Saturday, February 14, 2015

Russia sent 110 Tanks to the Seps...

Russia reinforced rebels with 110 armored vehicles during marathon peace talks in Minsk, says spokesman


  1. If liberals aren't bad enough, Hipster "trend setter" liberals are the Worst. Like the one who wrote ""If your guy doesn't take you to see this movie then you need to break up with him"!

  2. Is it me or is anyone else experiencing this blogs Grey diagonal lined background go White?

  3. So, its either a Newsweek reporter stood on the border and did a count, or yet another number US media pulled out of their asses. Nothing to see, move along.

  4. Shame for all those satelites that could have made nice pictures of now 650 russian tanks

  5. Ukraine is going to learn the hardway that Germany and France have no balls and all this talk of diplomacy is nothing but rhetoric and PR. Merkel and Hollande might actually buy into it, it is just Western bs. And if NATO has pussies like Germany and France as members, then NATO is a paper tiger and Russian knows we cannot stop them.

    The only thing we have is economic leverage and Russia is still fucking with Ukraine.

  6. Russians wouldn't ''meddle'' in Ukraine if US left it alone and not tried on of its regime change 101 experiments

  7. your background Sol. Its always Grey in colour and black diagonal lines. It is appearing in white colour instead of grey colour at least on my browser.

  8. Here's an alternative. Tie her up to the bed and have your way with her in the most objectifying manner you can imagine, and tell her that you were "inspired" by 50 Shades of Grey. If she doesn't like it, well then clearly the movie shouldn't be doing anything for her.

  9. Pretty much sums up my thoughts of "VJ" day as well ..... on chocolate and money.

  10. anyagreement signed with the Russians is not worth the paper it's written on

  11. Great then I guess this means sadomasochism is now "mainstreamed" now eh?

    The writing of that book. Terrible. I couldn't even get halfway through it. I've seen better "fan fiction" ( fiction ;) than that.

  12. Speaking of armament delivery, have you seen the deal the French are to sign tomorow with the Egyptians ? 24 Rafale planes (3 to be delivered ASAP, straight from the batch currently being built for France), 1 FREMM frigate, originaly for the French fleet and undergoing acceptance tests but being sent to Egypt instead in order to be availlable for the opening ceremony of the enlarged Suez canal later this year ( and 2 Gowind 2500 corvettes (which I understand to be in supplement to the 4 already ordered, so it would be the two options that had been discussed earlier.

  13. We are going to indoor firing range once the roads are passable..going to show her how to fire a M-4. She said it the book was crap.

  14. Good excuse.. we invade and kill Ukrainians because USA.

    How it is possible that everything is always fault of US and never it was an decision of Ukrainians. Like the idea that Ukrainians themselves had enough of corruption of shit state of own country and try to change that is unthinkable.

    With the same ideology... the Germans create Soviet Union, how many Russian will agree with that?

  15. Oh most women will like that, even if most would deny it

  16. There should be flowers in that equation somewhere also...

  17. Most women will think they like it, but confronting the reality of being truly helpless and at someone's mercy is generally a bit more terrifying than the fantasy. Heck, many women have rape fantasies, but it is always "he loves me so much, and I turn him on so hard, that he just can't control himself!" type fantasies, not the bleeding, bruising, violent violation of their body type rape, although there are a few in the latter category as well.


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