Thursday, February 19, 2015

2nd Cav training with Polands 12th Mechanized Brigade..via Defense 24

Thanks for the link Galvars!


  1. You welcome Sol'

    It's not that hard to imagine that those are USMC Havoc's operating alongside Army Strikers... I think Marines would be more then happy to ride in such armed IFV's.

  2. Rosomak has a bigger stick, the 30mm ATK gun makes it an IFV. Stryker is hopelessly outgunned.

  3. You know... I wonder, why not merge Havoc hull with that new 30mm turret. They put in on Stryker so it should not be a problem to put them on Havoc. Unification for USMC and Army.


  4. $$$ is the limiting factor as these unmanned turrets cost a lot in case of that hmmwv more than the vehicle itself

  5. As you guys know, I'm not American, so I could just ignore what's happening there (probably won't ever be a problem to me) . But I won't, why? Because what they are doing is evil and wrong and I just can't ignore that.

    ISIS have to end, they have to be made an example to every retard in that region that wants to kill people just because a dude reading a old book said so(I'm not religious, sorry guys).

  6. This is fantastic. It needs to become standard on armored HMMWVs and MRAPs maybe even put it on Strykers and use them to replace the commanders gun on the Abrams.

  7. Offtopic

    The Rebels trophy in the Debal’sevo pocket– a Hamwee.
    And the mounted a Red flag on it! My day is done!)))

  8. Offtopic
    An Ukrainian soldier fell out moving BMP. It was real hurt!

  9. Solomon, a couple of years ago I went through a similar "red pill/blue pill" moment (as you seem to be experiencing). I chose red and now get to see the unpleasant & uncomfortable reality of a world where the cancel of Islam and global Jihad is everywhere.

    I look out of the window and the sun still shines, but I have now woken up to the thought that over 1Bn people are (to varying degrees) working towards the Islamic Final Solution for the other 6Bn people on the Earth. Dealing once and for all with the Jews is a mandatory part of that, but then every other Infidel is on the hit list too. ISIS are just trying to bring it on all the sooner, but the end goal is a defining factor in Islam and hence for all conscientious Muslims.

    So what looks different to me now? Here are some examples...

    - The realisation that there will never be peace between Israel and the Paleostinians. Reason - The Islamic end of days cannot happen until there are no more Jews. It explains why all Muslims hate Jews.

    - The Crusades were not about conquest, but rather a response to the subjugation of other Christians.
    - Church leaders nowadays have really lost it, when they try to pursue policies of inter-faith dialogue. Pretending that they follow the same God whilst turning a blind eye to the obvious fallacies.

    - There has been 1400 years of war with Islam and 2 major invasions of Europe. Spain has showed how to deal with it by expulsion of muslims after suffering nearly 800 years of subjugation. India was not so fortunate, and there are estimates of hundreds of millions killed during Mogul / Muslim rule.
    - Politicians saying "Islam is a religion of peace" are basically force feeding blue pills to the population. That is wrong in every respect.
    - Having a disarmed population (like here in Europe) is really very bad news.

    Despite all of that, I am with Lori (see his post) when he says it is probably the best time ever to be alive. Just wish I knew what to do about it.

  10. 57-mm module's concept from UVZ

  11. That's Kongsberg medium caliber rws, the gun is an improved version of Mk44 Bushmaster II, army type classified as XM813. XM813 gun barrel is slightly longer than the standard Mk44, and is also compatible with the new linkless feed system.

  12. They don't see it that way. To them, terrorism is part of the global war.

  13. Temptation isn't sin, acting out on it is. And sexual attraction isn't sin, "go forth and multiply" came before "the knowledge of good and evil".

    You chose to separate the two, but they really usually come in a set, though you can sometimes sin without temptation and can be tempted without sin, but the reality is that those 2 go hand in hand.

    There is a big mess of theology out there, not surprising, since there is no centralized control and it can get rather messy. A bit of serious theological study might do a lot of good instead of simple acceptance of homilies.

    If you want to get forgiveness by Asceticism, you're wasting your time. Your confidence must stem either from the fact of His sacrifice or not at all. Anything else is overconfidence in your strength and underestimation of His standards.

  14. True it not 30x173 but it is still pretty effective as seen on numerous Apache videos

  15. Are we talking a 5-barrel equalizer 25mm??

  16. Excellent article for once. Usually the atlantic fucks up geopolitical issues like this, but, with that article, they are right on the money.

    They definitely called out the president and his "its not true islam..." appeasement bullshit.

  17. I saw that hypothesis from the Atlantic article about ISIS.

    If this is the case, they cannot be bargained or reasoned with. Other regional nations like Turkey need to step the fuck up and start acting maturely about this issue.

  18. And?

    Why should we adhere to their labeling.
    Its not about labels, its about results.

    Destroying ISIS, wile certainly warranted and a positive result, will not stop terrorist in our cities. ISIS is no more dangerous to us, on our soil, then any other terrorist groups because they have silly goals or hold some territory.

    The biggest danger to us , like I said is our own so called friends and ( in Europe) the disenfranchisement of the 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants.

  19. You miss the point. It's no about labels, it is about their idea that widespread local grown terror cells are part of their Global War strategy, hence all the online recruiting to do strikes on other parts of the world with a muslim population. That is their worldwide war.

    As for labels, terrorists don't call themselves terrorists. They call themselves patriots. Or faithful in this case.

    And yes, the problem of integration of immigrants is a widespread issue.

  20. This is probably an accurate assessment of some of the ISIS movers and shakers, but it is not as if we haven't seen this sort of thing before. Quite a few of the core Nazis seem to have been motivated by a Gnostic end-times strategy, for instance. One of the things which finally pushed Rommel into turning against Hitler's regime was realizing just how far over the cuckoo's nest Hitler and the core faithful actually were. That core was not going to give up no matter what, Rommel realized they would ride Germany down into flames, and that the mass of the German people did not want that.

    And in the end, this is the weakness of that sort of belief: not everyone--- even on their side--- actually shares the fanaticism and is willing to face extermination on behalf of the core leadership's nuttery. As it becomes more extreme and reactionary, some of them will become more hardened in their resolve but others, probably the largest part, will abandon ship, especially if we look rational in comparison. You chip away at it doggedly. The real extremists will probably fight to the death, but in the last bit they will do it alone. So, it's not the end of the world, so to speak, and if it actually is, then the politics don't really matter anyway :-) We need to keep our heads even if they have lost theirs.

    We also need to decide how much of it is our fight and how much of it we should simply contain and let them solve their own problems, especially until the majority of the people over there figure out that supporting ISIS is just not in their interest. The more we array against them and look like an invading infidel army, the more people [think they] have reason to support ISIS. On the other hand ISIS has proven able to lose support quickly in areas where they have actually gained control because they don't show much ability (or often, interest) in *actually governing*. We have to be prepared to recognize and capitalize on the people who do come to that realization.

  21. Maybe we are just nitpicking, but again, to me its about the effect of what you do, REAL results.

    Lets assume ISIS with its rather clever and effective ( it manages to scare us) use of (social) media strategies, recruitment and such gets destroyed in the Middle East.

    Do you really think these modern terrorist tactics will stop? The financing, if its from the hoards of money stolen by IS might temporary get less, if it on the other hand comes from SA and such, then it wont, but their outrage, the fuel ammo they have to play with for their recruitment will only grow.

    In other words, there is no direct link between the 'military' strength of ISIS and the dangers to us, at home.

    All this does not mean I advocate being soft on ISIS, far from it, I would not want to give in to fear and terrorism.
    It does mean we need strategies, beyond ( and on top of ) military and even law enforcement ones, that are to clever for me to think up. It will take social, economic and political work, a lot of it, to try and take away as much of the 'fertile soil' they are using to recruit their terrorist.

    Like I said, it is beyond me to know how to do it, but one thing is certain: repression alone wont do it.

    I know i am rambling.. but let me finish by saying this: it takes a multypronged attack, short term and ,long term using military, law enforcement, intelligence AND socioeconomical measures.

    The hardest part of this is balance, to much use of power and you increase the disenfranchisement terrorists and hateimams love to work with to little and you might miss catching an attempt you might have otherwise stopped from happening.

  22. Look's like you will own me...

    Seppos agree for Peacekeepers but they need to be Russians (funny right?) and they don't agree for international non Russian Peackeepers because this would volatile deals from Mińsk (not sure which point it will break) and Russia support them in that.

    We will wait for UN meeting, if it will be any of course.

  23. it would be an upgrade but we still haven't actually trialled in real life how these vehicles would fit into the amphibious assault battalion.

  24. Stryker has a dedicated anti-tank variant with wireless TOW and a Mobile Gun System with a 105mm cannon. the Poles operate their vehicles as IFVs true but the Army uses the Stryker as an Infantry Carrier. different roles require different weapons fits.

  25. Well it's hard to compare them... it's APC against IFV.

  26. What happened to the Ukrainian Air Force? You used to see jets and helos flying around, and now...nothing.

  27. No you confuse failing the trial(life) and sin. Every human is a sinner we are all of the flesh, the difference between us and the animals is we can grow to control our selves but can never be perfect because of emotion/flesh. Very simply you cannot avoid lusting (being sexually attracted) to your neighbors wife, however unlike animals we can control that so we don't just go with the instinct of the flesh to act on it.

    Jesus died for everyones sins because everyone is a sinner to some level and over time through trial and tribulation you learn to control endure along with ask for forgiveness for the past weaknesses. Jesus didn't trash the rule book.

    Not to mention the point under discussion was not sin it was why does god allow evil, pain, hardship, etc... and that is the trial and tribulation to weed out the weak. Steel is made in fire, pounding, and shock of tempering.

    Regardless I am not going to argue, if you believe you are a dum animal without a sole, or heaven is full of weak suicide failures, degenerates, etc... more power to you enjoy it. I would recommend you try reading the book oldest version possible and try opening your mind asking the holy spirit to show you what you need to see, understand what you need to understand. It may open your eyes it did mine. That is all.

  28. Ukrainian Air Force before the conflict was in poor shape... now after the losses they take and number of advance AA systems Russia put in the region they don't risk anymore.


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