Friday, January 23, 2015

Minor rant about the NON embassy evacuation in Yemen.

I was patient with the non-sense surrounding our Ambassador being killed in Libya.

I heard the explanations and while they didn't ring true with me...I let it least a little bit.  No rants, little rage but a whole lot of doubt.

Now I see the mess that is Yemen.

I see that the embassy hasn't been shuttered and the personnel..all personnel..evacuated...and I wonder.  How many people must die to save a political talking point in a Presidential State of the Union address?

Make no mistake about it.  From my arm chair this bad boy should have been evacuated days ago.  Once the President of that nation was captured the Marines of the 24th MEU should have been sent in to get our people out.  But no.  The powers that be wait.  I can't help but think its politics.  People are being endangered because of politics.

That sucks.

Sidenote:  Mark your calendar.  Another ally of the US...a country that was cooperating with us...just fell out of power.  If you ran a third world nation would you look to this administration for assistance or the Russians or Chinese?  Think about that!