Thursday, February 05, 2015

ALASA Concept Video

Major Hat Tip to ELP Blog for the link!


  1. Looks like somebody over at DARPA's rediscovered the ASM-135 ( and realised that nano-sats are compact and light enough to make the concept useful for something other than a kinetic warhead.

    1. i immediately thought of that project and the X-37. i wonder how this all ties in? ok, the move to compact sats makes sense especially if we're looking at threat nations that are looking to take them out...the need to replace them quickly comes into play. its obvious that we have a robust anti-sat capability from way back when. an open project that is suddenly canned after showing success points me to it being turned into a black project. which leads me to the X-37. exactly what role does it play in all this? thats the most mysterious out in public project we have that no one is talking about.


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