Saturday, February 07, 2015

Speer G2 Gold Dot totally underperforms...

If you're not into TNT Outdoors 9 then you're missing out.  The guy takes the time to do real world test with production ammo.

After seeing this I'll still roll with my Hornady Critical Defense.


  1. Great post. Love 9mm but 147gr bullets never got my fancy. I don't use a silencer so that subsonic effect is not needed. I see the use for silenced H&K sub guns (never fired those), so I see its place. I would pick something lighter with much more expansion a summer gun. If it is winter, the chances of getting the benefit of a hollowpoint are very limited (winter cloths)... which if I am going to fire a hand gun bullet with (honestly not all that many foot-pounds) and I know it isn't going to expand, I will take a .45 ACP (TMJ?). In both cases I know I have a hand gun and the goal is to get the hell out of there and hope to get hands on something with more power. Would have been cool if he fired a 147grn TMJ bullet and compare the wound effect.

    1. i'm not so sure that thinking still applies. its widely held but i just don't think its right anymore. even though this bullet failed in test the Speer Gold Dot and the Critical Defense both have "mechanisms" to still expand even if passing through heavy clothing.

      alot of people have summer and winter time pistols and loads. i guess i'm satisfied with my choice in any climate. i rock my Glock 26 appendix style, with 10 round mag loaded, and a G19 mag as backup.. i have a 33 round glock mag in the truck so i should be able to handle most sticky situations in the bad part of town.

    2. I can say there was an agency close by that had an shooting with the 124 +p gold dot during winter and the guys that were skeptical about its preformance were ready to trade in their 40s for a 9. The normal gold dots,hst, and Hornady are just reliable in their preformance. Don't forget if you want more power behind these three good bullets TN has videos of him testing the Underwood ammo

  2. Sol, are you a 9mm or .45 guy? Whenever you post up stuff for handguns it's usually 9mm.

    1. pure 9. my worry is never about a single attacker, its the multiple attack scenario that worries me. with a 9mm you're able to fire off enough rounds (especially if you use the lower T method) to down two attackers before you can ensure that one is down with a 45. at least in the little drills that I've run. additionally the 45's i've seen that are small enough for consistent concealed carry have control issues that just make me wonder how subcompact 45's get sales.

      even the FBI has gone back to 9mm after playing with 10mm and 40cal rounds.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I carry RBCD ammo in my .38 and 9mm. I hope I am right in my choice of ammo. Lol

    1. so you like the hyper velocity stuff huh? i hope your handgun is rated for +P+ or else you could suffer a catastrophic malfunction at the worst time possible. i've heard of RBCD and i know they're famous for that fast almost super fast velocities.

      hey're also drawing a bit of heat from the gun community on their claims.

      i just don't know (to make a long story short)....if it works for you then awesome ...but i will tell you that most defense trainers recommend standard, brand name ammo when it comes to concealed carry. something about liability.

    2. I was a fan of Jim Cirillo. He turned me on to it years ago.

  4. I just use PDX1 147 grain 9mm. No overpressure stuff as it is not needed IMO.


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