Friday, February 27, 2015

Its time for the gun community to go underground.

via War is Boring.
I built a semi-automatic rifle in my kitchen. I’ll bet that’s one sentence you’d never thought you’d hear. Neither did I, until the day I decided to do it.
The job required drilling aluminum, and tiny shards and slivers of metal were going to fly everywhere. It’s not something you want to do over carpet, so I decided to do it in my kitchen.
Did it work? Hell yes, it did. After three hours of work with light tools, I had built the essential component of an AR-15 rifle. America has now reached a point where people can construct modern weapons in their kitchens.
Is this awesome, crazy—or both?
Time for some plain talk.

Its time for the gun community to go underground.

When "War is boring" and "Foxtrot Alpha"...two publications that are geared toward yuppies, urban dwellers and hipsters start talking about firearms then its spread too far and its time to try and stuff the genie back into the bottle.

I won't talk about firearms, prepping etc...anymore on this page.  If you're not into it then I'm done trying to convert and if you're an enemy of the movement then I'm not giving you ammunition to use against us.  Its time to circle the wagons.  


  1. Title "I built an AR-15 in my Kitchen" and then mentions at the end its an AR-10. More bothersome? I wonder if he understands the concept of a weapon also being a tool? Has he ever hunted Peasant or Deer? Thanks for bringing this article to my attention. Somehow I expected better from KM.

  2. As you said, this kinda image make me thinks what waits for us on the bottom of the sea.

  3. After a quick look on the site, I understand and agree with you.

  4. i don't know the guy but i get the impression of hipster rather than outdoorsman or warrior. i could be wrong but i would bet that his article will be on the reading list of barbra boxer.

  5. This is some more hype that in long run hurts gunowners as 'the man' wants to crack down on that. In reality people have been building complete firearms in sheds with common tools for 100+ years and things go beyond drilling couple of holes into whatewer material and proclaiming it lower reciever. Actualy AR 15 bulidng is not that much of a gunsmithing as it is assembling store bought parts.

  6. It would take a very large BBQ to cook that one! Yummy.

  7. i just don't know. mutant animals always taste funny. super size doesn't always make for the best flavor....i'd take a good look at that meat before i put it in the skillet.

  8. i know there has to be at least one animal out there that will make the entire world pause and say WTF!

  9. Catfish even if normaly not that large are are often mega sized and that doest mean they some mutated fish living on toxic wastedump.

  10. i see you've never hunted or farmed. mutant doesn't necessarily mean x-men or toxic waste. i was using it to mean a super sized animal. and i stand by my statement that curiously large animals if you kill and prepare the meat often taste funny. that's just a fact.

  11. Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite:

  12. You never take a good look at catfish meat. Ever. Just wash it down with lots of beer or a good Chardonnay.

  13. Wonder if anyone will want to go noodling after seeing this

  14. Agreed! The biggest danger to the gun community are things that gunowners do that seem dangerous to the rest of society.

    Every time a gunowner has an ND in public, it makes the arguments favor the anti gunners.

    Similarly with the images of open carry with ARs or AKs that makes posters comparing us to Afghanistan very easy.

    Putting together an clandestine weapon then advertising it on the internet falls in the same category of irresponsible stupidity.

    If we expect to keep our right for civilians to carry weapons, we have to maintain a civilized responsible image

  15. I certainly agree that idiocy like open-carrying an AR into a Starbucks is just handing fodder to gun ban advocates, but going underground isn't the answer. If people like Diane Feinstein are the only ones talking about guns, they control the narrative by default and a lie told often enough becomes the truth. Ceding public discussion of firearms to people who want them banned is not something that will end well.

    I think what we need to do is the opposite: talk about guns. Talk about guns openly and shamelessly. Let people know that normal, sane, responsible people own "evil-scary-black-assault-weapons-with-shoulder-things-that-go-up." Take non-shooters to the range. Adjust the signal-to-noise ratio between positive stories and the utter BS that the opposition spews in our favor.

    If we can demonstrate to the public the fact that everything Diane Feinstein says is an outrageous and slanderous lie concocted by a mind with no link to reality or knowledge regarding what it opines on, I think we can convince the public at large that we are not the threat we are accused of being.

  16. Here's the thing, with the internet and broadband access the genie is out of the bottle, not just on this subject but everything. The fact that anyone can access information (papers, studies, blogs, news, libraries, books) is rapidly changing the dynamic. We are quickly moving to an age where "knowledge of information" will no longer be good enough. To stay ahead one will have to have better reasoning skills, decision making, critical thinking, reasoning. It will be "knowing what to do with the information" that will matter.
    Our school systems for the last 125 yrs have been predicated on an industrial manufacturing principles where students "memorize" knowledge and take standardized tests. Most of the skills one will need to be successful in the 21st century (see above) are barely even taught, let alone tested for.

    Anyway, back to the open carry guys. These people are fools. Why do you want to flaunt things in front of other people? It's stupid. Be prepared, yes. But be silent and be vigilant.

    By the way if you think a guy drilling out 80% lowers is an issue. 3D printing tech is going to throw everything on it's ass. Imagine an era where high quality parts of just about anything can be made, just by inputing a software file to the 3D printer in your house or nearby machine shop.

  17. This is what I used to mention over 10 years ago and everybody thought I was fucking nuts.

    You cannot un-invent technology, particularly manufacturing technology. This is why, if you are opposed to private ownership of guns, you are better off reconciling your differences with pro-gunners and personal aversion to firearms, recognizing that that the horse cannot be spooked back into the barn.

    There is no stuffing the genie back in though. :) we, as in the gun side, have successfully waged many battles to reclaim back our rights, particularly, with self-defense law, concealed carry, and the two recent supreme court rulings.

  18. Yup, If liberals want to talk openly about Sex then I am sure freedom of speech can be extended to open direct and logical talk and views about Firearms.

  19. True about 3D printing or should we say "Personal/Home Fabrication Devices". I am waiting for the time some Garage Scientist or engineer comes up with a Ferrari made out of 3D printing. Or at least a high performance engine block all in his garage with his Fabrication Device.

    The last time I checked, 3D printing was mostly relegated to Plastics and polymers. Has Metal fabrication started in this tech.?

  20. The article correctly notes that long guns are used in very few crimes. As a whole, most of the 300 million people in the United States are not determined to kill their neighbors. In contrast, the Black Flag Toyota gang will happily use any weapon they can get their hands on to do nasty things to other humans.


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