Thursday, February 05, 2015

Navy Matters Blog take on the Next Gen Fighter.

Have you noticed how enthusiastic the CNO seems to be when talking about the next gen fighter vs his talks about the F-35?

In my opinion the US Navy is looking past that plane to whats next.  Regardless Navy Matters has a great take on the issue and you can read it here.


  1. 6th gen has been planned to happen for decade.
    Why is this even news? X-planes take like 30 years to become production fighters, it'd be bigger news if they WEREN'T already designing a successor.

    1. its news because the Pentagon's Chief Acquisitions Officer raised the issue. its news because the CNO keeps talking about i. its news because its news. you can debate it but you can't deny it.

    2. And to really rub it in..,

      Eldererr, hey look! Canards!


      Told ya.

  2. Nice looking concept, some ordinary concept art or some actual company idea?

    1. not really sure. it does look good though.

    2. Looks like a modified J-20 to me.

    3. yeah but form follows function. you see it all the time in IFVs, and you definitely see it in the low observable fighters....especially all the concepts.

    4. All of the actual released concepts so far have been variants of vertically tail-less clipped delta/diamond designs. It certainly seems like all three potential primes are looking to ditch the vertical stabilizers in the designs. Boeing latest concept art even goes with engine over fuselage instead of under.

    5. Well, tailless was an old concept, they were working on the MANTA F-22 before the budget shortfall bit hard.

      For those that were not around then, MANTA was "Multi-Axis, No Tail Aircraft". Multi-Axis was I think using vents to direct thrust to control the plane rather than control surfaces.

  3. LouG beat me to it, looks like a J20, inlets are different. Funny though how everyone seemed to make fun of Chinese putting forward canards, saying that's not stealthy but it's ok when US does it.;)

    1. Is it just me or are those non-TVC nozzles too? To be honest, I actually had a double take before I realised it wasn't the J-20.

  4. Isn't that picture the KAI KF-X? As in ROKAF?

    1. That's a speculative CGI of what J-20 (then known as J-XX) was meant to look like. I remember seeing this one and many similar others from the mid to late 2000s. A lot of them came quite close to the real thing, as it turned out.

      Kind of funny that it's being used as the image for a post about 6th generation fighters...

    2. not really funny at all.

      do a simple Google search for 6th gen fighters and this was one of the lot that i picked out. no one knows what a 6th gen will actually be so its as fair a representation as any other.

    3. Does this mean that the US is going to have 2 "6th generation" programs going on at the same time?

      And damn LM for starting this "generation" stupidity. It's all marketing that people swallowed whole.

      What is worrying is that the US only has one last chance to maintain air tech superiority, if this program fails to deliver, Russia and China is very likely to get parity.


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