Monday, January 12, 2015

The pussification and civilianization of the US Army picks up pace.

Thanks to Nico for this depressing link.

The U.S. Army wants to create specific physicalfitness tests aimed at ensuring that soldiers can meet the physical challenges of their jobs in wartime.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno is waiting on a recommendation that would create PFTs that are designed around the physical requirements of military occupational specialties such as infantry, cavalry, armor and others.
"I expect that the in the next several months Training and Doctrine Command will come forward with a recommendation," Odierno said during a Jan. 6 virtual Town Hall meeting with soldiers across the Army.
"This is maybe how I see it. I think there might still be a general PT test similar to [the current] pushups, sit-ups, two-mile run. But then there will be a functional test per by MOS that really focuses on what strengths should need to be in a certain MOS."
Odierno said he saw a recommendation for a new PFT when he first became chief, but it was "inadequate."

So he directed training officials to begin looking at qualifications for every MOS. The data collected from the effort will "help us to understand physiologically when we go to war, what are the requirements that we have to have for somebody to be able to do their job under stressful conditions.
This is such bullshit.

This is all about getting women into combat in such a way as to fool the idiots in society that standards are being maintained.  Functional tests for each MOS?  Really?  Seriously?

The US Army is about to become a bitch force that isn't worth deploying.

Hopefully the USMC will stay away from this foolishness.  If it doesn't then you can expect a gender-normalized force to go into combat and get raped (literally) by the enemy. 

With these new PT standards is this the future of Army support units?


  1. The man in the marks for the haircut.

  2. I know when I was in the US Army, those haircuts were a no-no, there's no fade. The guy in the middle needs to put down his fork. I'm afraid all these PT new requirements are just camouflage for downgrading further the standards...

    1. exactly, somebody in that chain of command is not doing their job, never mind what happens if they have run somewhere and that guy can't keep up, just the heat out there can kill someone without health problems, much less anything that that guy might have going on. One thing our recent fights have shown is that combat can find any unit. Standards are in place for a reason. Anyone recognize the unit patch? My guess is its a NG or Reserve unit with a case of homesteading going on in it.

  3. Jesus fucking Christ, he is FAT!!! Seriously, what the fuck?

    1. ARMY STRONG!!!! what should really have you asking WTF! is this simple fact. the US Army actually issues uniforms that fit someone of that size!

  4. BTW, there is no armor that will fit that dude....

    1. are you sure? i mean it must weigh a literal ton but if they issue uniforms that size then why not body armor?

    2. He'll have to rip the door off a humvee and strap it to his chest. No mobility, but at least he could serve as a bullet magnet while the enemy is dealt with. God forbid he gets wounded and someone has to carry him.

  5. That's remind me this good old photo:

  6. For what it is worth, at least one of the MOS specific tests involved picking up a M795 projectile and lifting it into a truck. Lifting a 100 pound projectile overhead seems appropriate for a cannoneer and probably weeds out the weaker Marines and Soldiers.

  7. Women in combat may be one reason, but the other is to enable the army to recruit more technical people who don't need a front-line soldier's endurance. As it is now, they have to pay 3+ times what they would for a serviceman to a private contractor for technical work, and those contractors can up and quit anytime they like. They also hold onto technical information that the army would like to keep within their institution.

    I once knew a maintenance Sergeant who worked on Abrams tanks all day. He literally ruined his feet jumping on and off of them constantly. Because he was the only person in the garage who could logically diagnose what was wrong when one broke down (Black fluid inside? Must be a hydraulic leak! Duh!!!). All the other non-techie types would just open up the book and go through the checklist for the entire effing tank, one by one.

    Why couldn't they get more smart guys? The PT requirement.


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