Wednesday, February 18, 2015

F-35 News. Propaganda from two sources.

Top Criminal in the F-35 Scandal...Lockheed Martin Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Marillyn Hewson
Something is brewing behind the scenes with the F-35.  I've talked about it already being in the death spiral, but when you add Carter taking over the Pentagon and sequestration probably remaining in place...added to the fact that you can't cut personnel from the services anymore as a cost saving all points bad news for the F-35.  Want proof?  Check out these tidbits...first from FoxNews.
Lockheed is working closely with the U.S. government to lower the $400 billion projected cost for developing and building three models of the stealth fighter jet.
Changes include new tools to apply coatings to the jet, high tech lasers to remove excess paint, and a new cryogenic process for cooling tools used during machining, Martin said.
Martin said changes already adopted had trimmed the cost of each jet in the eighth production lot by $260,000, and those savings were slated to triple in the ninth batch, which includes 57 jets, for cumulative savings of over $1 million per jet.
Lockheed has submitted a proposal to the Pentagon for the ninth and 10th batches of jets, with an eye to completing those contract by the end of the fiscal year.
and then this...
 Martin said the program was rapidly maturing, with 120 jets playing at nine operating bases, and more than 26,000 flying hours. She said more than 158 pilots and 1,640 technicians had been trained to fly and service the jets.The program's development was 65 percent complete, and was on track to be finished in 2017, she said.
But if that isn't enough, check out this morsel from Forbes...
So the only reason left for keeping the F-35 program at its current, relatively depressed, level of production is that politicians or policymakers want to use the money thereby saved for other purposes. Taking that route won’t just waste money over the long run, it could end up wasting the lives of America’s warfighters and the goodwill of key allies. F-35 is ready to soar. Let’s not put additional obstacles in its path.
Just plain wow.

Saving 260K on a multi-million dollar airplane is like a dealership throwing in free mats on your 65K Ford 4x4.  Nice gesture but not really something to gush over.  Next.  Its 2015 and we're barely past halfway there with development of this jet?  Really?  Seriously?  But the thing that has me punching walls is the plea to increase production at this early stage.

Lockheed Martin swindled the US Govt so badly with this plane that its embarrassing.  These are the same people that are managing your healthcare!  Someone should go to jail.  People from the military and industry need to go to jail over this boondoggle.


  1. Martin said the program was rapidly maturing,
    Except for all its faults, like the bum engine requires redesign.
    The program's development [is] on track to be finished in 2017, she said.
    No, F-35 development which started in 2001 is scheduled to end in 2019, not 2017, at the Milestone C production decision, Apr 2019, according to the SAR.

    Meanwhile they are illegally upping the production quantities which definitely should bring some jail-time. Even Martha Stewart wasn't that crooked.


    F-35B IOC on track for this summer? Who is going to eat his hat?

  3. no one. why? because for all that this summers IOC is worth they could declare it operational now. it means nothing. absolutely nothing. if you're into propaganda and if you're stupid then you think that its a great thing. the only thing it really does is what Amos intended. make it just a bit harder to kill. that's all.

  4. [Martin] said more than . . . 1,640 technicians had been trained to fly and service the jets.
    Technicians don't fly jets, so I guess she means just maintainers. Anyhow apparently Hewson didn't get the memo that this hasn't been enough. Even though the program is on track to train thousands of F-35 mechanics by the F-35A IOC in summer 2016, (USAF IOC Aug 2016 - Dec 2016 with 12 to 24 F-35As), it won't be enough to service a dozen or two Air Force jets, and so they have to get rid of the A-10. I figure about fifty maintainers per jet to service each plane's more than 300,000 parts and eight million lines of software.

  5. Being "on track" means don't put G forces, yaw and roll stresses on the plane all at the same time, and trust that Martin-Baker ejection seat, because the improperly designed engine might fly apart and catch fire. Just fly in a straight line, on track, and it will be "combat capable" except in a contested airspace.

  6. Lt. Col. Dave Grossman had a theory about why crew-manned systems were more effective at killing and not just because of the technology's increase lethality.

    The individual soldiers has certain inhibitions against violating the taboo of killing others. A rifleman feels the guilt of taking a human life because it was his shot that killed. In a crew-served weapon system, that guilt of violating the taboo is 'divided' amongst the crew. The AG says, I am just loading ammo. The MG says, I am just shooting because he is loading. The ammo-bearer says, I'm just providing ammo.

    A bomber flying over head can drop dozens of bombs on a city. The pilot says he's just flying, the bombardier says, I'm just targeting. The navigator says, I'm just navigating. The radioman says, I'm just the radio man. The tailgunner says, I'm just protecting the plane.

    The more crewmembers, the ability to insist that their "job" isn't killing anyone directly.

    Corporation divide the guilt. Those officer in the company divide the guilt amongst themselves in a Yuppie Nuremberg defense, "I was just doing my job and paying my mortgage". Nobody at LM feels accountable because while so many know the F35 is a failure, they were just "doing their job"


    Watch and listen from 1:30min ... applies here.

  8. Hey Solomon I this caught my eye while I was checking my emails figured it would be something you would be interested in. I know yahoo isn't the best source but it should be worth looking into.

  9. This is really amazing article. Regarding to navy. I am really surprise that you give such awesome info regarding to navy forces here.

  10. More and more, she has that "witness for the Federal Prosecutor" look. Hey kids, whomever talks first gets a deal from the Federal Prosecutor.


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