Monday, February 16, 2015

Egypt, the new airstrikes, the military takeover and the Rafale purchase.

Everyone has been bombing my "in box" with news of the Egyptian buy of Rafale fighters.  I held my fire on it because I wasn't sure of the implications.  Now with this action in Libya (they bombed ISIS that beheaded Egyptian Christians in that country) along with the fact that just a few years ago the military deposed the Egyptian Brotherhood that rose in a "popular uprising" with the blessing of the Egyptian people that wanted another "uprising" against the Brotherhood I think I now see things clearly.

I don't know how it happened but the US influence in Egypt is now zero.  They're turning to different arms suppliers in anticipation of ending there relationship to the US.  Additionally they are showing that they will not wait for US permission to act in their own interests and that they're ready to "stand apart" from us.

Long story short, the Obama administration just lost another piece on the board.  Add this to the action (or suspected actions) that we've seen from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE, Turkey etc...and its apparent that the US is no longer pulling the strings in the Middle East.

The Middle East is locked in a regional war.  Into that cauldron we're dropping a Brigade Combat capable as Heavy Brigade Combat Team is, I don't think its capable of 360 degree combat.  The boys from Ft. Carson are dropping into hell, I just hope it doesn't become a last stand.


  1. France is tight with Saudi Arabia, which like Egypt is anti-Muslim brotherhood, whereas the U.S. has disappointed the Saudis on Egypt, Syria, Iran and ISIS.

    from Defense News:
    The contract is planned to be signed today for twinjet fighters in an arms package (24 Rafale fighter jets and a multimission frigate) worth €5.2 billion (US $5.9 billion) including maintenance.

    Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates have pledged to deposit $10 billion in Egypt next month, according to news website Al-Youm Al-Sabea, Reuters reported on Feb. 5. Saudi Arabia has also sent Lebanon $3 billion to buy arms from France. The Saudi backing is intended to bolster those nations against the Islamic State group fighting in Iraq and Syria.

  2. and south of Libya--
    Stripes, Feb 16
    US kicks off Operation Flintlock amid regional tensions
    STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. special operations forces kicked off three weeks of counterterrorism drills Monday in a series of western African states — including Niger and Chad — despite recent strikes by the insurgent group Boko Haram. “We haven’t canceled anything and our troops are fully prepared to handle anything,” said Bardha Azari, a spokeswoman for Special Operations Command Africa.

    The U.S. military on Monday commenced its annual Operation Flintlock, U.S. Africa Command’s premier special operations exercise on the continent. The war games, which are intended to help a range of African militaries bolster their counterterrorism skills, come at a time of crises for several countries in the region.

  3. Franc is not tight with anyone its ,France just deals weapons more freely without much in terms of trying to spread its politics when dealing arms.

  4. don't be fooled. France wants to assert itself more forcefully on the world stage. it wants to be the European military power and as such has agreed to let Germany be the economic power of the continent.

  5. Have you followed any French weapons deals ,they come with no strings attached for couple of decades now that is what makes them attractive.They are pragmatic sell stuff while its hot it doesnt mater if its sold to Israel,Egypt,India,China,Russia,Saudi Arabia etc.
    British try to be as pragmatic as the French but are to a degree limited by US partners. BAE and Dassault are world renovned for generous kickbacks .Old man Dassault is forbiden to ever step in his own company again by courts that found him guilty of bribery. BAE paid some of the highest kickbacks ever too Bandar 'Bush' for aircraft maintenance deals. Many of the European products are sold trough BAE just because they are as pragmatic as it gets. UK not being a real democracy also sweps dirt under the rug at moments notice ,investigations in Bandars bribes was stoped in not time ,a the time UK was cosy with Gadafi MI5-6 kidnaped disidents in UK and send them to Libya.

    French assert themselves in what they consider their sphere of influence and no where out side their former colonies.

  6. @ micmac80
    Wrong. France is negotiating large defense contracts with Saudi Arabia. Also France has been the first country to sign government to government agreement on nuclear and energy with KSA. France wants to be Saudi Arabia's strategic partner in the field of nuclear and renewable energy, and incidentally sell fuel to facilities in King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KA-CARE).

  7. So its selling some stuff ,there is no political influence France is trying to gain or exert over SA . Strategic partner just means its long therm deal. Find something where France is pressuring its 'partner'

    In terms of SA and Muslim Brotherhood it seems as an on off relationship is warming again.

  8. You've changed the argument from "not tight" to "no attempt to gain political influence over SA" so go fish.

  9. So what is your idea of 'tight' , for me that is Pakistan -China,US -Poland,Iran-Syria etc. Countries that share more than buyer-seller relation.

  10. I got a buddy with that brigade. Christ I hope its not a last stand as well


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