Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Open Thread. What is your solution to the ISIS problem?

This thread is inspired by William and Meint...they are of the mind that there is nothing that can be done and that patience and understanding are needed to deal with the issue (paraphrasing their intent...I could easily be wrong).

I disagree vehemently.  I'm tired of the waste of blood and treasure.  Especially the lives of Soldiers and Marines in that God forsaken region.  I will be clear.  The people of that region have not shown themselves to be worthy of our sacrifice.  As a matter of fact, the more we give, the more they demand.  In my mind its time to break that dependency.  The first step is to either nuke the region or step away and let them deal with their homegrown problems.

But that's me.  What do you think is the solution to the ISIS problem? 


  1. One way to deal with ISIS, is to conduct a Special ops, COIN war and unleash every special ops team, Sniper team. Hunt ISIS to extinction. I would buy COIN Aircraft such as the A-29 Super Tucano to support special ops teams.

  2. you do realize that SOCOM isn't light anymore and that they require a tremendous amount of support from "regular" units. you do know that the way the US conducts COIN operations is similar to the ink blot or village strategy of the Vietnam war by putting small units of infantry throughout the countryside to help pacify the country.

    so i say no to that. no more US lives need to be risked there. but again. that's just me. but lets say that you carry the day and that strategy is followed.

    when that SOCOM operator comes home in a body bag, what will you tell his widow and mothers and father? what will you tell them that he died for? and you better be honest because people that are grieving have super human senses and will know when you're lying. so what will you tell them?

  3. Unleash the PMC's...

    You can't win this from air (you can of course nuke the fuckers but that is no go for the ONZ or the world) some bomb here and there is not enough. My idea?

    First, deal with Kurds. You will get your own country in more or less borders you are if you will hold the ISIS of and hunt them. Iraq would be angry.. well fuck them, they are unable to even protect own land so they will pay with it for privilege to be a country.

    Second, create a blockade in that region. No fucking "tourists" or other idiots who go there and then we see them beheaded or worst. Full bloody blackout.

    Third, unleash the PMC's. Give them a single goal, eliminate the ISIS not for TV but physically eliminate them, kill them to the last of it, hunt like rabid animals. Do this in the most terrible for their religion way. Don't grab land, mobile hunter killer teams... find enemy, kill enemy, move, repeat. Give them full intel support, create couple of save heavens where they will resupply and rest.

    You see an fuckers checkpoint? Send a daisy cutter and the HK team to clean up what will left, no prisoners... only a dead.

    In perfect solution I would use an drone pacification units to sterilize area, but we are not in to this tech for now... for now.

  4. Complete do over of the region.
    1. Kurds get Kurdistan. Make Turkey live with it.
    2. Remove the Saudi Royal Family and seize their assets. Secure the oil, ignore the cities.
    3. Remove the Iraqi Government, they are useless.
    Here is where we get radical.
    4. Sign the same defense deal with Israel as we have with South Korea and Taiwan, including nuclear weapons.
    5. Stop thinking Iran is our enemy. We make it clear they get glassed if they screw with Israel. But besides the Kurds they are doing a lot the fighting against ISIS, especially through their proxies. Shia are not the problem, the Sunnis are the problem.
    5. Iran is authorized to annex as much of southern Iraq as they want and are willing to fight for.
    6. The King of Jordan is a waste of talent in his current job. He's Mohammad's heir and all he's got is Jordan? ISIS wants a Sunni Arab Islamic State? We give them one under the King of Jordan. We merge Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia and we give him the Saudi bank accounts to rebuild.
    7. Turkey and Egypt serve as the ground force to secure the new Kingdom.


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