Friday, February 13, 2015

The story of two Austrian teenage girls...I can't be sympathetic...

via RT
Two Austrian teenage girls who ran away to Syria to join Islamic State fighters are beginning to regret their decision. Security service insiders told Austrian media that the girls have managed to contact families and one wants to go home.
The pair left home to join Islamic State (also known as ISIS, or ISIL) in April. Little information was immediately known, aside from that one had been 16 and one 14 at the time of their departure. Both reportedly married Chechen fighters after their arrival in Syria and became pregnant.

Samra Kesinovic and her friend, Sabina Selimovic, are children of Bosnian migrants, but grew up in Vienna. On their departure from Austria, they left a note, telling their parents: “Don’t look for us. We will serve Allah – and we will die for him.”

Since their departure, pictures have emerged online of the pair brandishing Kalashnikov rifles and wearing the full niqab.

However, Austrian police have claimed that their social media accounts were overtaken and manipulated by IS.

“It is clear that whoever is operating their pages, it probably is not the girls, and that they are being used for propaganda,” a security expert told the Austrian Times.
There is a "teenage" mistake and then there is complete and utter lunacy.  This is craziness in a handbag and I can't muster up an ounce of sympathy.

Am I wrong?


  1. They screwed up and if Australia wants them back, they need to think long and hard

  2. I read Australia the first time as well. :D

  3. I just don't get this thing. People leave a good life in a good country to fight for a fucked up cause.

  4. worse.. probably being passed around... those animals seem to be doing it with every other girl/woman there.

  5. To die for Allah is the greatest victory a Muslim can achieve. It doesn't even matter if they completely screw up and die without getting a shot off, its still a victory and they are still a Martyr.

    Its pretty much the Christianity from the dark ages, god's priests are all powerful, god will smite ye if don't follow the rules, god wants you to kill heathens, do as god says and you will be eternal rewarded.

    I understand that not all of them are like this and some of them even adopt the host countries culture, but there are enough of the religious zealots around to cause nightmares for us all.

  6. They made their bed and now they need to own it

  7. There was a Dutch girl who went to Syria for the same reason, who got regrets and was helped to return by her mother who went over to Turkey to retrieve her. She was locked up over here after her return.

    I see a large upside to retrieving these idiots. There is no better way to discourage others from going then to use these people to show what they get themselves in to.

  8. i disagree. if you leave to join ISIS then you should immediately forfeit your citizenship, your passport should be flagged and you should NOT be allowed to re-enter the country. if you do then you should immediately be imprisoned for terrorism for not less than 20 years. if you showed up on a propaganda video or worse were shown to have killed someone then you should be sentenced to life in prison for either murder or aiding the enemy.

  9. Hey they even have a fatwa and name for that. "Sexual Jihad"

    Sad they look like at one time at least they were good girls with potential. But no their citizenship should have been revoked when the left and Austria has no obligation to them.

    Just remember when the pansies quote their statistics of how many women and children are killed in our air strikes, this is the women and their born indoctrinated children are the future jihadis.

  10. Stop-loss was kind of like this. OK maybe not.

  11. Why the hell did I have so much trouble getting a date back in high school again? Geez

  12. A lot of them are underage , i remember the stats about 189 french foreign fighters, 80% of them came from middle/high catholic class, what is worst is that 50% were from teachers family. Who should get punished, but not so much punished but get public disgrace(so other learns from their error) is how they have educated their sons/daughters.

  13. It is is nihilism, for this reason Hollande is planning to introduce a new obligatory civil service, plus you get a melting pot and you are able to sort bad apples.

  14. Why could we not flip them and make them intel assets? Give them a jiggled cellphone or a social media account. We did it to the Soviets and Chinese, we will be doing it again.

  15. Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

  16. I'm saying nhilism because extremist went to fill that hole in values, if you have been educated correctly and you have a life model or objective you don't end like they did.


  18. I agree. Perhaps they never got to understand that they were living in a country like Austria where they could have a good future. I wish i was austrian: more chances of jobs, and such a beautiful nature. And these dumb girls went totally brainwashedd and fled for the inferno. Never to come back. Meanwhile they went to fight for that fucked up cause, loosing the oportunity of having a brighter future in a beautiful country like Austria, i am here fighting for the cause of having a fucking job in the dumphole of Portugal after years of university and experince, fighting against a depression and misery.

  19. Come on man the US and NATO bombed Serbia for these people so they have to be good. The evil people are allways white christians haven't you heard the news ? The west wanted them that bad and it got them.

  20. Wait werent the bosniac supposed to be the good guys? Didn't the west broke and bomb a country for bosniac muslims ? These are bosniac muslims emigrated to the west 20 years ago(received with open arms) and showing their "gratitude" to the west for all their hard work.

  21. screwed up bad. it just showed up in my ISIS feed but the story is from 2014 OCT. i wish them well but they did a really stupid thing. but lets get real. they're probably dead.


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