Sunday, February 08, 2015

Chinese Marines war game against the 204th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, 16th Group Army via Chinese Defense Blog.

Can anyone provide a credible ID of this tank?  It sorta looks like a T-55 but I can't imagine the Chinese giving there Marines such an elderly vehicle.

Check it out here.

Pay close attention folks.  

They're getting ready.  

They're more confident.  

They're operating in Western style formations...and they're broadcasting it to the world. 


  1. Solomon this is complely Offtopic but what do you make of this, especially since its very close to your home. I've lived in Mexico and I know this turn of events are very rare, given the country foreing policy and the inside focus of their military.

    1. well Mexico is an interesting case to me. they have a very strong narco trade that they're dealing with while at the same time attempting to match some of their more aggressive neighbors. i just don't see them as being interesting yet. S. America is ready to pop and it will spill over into central america. when that happens you're going to see a much more militaristic mexico and that will be a sight to behold.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep, good old 88. they ad some stuff here and there but nothing too fancy.

  3. Off topic but thought you might be interested in this: Think the F-35 could do that?

    1. looked up the link. Fantastic efforts by these folks. The "Devils Cross" is a bad ass piece of equipment.


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