Friday, February 06, 2015

Quote of the day.

...[ISIS] screwed with the wrong King. He's gonna light 'em up. He's going to -- knowing him and the way he thinks and operates -- it is going to be a take no prisoners approach, and all ISIS has done is put the king in a better position to use his power to go after him.  Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe Television Show. 
You can watch the round table discussion here.

Don't you wish that could be said of the US President after the first American was beheaded?  The United States isn't weak.  It's leader is, but our nation isn't.


  1. I think king live by the rule "A true leader does not say - forward, but follow me!"... I can respect that.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Sol' can you ban already this motherfucker?

    3. consider it done Shas. i keep waivering between just smashing everything they write because of past misdeeds to giving these people a chance. funny thing is that when they're given a chance they revert to former stupidity.

      it was a moment of weakness but i'm better now. fuck them all.

    4. Thank you, you give him a clear warning couple of days ago, very clear. And the next day he did the same thing... enough is enough.

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    1. Red Eagle, if you have nothing to add to the discussions....leave the blog.

      Sol has nothing to prove to anyone, let alone the internet troll likes of you.

    2. This is as good a place as any to say this: Not only has Sol made a very interesting blog, he also allows a good discussion in which not everyone needs to agree or agree with him. That deserves respect!

      Insults and personal assaults do not.

  3. I fear that is not even a politician in Washington right now that has the balls to do what needs to be done about ISIS. Too worried about saving political face to actually do their jobs.

  4. It'll be interesting to see how long the support lasts.
    Given the Jordanians are trained for Sovietesque mass fire blitz any sort of ISIS resistance will see the town they are fighting from flattened. Essentially what Assad was doing till his heavy gear ran out, will we keep supplying Jordan when the civillian death toll starts to mount?

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  7. heh, Solomon might not be able to drop a nuke on the Mid east but he surely nuked Buntmiester here. There is a mushroom cloud somewhere in Indonesia after this.

    1. is that his country? and he dares to point fingers at any other nation on this earth and he's from Indonesia? oh he definitely doesn't want someone to list the problems that country is having to deal with! wow. just plain fucking wow.

    2. Indonesia is the more commonly agreed country by other posters including myself here.....he did say that he was in a "Muslim Majority" country.....Thats Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. Hecate traced his IP address to Indonesia I think.


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