Monday, February 16, 2015

Egypt, the new airstrikes, the military takeover and the Rafale purchase.

Everyone has been bombing my "in box" with news of the Egyptian buy of Rafale fighters.  I held my fire on it because I wasn't sure of the implications.  Now with this action in Libya (they bombed ISIS that beheaded Egyptian Christians in that country) along with the fact that just a few years ago the military deposed the Egyptian Brotherhood that rose in a "popular uprising" with the blessing of the Egyptian people that wanted another "uprising" against the Brotherhood I think I now see things clearly.

I don't know how it happened but the US influence in Egypt is now zero.  They're turning to different arms suppliers in anticipation of ending there relationship to the US.  Additionally they are showing that they will not wait for US permission to act in their own interests and that they're ready to "stand apart" from us.

Long story short, the Obama administration just lost another piece on the board.  Add this to the action (or suspected actions) that we've seen from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE, Turkey etc...and its apparent that the US is no longer pulling the strings in the Middle East.

The Middle East is locked in a regional war.  Into that cauldron we're dropping a Brigade Combat capable as Heavy Brigade Combat Team is, I don't think its capable of 360 degree combat.  The boys from Ft. Carson are dropping into hell, I just hope it doesn't become a last stand.