point presentation for Amos and that's how we got the SPMAGTF-CR.  Read it below but check out this tidbit...
Elevating US forces into the third (vertical) dimension will yield certain tangible benefits and ensure those forces remain viable and uncontested into the twenty-first century and beyond:
• increased maneuverability, survivability and lethality.
• rapid deployment/redeployment.
• increased sustainability of maneuver forces.
• reduced signature produced by a maneuver element.
• possible reduction in the size of tactical forces needed to accomplish the mission and economies in logistics to support the force. 
Doesn't that sound like everything the former Commandant wanted to accomplish with the SPMAGTF-CR?   Additionally doesn't that sound like what the Company Landing Team Concept is attempting do?

A whole lot of cross pollination goes on.  This is more proof of it.