Tuesday, January 20, 2015

ISIS now threatens to kill 2 Japanese citizens in 72 hours.

via Jerusalem Online.
The murderous terror organization Islamic State threatens to execute two Japanese hostages while the Japanese Prime Minister visits Israel. In another chilling video clip that Islamic State published this morning, John the Jihadist, who is known from previous video clips holding a knife in his hands, appears and beside him are the two Japanese hostages on their knees. According to him, if $200 million won’t be transferred to the terror organization within 72 hours, they will be executed.
“Mr. Japanese Prime Minister, despite the fact that you are located over 8,000 kilometers from Islamic State, you are part of this crusade,” John the Jihadist stated in the video. “You donated $100 million in order to help kill women and children, as well as to destroy the homes of Muslims. Therefore, for the life of one of these hostages, you will raise $100 million.”
“In order to prevent Islamic State from spreading, you will donate $100 million more. Therefore, the life of the other hostage is worth a similar sum,” he threatened while turning to the Japanese people, demanding them to pressure their government to pay the ransom within 72 hours or the two would be executed.
I don't know whether to be pissed off, amazed or both.

Why are Western govt's not declaring this entire region off limits to civilian travel?  Why is ISIS still being able to lay its hands on our nationals, not by subterfuge but because some "world citizen" and humanitarian types decide that they want to travel to the region to change the world?

Fantasy trumping reality is a theme that is gaining traction with me and its infuriating.

I will be saddened when these two men are murdered.  I will also think they brought it on themselves.  You don't head into a danger zone and not expect bad things to happen to you.

What will be interesting is the Japanese public reaction to this atrocity.  Will it strengthen their resolve or will they wilt.  Culturally, beheadings are nothing new for them (at least in ancient times).  This will bear watching.

NOTE:  The Western govts have all expressed concern about citizens going to Syria to fight with or for ISIS.  They haven't said a word about nationals that go to the region to help with refugees or to distribute humanitarian supplies.  Law abiding citizens should be the main concern.  If you tell citizens that travel to these areas are restricted then a law abiding citizen will not go and ISIS will not have victims to behead on YouTube.  That's where I'm coming from.


  1. Replies
    1. No, they have given the Japanese government a 3 days

    2. And demanding $200 million dollars ransom.

  2. Agree with Solomon here. Especially in the case of the Japanese. This isnt the first time Japanese people have been held hostage for "benefits" rather than ideology. Rich high profile country with zero ability to mobilize forces or even local allies to deal with such a scenario.

  3. looks like a studio fake to me....shadows and background seem off....

    1. interesting. the Japanese prime minister says that saving the hostages is his top priority and yet you claim this all looks fake. interesting.

    2. Of course its not filmed in the middle of the desert, under the watchful eyes of coalition drones. IS are not that retarded. Green screen, some basement, and edited on a computer to add desert background. Which is the way a smart kidnappers/terrorist will do it.

    3. Solomon, are you serious about that? Because if you are and the Japanese government really pay this amount of money, things might get worse faster.

    4. Andre Pimenta

      Abe's Japan is a "Strong Japan", one that bend to external threats, be it China or ISIS, and will be happy to jump into war zones to make the Article 9 irrelevant.

      Past pacifist administration might have paid up(not $200 million, but negotiated down to $20 million or something like that), but not Abe's administration.

    5. why do you hate the Japanese so much. is it racial, historical ... what?

    6. Solomon he is korean if i'm not wrong, so it is historical.

    7. Sorry Solomon, I should have been more specific. The scenery looks fake...as if it is being done in a studio rather than out in the desert.

    8. You're not the only one who commented on that, and Dima is right, it was probably done that way to foil photographic analysis. No point inviting a SEAL team onto your doorstep.

  4. The West is doomed if they make a policy of paying ransom. IS wins their propaganda war either way.

  5. > What will be interesting is the Japanese public reaction to this atrocity.

    Those two are as good as dead as Abe Shinzo won't pay.

    He will instead use this occasion to send troops to Iraq and Syria.

  6. Does anyone have more info about those two guys? Were the working with the UN or some other aide organization or contractors or the government or what?

    1. Josh O

      One(Left) was a private security contractor while the other(right) was a freelancer documentary maker/journalist.

    2. Was the security contractor hired to protect the journalist, or is it coincidental that both hostages are Japanese?

  7. One thing should make clear. None of these Japanese are humanitarian workers. One is believed to be a photojournalist and there is some sort of military "otaku" who fantasize war and went Syria to fight with the rebels there. I would assume very few Japanese would pity about him.


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