Friday, February 13, 2015

India's 5th Gen locally produced fighter...via LiveFist

Read about it here.

Is anyone surprised?  Every power in the Pacific is embarking on some type of 5th gen project.  Domestic production seems to be the new "hot thing"...we can expect this to extend to every component of every airplane, armored vehicle and warship.  The days of the West being able to embargo spare parts or deny weapon systems seems to be coming to an end.


  1. Well... I see "almost" F-35A. I'm wrong?

  2. Nothing surprising - their participation in PAK-FA is only for know-how transfer from Russia.
    They`ll buy as little as possible of it and then redirect the funds to this program.

    Not that it`ll be a rival to PAK-FA in terms of capability but they need to make those first baby-steps to crawl out of technological dependence.

  3. This would have great potential for medical patients, as well. People recovering from trauma injuries, chemotherapy, you name it. Could be an alternative to Boost and other 'geriatric' drinks that are really kind of undrinkable to many tastes (including mine). I'm guessing that for long shelf-life they use something like ultra-high temperature pasteurization. In Israel we used to buy UHT milk in a carton that just sat on a shelf for months in the stores or at home. Didn't need refrigeration until opened, and was pretty normal tasting.

  4. Milk for meat eaters! Unlike the granola milk on the shelf to its right....

  5. Sadly it will be the other way around. There is a very good reason why India is the largest weapon importer in the world. Every Politician and Bureaucrat in India relies on kickbacks from foreign imports. So much so that its their bread and butter, the gift that keeps on giving.

    Even when superior locally manufactured equipment is available, only a token order is placed for a relatively insignificant quantity whereas foreign equipment is ordered in bulk. We saw the same thing happen with the Hal HF-24 Marut, the Arjun Tank, the Hal Tejas , and in all likelihood the HAL AMCA (the pictured aircraft) as well.

    India is committed to purchase an initial order of 144 of the FGFA 2 seat variant of the PAK-FA (with the likely possibility of + 40 PAK-FA single seat as part of the initial order). This order is expected to grow to between 260 - 400 over the course of the lifetime of the aircraft. With that being said, I will eat my own hat if even half the number of AMCA to PAK-FA are ever produced!

  6. yeah i was thinking that. a couple of glasses of this and you almost have a meal in a drink. this is gonna be a big seller. they stumbled onto something and i wonder if they knew it before hand.

  7. yeah. dump that soy shit! this is gonna be great.

  8. There are only so many ways to shape an object to not reflect back radar waves.. all 5th generation aircraft resemble each other to an extent.

  9. Too bad they don't sell this kinda thing over here.

  10. Too late, this conflict involve whole Europe... if they want it or not.

  11. well its a coke brand so it'll probably get your way sooner rather than later.

  12. Utter nonsense. Since the 1980s Indian defence procurements have been scrutinised to a fault that has resulted in many cancelled deals and blacklisting of foreign companies when there is even the sniff of corruption allegations.

    The HAL LCA is going to be in service in both the IAF and IN in excess of 250 units, the Arjun tank has 248 units on order and this number will be expended to over 700 in time once the requisite infrastructure is in place to support a 60+ ton tank. It is going to take time for the IA to transition away from doctrines and infrastructure that go into operating medium weight Russian MBTs.

  13. How does the conflict involve all of Europe? It's in a small part of large Ukraine, on the Russian border.

  14. I'm betting they know exactly what they're doing - marketing and food-science wise. The old UHT milk had to be low-fat in order to lessen the likelihood of spoiling during long storage; so it was kind of thin like skim milk as I remember it. Making a long-life milk which is 'thick' in nutrients is a definite scientific move forward. I could not tell if it needs immediate refrigeration, or only after opening? mordechai (forgot that Disqus had me with a pen name)

  15. you're not missing a thing! just eat a sponge and you get the idea of the taste. no carb but boy is it nasty!

  16. Meh
    My protein is 22.5g of p in a 30g scoop and its diluted in 200ml of water
    A 400ml drink already nets me 45g of protein, ideally I want less per serving not more.

  17. Send peacekeepers to do what?
    Enforce a Ukrainian dominated government on a Russian ethnic minority?

    Would you send peacekeepers to disarm Israel and enforce Arab rule?

  18. Lactose "free" milk also has a longer shelf life than "regular" milk - tastes better to me too. But I wonder what kind of freaky engineering Coke did to the milk (cow's milk?) to make the specs.... I'd but it though - both soy and egg based supplements do me wrong, ahem....

  19. Because they can't get the same bribes from domestic suppliers?

  20. unearthing black money stashed in offshore banks is a never ending witch hunt in Indian Politics, one that never seems to find anyone.

  21. Yeah well, the West has already let itself become dependent on China for key spare parts. That ship sailed over a decade ago.

  22. Yes, because this is what Peacekeepers do... [facepalm]

    Do the UN forces on Golan are enforcing the Arab or Israel rule... tell me.

  23. Considering decade long delays on very basic 4 gen Tejas ,i think they can only do it with Russian help

  24. In hours till the agreed case fire there will be plenty of ordanance droped in Ukrainian forther inside the Debaltsevo pocket.

  25. Looking how India is "happy" for cooperation with Russia on PAK-FA... I don't think they will turn to them for plane design cooperation for some time.

  26. You are kidding right? A.K. Anthony the former def minister was the only one who was doing any blacklisting. Any whiff of a scandal would see blacklisting being thrown around, to the extent that all the losing bidder had to do to derail a tender was to submit an anonymous complaint. Despite this bribes and payouts were being made, such as the AW101 deal made by his own party, a deal made for 12 ultra luxury helicopters to ferry them and their cronies around.

    Its highly unlikely that the LCA will reach anywhere near 250 units. The Su 30 MKI production line will be retooled to produce the PAK-FA and the LCA production line will be retooled for the AMCA. I realize what the officials are saying, but do the math...

    The first lot of 40 MK 1 aircraft to be produced by 2020. AMCA expected first flight is 2018. Even if it doesn't go into production till 2030, and assuming LCA MK2 is being churned out at full capacity 16 per year from 2020-2030 thats still a ways short of 250. The actual figure will be much lower since production lines will need to be retooled for a couple of years till its ready to manufacture the AMCA (as evidenced by the time it took to retool the Jaguar line to the LCA). I will be pleasantly surprised if the LCA crosses the 150 mark.

    Production numbers have never been HAL's thing... Look at the Production numbers of the MKI (any pretty much any other fixed wing fast jet it ever made), they have been crawling along with "full production" since 2004, with most of the initial ones and some of the later ones being directly manufactured by Irkutsk and about the same number being semi knocked down and CDK kits supplied to HAL. Actual production numbers are appalling to say the least.

    HAL is not your average everyday aircraft manufacturer, it was an amazing company which did a lot of early work on aviation in India which was subsequently nationalized in an unfortunate socialist leaning period right after independence, and to this day the company continues to be run in the same state owned socialist fashion.

    Coming to the Arjun... The tank is basically a homage to the Panzer Tiger, it even sort of resembles one from the boxy turret front. It was proved to be vastly superior to the T-90 during the last round of trials, despite it having to pass higher requirements than the T-90 in almost all parameters being judged, and despite it being constantly sabotaged by the referees. Despite this 124 Mk 1 produced and 123 Mk 1 ordered, as opposed to over 2000 T-90 ordered. And the Arjun has been "In Service" since 2004 after full induction, there were already rail carriages, recovery vehicles and flat bed trailers made to support its weight. Are you really telling me you believe it takes 11 years to "transition away from the doctrines and infrastructure" ?

  27. so pretty...
    can almost forget that they are being fired in anger.

  28. You do realize only reason Minsk talks were held is to prevent colapse of ukrainan front line forces and with that possibly the junta in Kiev. No one would bother with peace talks if the rebels would be loosing the fight

  29. According to Israel UN peacekeepers do little but provide human shields for terrorists.

  30. But do they enforce Israel or Arab rule over Golan?

  31. If that would be the "only reason" there would be NO talks in Minsk. You really think that president Putin would fly all the way with his puppet terrorist from that region to save Ukrainians from collapse... please.

  32. Tell me how there would be peace talks if Rebels were loosing the fight.

  33. UHT means more glutamate per glass. That will hype you up, so don't drink it in the evening, or if you have anxiety issues.

  34. They are not wining it for now... "peace talks" are in action because Russia want them, not to save Ukrainians, again you really think that president Putin would spend whole night arguing with chancellor Merkel and president Holland because... he want to save Ukrainians? Really?

  35. Looks like Russians shoot in own feet again...

    In that toilet paper called the Minsk Accord... point 2. they agree that both sides will retreat artillery and rocket systems including Urugan, Smiercz, Toczka and... Tornado-S system that is exclusive used only by Russian Federation Armed Forces.

    Now how Russia will now deny that they send weapons to terrorists... when they just said they are?

  36. and the ethnic Russians in Ukraine will probably feel indebted to them for a long time... there is no light side or dark side (pardon the cliche star wars reference) in a shitty war like this, best to just not get involved.


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