Thursday, February 26, 2015

The World Is Burning News. This is why we won't win this fight.

The above photo is from the New York Post.  It covers a massive 100 million dollar deal with the Kardashian family so that they can exhibit their behinds on national TV.  Don't get me wrong.  I appreciate a woman's posterior as much (ah hell probably more) than the next guy but really?  Seriously?  On the same day that 3 men were arrested for wanting to join ISIS?

Additionally we heard that there are active investigations about radicalized individuals in all 50 states?

On this day 3 people that were immigrants to the United States.  One of them operating a mobile phone kiosk in 3 different states the other two university students, threw away what could have been the American dream and wanted to join ISIS?

This isn't a battle for hearts and minds.

This is a religious battle.  Its not about jobs, opportunity, being brought into the American has nothing to do with that.

To paraphrase James Carville....ITS THE RELIGION STUPID!

I said all of the above to say this.  We won't win the fight unless we properly assess our enemy.  Stop looking away.  Stop equivocating and just accept the cold hard facts of what we're dealing with.  They want us dead.