Thursday, February 05, 2015

Ukrainian News. Separatist armor is taking a tremendous beating.

Major hat tip to George for the link!

The separatist are taking a beating if this video is to be believed. I'm still lost in the woods on this one and have no idea where this thing will go. We live in very interesting times. Historians will have a field day with the current President's well as that of the EU. SIDENOTE:  Is there a Russian speaker in the house that can give us a basic rundown (don't need word for word) of whats being said in the video?


  1. Well... they take a beating, solid ones. Dude with camera say something about that those are T-72 from Russia(?) or Russian made not captured T-64... or T-64 crack them... aahhhh frak it, my Russian is way to rust to even try to get some sense from it. Need to wait for some actual speaker.

  2. Hey Sol off topic, but in Texas they put a New Black Panther leader through some use of force training.

    In one training scenario, a man carrying an infant lunged at Quanell with a knife. When a KHOU reporter asked Quanell when he saw the knife, he answered, "To be honest with you, I never saw the knife. I never saw the knife, but I saw him come out of his pocket with something like this. If he would have pulled a lollipop out of his pocket, the same way he just did, I still would have used force to stop him and then somebody could have said well all he had was a lollipop, but you don't know when it's happening so fast like that."

    1. well they're onto something with this type training. its better than setting up police review boards and all that nonsense .... it will help explain why police use the force they do.

      i don't think it will kill all questions, such as the "hold" that was used in New York. i contend it was a choke hold you say it was a properly applied LVNR. but its a huge step in the right direction.

    2. My main reasoning in the choke hold was the guy was talking. I don't think he tried the vascular restraint. For me in that situation I know that if I can keep his head under control than I may be able to control him. Well other than I'm not big enough to control a guy that probably out weighs me by double.
      I has a Sgt that retires a long time ago that said when they first used pepper spray and someone died they blamed it on the spray. Then they uses their old mag lights to hit people instead of the old wooden baton, because you didn't have to hit someone so many times to gain compliance until someone died and now theirs a multi million to billion dollar industry trying to make a product that works as well as a 30.00 maglite with some d cells in it. It comes down to perception over reality.

      Oh Ferguson is pushing something called "the Alternative" on their officers. It's going to get more people accidentally killed than anything else out there.

  3. many videos of destroyed ukraine check points, dead ukrops, destroyed tanks , and all gory details of the total destruction of ukraine military all around the contested cauldron.. and yet you put this Ukraine fake propaganda video as usual, without considering how ukraine keep lying about everything especially in the combat, if you want more info , go read this one , it is more updated and factual :

    and dont trust news from polish sources, they are nothing but extension of ukraine gov propaganda..

    1. you can say many things but you can't say that i've taken a side in this conflict. you are truly a piece of work if you're trying to indicate that i have. you keep dancing on the line you extremist piece of SHIITE. watch yourself or find a new home.

    2. lol... Sol' did not used for now any Polish sources for his posts about Ukraine and he need to be dick and just need to put his fuck about it again... what a sorry excuse for a human being.

  4. look at the destroyed ukrop APC with slat armour and garish decoration...

  5. Latest map , as of 5 feb 2015 , see how the ukrop unit got surrounded in ever smaller circle.. 6000+ ukrop on that small cauldron.. it will be another bloodbath for the ukrops.. The rebels shot down 2 ukrainian SU27 and 1 Ukrainian UAV , and used their own SU25 to demolish ukrop reinforcement column..

    1. Where you get this info? How do you know this is the truth?

    2. dude has no idea. he's simply giving links that info-infantrie has already given. he's copying info's work and trying to claim it as his own. those links are a reference point and like i said earlier and continue to say. we don't know what's what and who's who in this conflict. all sources are suspect and we need to take them all with a grain of truth.

      that bastard just wants another cause to rally for when there is no drama.

    3. He is always bashing something you post here , always... I just don't understand why he do this.

    4. and i never once claim it is my own creation. only you seem foolish enough to put out ukraine based sources without balancing it with the other side , sites like col cassad which is chock full of info on NAF. I guess you cant be objective in this.. as shown by your american exceptionalism beliefs..

  6. sol you keep showing the combat from ukraine sources who lied in the past and you dont show the massive video and photo of destroyed ukraine units in this offfensive ..

    i think it is obvious you are propagating the ukraine / western narrative in this blog. No sane person would put information from ukraine sources unless they are intentionally supporting western media narrative

    1. no you ignorant bastard, i've put it up from all sources that i can find. you're just being a little sniveling bitch to say otherwise. the only thing obvious is your attempts to piss me off. congratulations. you're succeeding.

  7. Ukraine SITREP: *Extremely* dangerous situation in Debaltsevo
    The Novorussian and the junta have agreed to a cease-fire to allow the civilian population to leave Debaltsevo. In theory, each civilian will get to chose whether he/she wants to be evacuated to Novorussia or to the Nazi-occupied Ukraine. The convoy of refugees will be escorted by senior OSCE officials. Both sides to the conflict have pledged not to open fire during the time needed for this operation. Now consider this:

    1) The only thing protecting the junta forces are, precisely, these civilians. If these civilians leave, then Debaltsevo will turn into Saur Mogila. Until now, the Novorussians have advanced rather slowly precisely because they could not use the full power of their artillery to soften up the well dug-in junta forces. But thanks to the Voentorg, the Novorussians now have plenty of firepower now and if they decide to really open up upon the junta forces the latter will suffer the same devastating consequences as their (now dead) colleagues in Saur Mogila. Everybody understands that.

    2) Tonight the junta has used white phosphorus again, and in the recent days they have used both ballistic missiles and cluster munitions. Why this sudden concern with the Debaltsevo civilians (whom the Nazis consider as "bugs" anyway)? Does anybody really believe that the Nazi freaks in Kiev care for Novorussian civilians?!

    3) Kerry, Hollande and Merkel were in Kiev today. The latter two will be in Moscow tomorrow. In Germany, the Munich Security Conference is meeting. NATO is still claiming that "hundreds and hundreds" of Russian Federation soldiers are operating in Novorussia. While some US officials speak of sending "lethal aid" to the junta, others seem to oppose it.

    1. Fool wants to play armchair general. lol

    2. He is a prorussian idiot/troll, just leave him alone.

    3. yeah but he irks me to no end. i've been stating for all to hear that i don't know whats going on with the fighting and have no visibility on the causes of it. for this asshat to try and paint me as favoring one side over the other is so far from the truth it reeks!

      i could easily turn this into a pro-this or that blog but i haven't and don't intend to. i will continue to point out how i view this as the most important combat happening on the planet but people like Bunt just can't seem to wrap their heads around it.

    4. "NATO is still claiming that "hundreds and hundreds" of Russian Federation soldiers are operating in Novorussia."
      - I suppose general Muzhenko, who said last week that "we are not engaged with regular russian units, only some volunteered individuals", and who is Ukrainian armed forces chief of staff is not as competent as NATO bureaucrats who sitting in comfy offices in Brussels.
      "have advanced rather slowly"
      - Rebels doesn't have any significant reserves for any advance. The derbalcevo cauldron would be next Donetsk airport-like fight. Incompetent Ukrainian ATO command would drop more men in meat grinder, guys would die only for a creativist-class could make patriotic/silly tweets or blog posts, about cyborgs courage, while their hiding from mobilisation in hostels or inns in russia, romania or poland.

  8. @Is there a Russian speaker in the house that can give us a basic rundown @

    I’m the main Russian speaker here! Bggg
    So this is an Ukrainian soldier. He stressed that all burned tanks he filmed – were the Rebels’ tanks. One of the tank with dead crew inside. The soldier said – it is position of Ukrainian troops near Debal’tcevo. At the and of the footage he pointed out his SPG-9 and said that far away (“you can’t see from here”) is the Rebels’ tank, burned with the soldier personally.

    It looks to be results of the Rebels’ failed tank attack without infantry support, I was recently told about by on rebel. Shit happens. And each war is complete shit.

    The Rebels try to act as a real army with heavy armored attacks operations. And now they pay for their mistakes with blood.

    Below are several examples of shit for Ukrainians.

    1. It looks to be results of the Rebels’ failed tank attack without infantry support, I was recently told about by on rebel. Shit happens. And each war is complete shit.

      This doesn't make any sense. If the "rebels" are indeed active members of the Russian armed forces, shouldn't they be trained to use their tanks in a combined effort? This is beginning to look like a replay of Chechniya.

    2. Because they are civilians, miners mostly and their commanders doesn't have military education or any significant combat experience. I doubt that modern day junior russian officers or NCOs can operate garbage like T-64.

    3. For a mostly "civilians" as you say... they operate a large number of rather sophisticated weapons systems. Including rather effective using an artillery systems, especially highly inaccurate BM-21 with great effect.

    4. Mark Kram
      @If the "rebels" are indeed active members of the Russian armed forces@
      Just the next proof of absence RF’s army here as a system.

      @a replay of Chechniya@

      I beg to recall – it was two Chechenian campaign. And the second one was completely successful – in terms of tanks’ usage as well. And it was Georgia 2008, where Russian tanks were used in decent way.

    5. @Just the next proof of absence RF’s army here as a system.

      You play with words info'... if there is a single Spetsnaz team there or single operators team for more advance systems (and we know that there are some really high tech systems there) then RF army is there. Just to... test the equipment in the field.

    6. "For a mostly "civilians" as you say... they operate a large number of rather sophisticated weapons systems. Including rather effective using an artillery systems, especially highly inaccurate BM-21 with great effect."
      Russians taught them to operate even their last types of UAVs like orlan. Bm-21 not that sophisticated. Artillery recon and fire control is more problematic.

    7. No to mention operate tanks, Goździk mobile howitzers or UAV jamming systems as OSCE drones did "notice"... for that you need a specialists, highly trained specialists.

    8. "for that you need a specialists, highly trained specialists"
      You just over rate complexity of russian gear.

    9. I did use the Russian gear, I ride the Russian gear, I shoot from Russian gear... but I would have no idea what to do to proper calculate artillery salvo according the map. And that is the basic thing.

      Russian equipment have the myth of being "simple that even the non trained peasant would master it after the day of training" is one big bullshit... the more complicated task the more training and practice you need. Jamming the highly encrypted link between military grade UAV is not a thing kid with smartphone will do... you need a highly sophisticated system, well trained team. The same with artillery, shooting beyond visual range and HITTING the target is hard thing. I don't ever rate it... I don't under rate it. This is not a stick with instruction "take it, find the enemy, hit him with it".

    10. they still can have skill to operate heavy equipment from their conscription duty years. As for UAVs units (one coy) they fully manned with miners. I see this in person. Last russian officer leave them in december.
      the EW units is a mystery to me as i never heard of any significant with them.

    11. "Someone" constant jam the signal of OSCE drones (not to mention seppos shoot at them at sight) and they are forced to turn back to base in automatic mode. All the time... so there must be at least one specialists EW unit there.

      Operating is one thing, providing accurate artillery fire from number of guns and rocket launchers beyond visual range is other.

  9. I have no doubt there are Spetsnaz teams running around 24/7 but that s not the same as 9000 regular Russian army soldiers and 500 tanks a lie that has been spread in the media on words of Ukrainian president.

  10. one thing that can be said of war, the first casualty is always the truth....on all sides


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