Friday, January 09, 2015

The situation in France. Cops aren't good outside of urban areas.

American Mercenary has a write up on the events in Paris.  Its a must read and you can check it out here.  One thing he wrote made me sit up and think. Check out this tidbit...
What is worrisome is that they have so far lasted further evading authorities than Tim McVeigh. But will they last as long as Dorner? Who knows, the future is unwritten.
But anyone who has been sued by a Muslim for defaming the prophet, better carry a gun.
Yeah.  How do you evade authorities?  You head to the woods.  Modern law enforcement world wide seems to be at a loss when it comes to operating in undeveloped areas.  Dorner lasted for a couple of weeks hiding in the mountainous forest of the Big Bear area.  Frein, the animal that gunned down two State Troopers evaded authorities for a weeks.

What do the two have in common?  They only got caught once they went into "civilization".

Now we see the terrorist in France that appear to have left the urban centers and headed out to the wilderness (I don't know France so wilderness is relative).

What do we know for sure?  We know that the terrorist are watching this incident carefully.  They have probably studied police response to the above mentioned incidents as well as the Boston Bomber case.  From my chair it seems that if terrorists can evade arrest for the first 24 hours, they will be able to continue to create havoc in a country for days (imagine if these terrorist chose to continue a killing spree instead of seeking escape!).  The initial response is critical.  After that all bets are off.  And if they make it into the woods then it just got even harder.

UPDATE 1HECATE confirms the hostage situation and says the following...
Just came out of morning briefing... Thing turned into hostage situation as two guys have been cornered by police and now entrenched in building with hostages.
This is going public as of now. Will give you more as it comes in.
Thee have been other retaliatory attacks as well as terrorist sympathizer attacks last night. Will send you details as soon as info is cleared