Thursday, February 19, 2015

ISIS is acting on Islamic end of days prophecy?

A quick heads up.

On a newscast tonight a Middle Eastern reporter stated that ISIS is operating on an end of days prophecy spoke about in the Korhan.

Ordinarily I'd ignore her comments but she had an interesting take.

She believes that the game plan for the organization is laid out because of their beliefs.  Additionally (according to her) this prophecy means that ISIS' main effort will be in Syria with Damascus being the goal (didn't quite catch it all but it concerned Jesus and Imam Mahdi praying there) before heading on to Israel.

I did a Google search with the terms Damascus, Korhan and then again substituting Bible with it.

Both books mention it.

I believe in Jesus, but definitely don't understand how he allows the evil in the world or how he operates.  Why did I mention that?  Because more searching reveals that devout Christians are becoming quite alarmed by what is happening.

Long story short to this post?

Civilian and Military leaders need to reorient themselves on this ISIS threat. I will not provide my view on what civilian leadership needs to do.  They're too far gone, believe that they're right and will not alter course until its too late.  I've seen it too many times before.

As far as military leadership is concerned, I believe that this not an insurgency in the form that we've ever seen before.  Many point to the crusades but that is NOT what we're dealing with here.  At its core the crusades concerned reclaiming the holy land and filling coffers.

ISIS is seeking to spark a global world war (if my quick reading of the details of the Muslim end of days scenario is correct).  The problem?  If Syria is the main effort and Iraq is simply a distraction/diversionary fight, then teaming with IRAN and Russia to support the Assad regime against ISIS might be necessary.

This thing is a terrible mess.  I still say the best move is to pull out, let the sectarian warfare play out and avoid further entanglements.  But current US policy will not allow that.

This will get much worse before it gets better.

NOTE:  Forgive the lack of response to the comments on this one.  I've read everyone and this is a personally thought provoking topic.  This subject has me sitting back in my chair, adding bourbon to my coffee and grabbing multiple cans of Copenhagen.  Long story short....I need to chew on this one a bit more before I dig back into this subject.  We have never fought an enemy like this one and the personal, social, and military implications are profound...