Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The next Chinese Navy shock. The 055A "Burke-inese"

Two years.

That's when this ship is expected to enter production.  Between 2018 and 2020.  When they reach critical mass with this Burke-killer, that is when the US Navy will be credibly challenged at sea.

This will be the next Chinese Navy shock.  It'll be an even bigger worry point than the J-20.


  1. Uuuuu... mesa want one! Nice looking concept... the bow is too heavy and it will be the nightmare to swim that in bigger waves but still... nice looking.

  2. > J-20 triggering worry

    Good joke.

    They can mimick Wester shipbuilding. What they cant do is actually exploit their weapons the way US and West does.

    The Chinese were requesting a port visit from a Nimitz just this last
    year with an aim towards building relations to bilateral naval aviation
    training. They're, shall we say, less than impressed in the level of
    training they're receiving from the Brazilian naval pilot instructors
    they have right now. At the same time, they're hyping the shit out of
    their "carrier killer" weapons. Silly Chicoms.

    "Train us!"
    "Fuck a you, American Pig Dogs!"
    Damn, China, make up your mind.
    The request came just three weeks after they lost two planes and two
    pilots in training ops on their carrier. Sue me for seeing a

  3. you make good points but you forgot one thing.

    they have willing fools in the US State Dept and Pentagon that want outreach so bad that they will crawl a mile over broken glass to kiss chinese ass. as far as mimicking western shipbuilding i disagree. they in fact are superior ship builders, where they are lacking is in weapons integration. but they're catching up rapidly with a combination of theft, and outright willingness to use brute force against possible targets. where we will expend one missile to kill a target they will send 100. that will overwhelm our defenses and you should check out the mythical load out of ships in service even today.

  4. Any advances in Chinese Naval ships is a worry in regards to power projection.

    The big mistake the USN is making right now is with the LCS. Lot of money going into a junk platform with no hitting power. If the US invested in a Iver Huitfeldt like design (could be their own) they would have mass numbers of hard hitting frigates to work with Burkes. No navy would be able to counter them.

  5. This thing looks bigger then Burke et. all. In fact it looks cruiser size.

    The Chines economy isn't what it used to be, I wonder how many of these they can afford to build and sail.

  6. My favorite Star Trek ship will always be the Klingon Bird of Prey. The first time it appeared in The Search for Spock it looked scary as hell when I saw it as a kid. Second would have to be the USS Reliant just because it looked badass kicking the USS Enterprise's ass in Wrath of Khan. After that I would have to say the Sovereign-Class USS Enterprise-E is next.

    Overall, I still can't decide if I like Star Wars or Star Trek more.

  7. no need to choose. i like them both. agreed on the Klingon but i like the D7 best of all. no way in hell the Enterprise could keep pace with a dedicated klingon warship like the D7 but well you know....Star Trek.

    but back to the Star Wars vs. Star Trek debate. the Federation wouldn't be able to hang but add in the Klingons, Cardassians, Borg, Species 8472 and the Romulans and the Star Wars universe would be dead as dirt.

  8. The Borg alone could probably dominate the Star Wars universe. Species 8472 could do it as well. The movie Star Trek First contact also gave me nightmares as a kid.

    Did you ever play Star Trek Starfleet Command by any chance? The D7C was a nightmare to go up against. Maneuverability and heavy firepower mixed with a well armored hull. It was way OP.

  9. I counted only 94 VLS cells based on fanboy art you posted here: 30 cells at
    front deck, 64 more at aft section.

    The hull design is definitely more advanced/modern looking than
    Burke, with stealthy mast/sensor tower and rcs reducing shaped superstructure
    above baseline.

  10. that's more cells than the Type 45 and the Chinese use quad cells now. so for each cell you might be looking at 4 missiles per instead one per. that puts it squarely in the Burke class and more powerful than the Type 45.

  11. They still grow over 7% annually.
    And more importantly, their industrial base is still expanding while climbing
    up quickly on the value chain. Excluding a complete economic collapse, I
    just don’t see any slow down with their military buildup. The communist leadership
    is more determined ever to catch up and dethrone the US in the military realm.

  12. We built this giant destroyer
    - cruiser Zumwalt, with only 80 VLS cells on board. What a waste of money. If the navy went with the conventional
    VLS layout instead of some fancy new trick, 128 cells are cake walk.

  13. Even a powerful frigate sized combatant is no match against giant like this chicom beast. What we really need is a new cruiser, not half-heart Burke III. Burke is a fine warship but clearly showing her age, the margin of advantage is shrinking faster.

  14. http://gazette.com/fort-carson-brigade-headed-to-kuwait-for-possible-showdown-with-isis/article/1546240

  15. And not a single AA system... really, land brigade that will "live or die" is chained to USAF?

    Btw: for something for Blast from the Past, you recognize this cutey Sol' ?



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