Tuesday, February 10, 2015

APFSDS Impact Effect via For The Record Blog

According to the video description from FTR Blog...
Thanks to whoever sent me this (sorry, at this point I have huge mess in e-mails, practically impossible to find the original one).
Uglegorsk, Ukraine.
So this is what happens, when an APFSDS shell from a tank hits a metal column. You can clearly see the impact hole the fins of the projectile made (no, this was not a RPG, that would just explode upon impact, this was a subcaliber core with fins) and the massive exit hole. Note how the path of the projectile deformed within the column, so the projectile didn’t exit directly on the opposite side.
Modern munitions are amazing.  Do you see how clean the entry hole is?  I've got to again point out how the fins are clearly visible here.  Just wow.


  1. How long will you continue to lie? Have the balls to admit it, Solomon. If you're a god fearing man, you will do it.

    1. oh shut up Red Eagle, you got nothing better to do?

    2. How long are you going to lie! You're not an Eagle! Eagles can't use keyboards!

      I bet you're not even red too.


    3. Sol is cursed. He got rid of one Buntalanlucu and here spawns another one.

  2. are you sure that is a metal column? I thought so too at first, then on taking a closer look, it seems more like a tree.
    If you take a look at the entire object, you will notice tree bark flaking off (not paint chips flaking off)
    The wood seen on the entry and exit holes has been subjected to extreme temperature making it look like that.

    1. Nah, it's steel. Badly maintained, low grade steel. Wood would have tore off chunks beyond the specific exit point. And it's hollow. I'm actually less than impressed. If that was applique or ERA armour, it would have meant that the round got deflected. Impressive performance would have been a straight through and through.

    2. The peeling paint and brownish rusted look kinda make it look like a tree, but the petal shaped exit wounds discount that. Not to mention the thing is totally hollow. :P

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Apparently, Argentina may choose the J-10


    Can't find it in english.

  5. Unfortunately, the war also provides us with other nice videos about how modern munitions are "amazing". Here are few videos of what happens when cluster munitions from 9A52 Smerch system hit a city :





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