Federal Security forces in Europe are in a heightened state after the attack in Paris and now we see the first fruits of it.
Belgium is conducting operations, shots have been fired and terrorist killed.
Personally I think the terrorist misplayed their hand, underestimated Europe and confused the response to Russia with how they would be dealt with.
What do I mean?
Easy. You could look at what could be called a tepid response to Russian aggression in Ukraine by the Europeans and make the knee jerk reaction that they would be weak in all security related areas. I believe that's what the terrorist did.
They failed to take into account history. They failed to acknowledge the amount of fear that they instilled by their barbarism and they failed to note how much surveillance goes on in modern Western society. They basically did not understand that Russia is considered a rational actor and you can always negotiate with a civilized person or entity.
Islam has shown itself to be anything but civilized.
Europe is inching its way toward outright war with Islam. It might not be said aloud, might not even be acknowledged publicly, but if Belgium is kicking ass as we speak then you know its about to get vicious in Germany, France and the Scandinavian countries.
Pass the popcorn. We're about to see a history making fight in Europe...and the Russians will be on our side for this one.