Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Debaltseve falls.

UKRAINE — Ukraine’s military said Wednesday that 80% of Ukrainian armed forces have now pulled out of a strategic railroad hub that’s been the focus of bitter fighting with pro-Russian separatists. The two sides have been battling for weeks for control of Debaltseve, and continued conflict there has undermined a truce that apparently went into effect Sunday, raising concerns it is all but dead. The ramifications for the West are huge because the 10-month-long conflict in eastern Ukraine has hiked tensions with Russia to a level not seen since the end of the Cold War, affecting trade and raising the specter of Russian expansion into Eastern Europe.
Putin made a calculation and he'll be proven correct.  The European leaders want a return to "normalcy" so bad that they're willing to lose Ukraine.

The Rebels observed the situation and continued their offensive until they could win this city and consolidate their lines.

Good gamble that paid off.

I'll be watching for a European/Ukrainian response to this news.  Why not the US?  Because the peace deal that Germany and France hammered out left the USA on the sidelines.  This is a European problem now.


  1. I think this is realism : Europe won nothing in the Coup, on ly USA in his Chees game with russia.
    europe, sacrified economic links and profits with russia, while USA
    commerce and profits grows with russia. I think Merkel / Hollands felt
    themselves fooled by economic sanctions( I think so ), and the growing
    violence of the conflict ( UK weapon delivery, ongoing US weapon
    delivery ) threat europe directly, not USA.
    So I believe tey are
    currently saying, stop playing in our garden to USA, and trying to calm
    the angry neighboor which was disturbed.

  2. I disagree with one thing Sol'... it was not an gamble. You gamble when you risk something... president Putin did not risk anything.

  3. Yeah... let's hug the rabid dog, it is the best way to make him calm. France and Britain once did the Europe a "favor" in Munich, now again France and Germany did the same "favor" in Mińsk... you prepare your white flag already froggy?

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  5. First : GOD WIN point !

    Secondly, please look at Oliver Stone "another history of america" before calling russia "the rabid dog"...
    We would be in a Munich situation if Ukraine WAS in OTAN !

    If you consider anyway that's a Munich situation, I will answer you : So you Was, with georgia !
    I can't even put number on how many war/guerilla america created because a country came out of his control ! Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua....

  6. Ukraine is being played by US ,even issuing passports so foreigners could mix the shit up in Goverment ,Both Poroshenko and Yatsenyouk are pupets on US payroll for at least 5-6 years now.

  7. How do you find that he did not risk anyting. Only actor in the Ukaine SNAFU that is not risking anyhing is US.

  8. Is this an admission they were wrong to buy a steel framed 1911?

  9. either that, or the rationale for buying 45's wasn't properly worked out. regardless MARSOC looks like fools today for this move.

  10. Dude, you linked your Facebook account to your disqus account.

  11. GALVARS!!! i need the website that worked out that Russia was firing arty in to Ukraine!!!!! i lost it.

  12. Thank you, i was too confident with the login with facebook. Gonna remove that link !

  13. "Putin made a calculation and he'll be proven correct."

    We'll see. So far Ivan has beaten down two much smaller powers. Using 1940's and 1960's military technology. The game changer will be Poland, which will fight to the last man. And a resurgent Germany should strike fear into any objective observer. And Russia will get it on the present course.

  14. Putin will avoid engaging Poland. they're no where on his radar. he doesn't care about Germany, they're a trading partner and while he won't attack them its not out of fear. they're a shell of their former selves and are so afraid of their history that they've effectively castrated themselves. he's using old tech now but is rapidly rearming. the arms race isn't only happening in the Pacific. Poland and Russia are locked into one too.

  15. I have Polish friends and the general populace excepts the re-arming and modernization requirements for the Polish military. Unlike Germany which still thinks it should apologize for the Nazis, the Poles were hard done by in WW2 and suffered decades under the Soviets. They are going to have a fight to the last man mentality.

  16. Hey they gotta save for the f35. A damn good running 1911 is going to run a grand. Agency/government price on Glocks is probably going to be close to the $350 to $375 mark. Heck I can buy them at $400 and I think you can to.

  17. @The game changer will be Poland,@
    Do Polish get possibility to 100% survive in nuke flame and radiation afterward? I guess no. A lot of thing show Russia has a nuke usage as the main instrument in global war with the West. At first, nuke exchange, afterward special prepared brigades will visit ruined territory of our enemies to finish any remains of civilization (with nuke weapon again) and collect some loot. No huge army is needed. As a variant, of course.
    At my take for Polish burning Ukraine causes greatly more dangerous challenge then Russia – if Ukrainian Bandera-wannabes recall that their “heroes” enjoyed and had fan with not only
    Russian and Jew, but Polish too.

  18. It looks like some Ukrainians managed to escape out from Debal’tsevo’s pocket. Well done then.

  19. @suffered decades under the Soviets. @
    Bggg. By speculating with gold and another deficit goods in soviet times? At my take the first thing the Polish suffered – their geopolitical ambitions: they tried to play geopolitical game before WWII – and lost (including because the Munich deal), all their problems rose afterward. They got a lot of tidbits because of USSR (it looks like vast majority of Polish is to shy for remember it) – some Nazi German territory for example. Now they try to get as much as possible tidbits from their current status. And pay for it too – Polish died in Afghanistan war of NATO, as well as Afghanistan war of USSR. BUT now they stepped in Ukrainian geopolitical mess – as one of the main geopolitical drivers of pro-Western riot in Kiev. We will see what they got as the result of this next attempt to play geopolitical game.

  20. every country tries to play the "geopolitical game" to some extent. So whats your point? Just because a country plays "geopolitical game", it deserves to be punished or suffering?

  21. "europe, sacrified economic links and profits with russia, while USA commerce and profits grows with russia" -- Proof?
    " UK weapon delivery, ongoing US weapon delivery" -- again, proof?

  22. Every new officer on the general's staff needs a cool PowerPoint briefing to get promotion bullets. Even if the person coming up with the idea is an idiot. Handguns don't win wars for the USMC.

  23. @So whats your point?@

    My point is complete easy – every nation drives their own responsibility for their deeds or do-nothing. We, stupid idiotic Russians, are still under light form of western occupation – for our USSR's self-termination in the most stupid way. It is a general rule at my take. Each country, sharing geopolitical games, must recognize possible kickbacks in all senses of the word.

  24. Here.

  25. its funny when you dont see your own irony here. On one hand, you said any country "must recognize possible kickbacks". On the other hand, in the very same comment, you were whining about "Russians are still under light form of western occupation", "USSR's self-termination". Why dont you just grow up? You played your "geopolitical games" and lost it. Stop blaming others. Its not ok for Polish to blame russia for her problems and suffering but its completely ok for russian to blame the west. Classic russians hypocrite.

  26. hey, from your own mouth: "the first thing the Polish suffered – their geopolitical ambitions: they tried to play geopolitical game before WWII – and lost" -- let me rephrase just a little bit: "the first thing the russians suffered – their geopolitical ambitions: they tried to play geopolitical game before 1991 – and lost"

  27. You get some things info' wrong some pretty good...

    We lost by hand of one man, vain... curse his name, Józef Beck in the moment he without any consultation sign that damned worthless pact that Great Britain duped us. That damned piece of paper that enrage Hitler and in the same way deliver a judgment over Poland and push Reich in to embrace of Soviets in form of Ribbentrop - Molotov pact.

    A lot of tidbits you say... Soviets take from us our lands, half of country was grabbed that had for us historical and cultural value. That was our lands from fathers of our fathers. They create own puppet states there as buffer zone and what we get? Nobody ask us if we want that... they just decide that this will be now Russia. The we receive an Soviets bases in our country to "watch" over us and a puppet communists government. We remember that info' we remember all the things Russia did to us from far past to modern days... and we had not forget that.

    Couple of years ago I read some interview with retired Russian general, he said that if someday Russia will try to land invasion Poland... Poles concoct them such hell that Afghanistan will look like calm vacations.

  28. Froggy, I can call Russia that because I live with them border to border, my nation fight with them from the start of knowing, I have more idea what Russia is and what is not in one finger then you will have after your whole life. I don't give a single fuck where USA fight or with who... you know why? Because the NEVER invade my country... they never kill my countryman by hundreds of thousands and they never try to annihilate my whole culture. Russia did that.

    But I don't expect you will understand this... you will wave a white flag at the sound of first shoot, as always. You are a weak link of NATO froggy. And you know what is an biggest irony... if someone would attack your fraking country we would ride the next day to help you, because we have deep inside strong belief that we fight "for ours and yours freedom". Pity that you don't have the same belief... pity that you would be more then happy to sold anyone just to have peace for couple of more years. You did not want to die for Warsaw in the past... shame on you that you always did not want to die for Paris...

  29. And what he risk? Tell me.. .what Russia risk in that move?

  30. magazine capacity 7 to 8 rounds tops.

    While I understand the appeal of the 1911, it's design is over a century old. As much as some love it, there are better, more modern designs. A Glock 21 can carry 10-13 rounds of the same caliber.

  31. “Europe won
    nothing in the Coup.” Completely True, I’m still trying to figure out what are
    getting from this mess.

    We have
    lost billions in profit, it’s not catastrophic or anything, but for what?
    Ukraine joining the EU? We don’t need them, they are a fucking mess, underdeveloped
    and with African levels of corruption. They are never going to join the EU, we
    just supported a band of corrupt motherfuckers along with their own Neo-Nazi

    Peace? I would like to hear what Russia gets from invading
    Europe, since some people are equating them with the Nazis, Munich agreement
    and all. Russia is acting on the defensive, their actions might be cruel and
    immoral, but that’s the way geopolitics work. The US acted in the same manner
    when the same thing happened to them, remember the Cuban revolution, the Contras,
    the School of the Americas, The Chilean Coup. Putin might be a lot of things,
    but it doesn’t seem to be a maniac with the dream of an ever expanding empire.

    The only way Western Europe is getting into a war with Russia in the near future is if
    the Americans or the Polish-Baltics screw this up and bring nuclear mayhem on
    all of us. Nuland said Fuck the EU, we should send the Fuck back.

  32. While cost may be an incentive, MARSOC does a lot of advising/training with foreign forces, most of whom use the Glock 19 (ANA, ANP, British, most of NATO, etc.) wonder how much commonality off training counted in the decision?

    Also, 1911s require MARSOC to keep a data book for each gun and an armorer to maintain each pistol, while Glocks are lower maintenance in far off locations. Supportability may be another reason

  33. "You did not want to die for Warsaw in the past... shame on you that you also did not want to die for Paris..." WHAT ???? Don't understand.

    So, if I believe you, all russians are beast that want to kill polish culture. Fine, the one's I met in the past were far from that, and friendly with polish guys. Certainly deep camofled spy ??
    Insulting people is useless for debate. White flag thing, ok, seriously ? Nothing more interesting in your post..

  34. For economics sanctions : look there

    UK weapons delivery :

    USA weapons delivery :

  35. You don't remember the 39' and 40' when Germans roll over you with lighting speed and you run like hell from them, you don't remember that catchy slogan that you will not die for Danzing (funny as Danzing was city under League of Nations jurisdiction not Polish) and then you surrender Paris with all your country, capitulation and collaboration. Nothing to be proud of... ignoring the problem to the moment the "problem" kick your doors out and made you his "bitch" for 5 years.

    I write that they DID that not that they want to do this now... you understand terms past and present? You can believe me that YOU don't have a single idea about Russia, how they think, how they react and what makes them tick. You know Russians from TV and some here and there, you live two country's away in almost far far away land where you think Russia is a magical land where they ride on unicorns and shit rainbow... do you have ever been in Russia? Do you have any fucking idea what Russian imperialism works in past and how they want to rebuild that "empire" hey had once?

    You show many times that "white flag" is your mentality... It's not an insult, it's is just a fact... and it's also a very sad thing. Because somewhere in your life you lost your balls, and what worst, you think that was a good thing.

  36. Still insult and no arguments. Oh yes, an méprisant remark: The defeat of 1940. The fall of the 1940 army is the same defeat as the polish army, which ride against tank with horses.
    We lost because we has army and generals, but ready for ww1, not 2.
    We still not matching the subject... Please stop trolling.

  37. Arguments for what? Poles never attack tanks with cavalry... never. You lost because you were arrogant, you lost because you did not want to fight for your own country, you lost even when you had a lot's of time to prepare for fight. You lost because you ignore the enemy... you lost, because you were mentally unable to win.

    Argument's are simple, you speak in maters you have no idea about...

  38. funny how you 'conveniently' just focus on ONE month (March). I wondered why you 'conveniently' left out Feb? Oh, is it because it showed a drastic decline, which contradict your wisdom? Such an 'inconvenient truth' huh?

    And how is just one contract of a private firm of a "ex-Ministry of Defense vehicles" can be explained as "UK weapons delivery"? Did UK government involve? And should an "obsolete death trap" even be called "Weapon"?

    USA weapons delivery: have any decision OFFICIALLY made yet? No? Then, no, its NOT "ongoing delivery'. Do you even know what 'ongoing' means?

  39. I think everybody can see who is arrogant now, with your last post.

  40. If you don't want to see i, i can't do nothing for you : Perhaps this one will be clearer :

    Would you make me beleive that you can export weapons from UK WITHOUT Government agreement ???? They couldn't give better without bad reaction from russia...and for almost nothing !

    There is already Non-lethal weapons delivery from USA, it's official, it's include counter battery radars for exemple, and they speak about lethal weapons now.

    Besides,there is suspicion of already lethal weapons delivery :

  41. You understand me right. It deserves
    a candy! Bggg..

  42. @ You played your "geopolitical games" and lost it@

    We lost a battle, not a war.

    @ Stop blaming others.@
    Check out my words – I blame stupidity of my own nation. It looks like you discuss with voices in your own head this time.

    @completely ok for russian to blame the west? @
    No, I don’t.

  43. @We remember that info' we remember all the things Russia did to us from far past to modern days@

    And Iraqi will remember who attacked their country and started an endless civil war between shia and sunni here (one of the main sources of ISIS – Saddam’s former servicemen – it is well-known. Your own country men from Poland share this aggression too. Because of why? Geopolitical competition, I guess. Because of the same reason my country-men were in Poland.

    @Poles concoct them such hell that Afghanistan will look like calm vacations.@
    Would you be so kind to name a reason for it? Just a one reason for Russia to do this? Three my own ancestors were in Poland as military-men. And for me, if the shit will happen and I’ll be called-up, there is no reason – to fight against ISIS fanatics or brave Polish or daemons with horns…I just would be happy to recognize a possible reason for us to deal with Polish in direct fight again. Polish say: “you are going to attack us”, Baltic-men say: “you are going to attack us”. But my question “Why” is not answered still.

  44. Why?... I can use your own words "geopolitical competition".

  45. no, you just see what you wanted to see, sadly. Even more sadly, the very source you cite gave a very clear explanation. Did you even bother reading the whole article or just the title? Seriously?

    "Other trade specialists said the figures didn’t necessarily show a consistent trend. With the Russian market for U.S. products relatively small _ just $5.1 billion total in the first five months of the year _ a slight increase in sales of a few big-ticket items, such as cars and airplanes, can drive trade-figure percentage increases higher.

    “If you take Boeing, they are tens of millions of dollars” per aircraft, said Anders Aslund, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a Washington research center. “One order . . . makes a lot of difference.”

    Boeing delivered eight jets to Russian airlines this year through June. The total price of civilian aircraft and parts sent to Russia this year through May was $1.39 billion. The types of planes purchased by Russian airlines, from the 737 and 777 families, cost $76 million to $320 million each last year, according to Boeing."

  46. and no, you (and many other stupid reporters/posters) dont understand the term 'non-lethal weapon'. That terms refer to stuff like taser, stingball grenade, laser blinding device etc. Counter battery radars fall into the 'non-lethal military equipment', its NOT 'weapon'. And no, a truck with a big steel box is not a 'weapon' either.


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