Saturday, January 24, 2015

Told ya our females are more butch than yours!

Inside joke among service members.

Who has the prettiest females?

The answer always begins with the USAF having the hottest chicks.  The Marine Corps having whats left on the trash heap.  Army and Navy alternated between what you were able to witness on joint duty. I leaned toward Navy having hotter females but thats just personal preference.


Today's Marine Corps is trying its best to show that the old saying is true.  We have the most butch females in the military service.

Well done (sarcasm).  You can dress them up like dudes all you want but they're still women.  You can't change biology....well I guess you can make alterations but you know what I mean.


  1. " You can't change biology....well I guess you can make alterations but you know what I mean."
    I google imaged "rusty gardening shears" and then it clicked that was the wrong way round....

    1. no you're on the right track with rusty gardening shears.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I think those rules only apply to Enlisted. I've seen some Female USMC officers that look like they could pass for supermodels almost. But as a whole, yeah, most of the attractive women I've seen in the military are in the USAF. I think it goes like this:

    1. Air Force
    2. Army
    3. Navy
    4. Marine Corps

    1. did you ever visit Bethesda when it was up and running? ooooh Nurse! i've seen some nice Army women but i've seen some troglodytes too. but the USAF wins this contest hands down.

  4. i question the wisdom of USMC leadership that allowed female marines to join as infantry.. female pilots and support personell are ok , but infantry ?

  5. Solomon:
    You need to see and hear this:


  6. Another off-topic.

    Real war as it is, no Hollywood:


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'd say it's true we have the best looking women, but that's not really saying much. The average USAF woman is still way....less feminine that her average civilian counterpart.


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