Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This wasn't a tackle...it was a takedown MMA style.

This clip is going viral and everyone is talking about the cop having great tackling skills.  Some are even saying that he should be drafted.

They're wrong.

That's a double leg takedown.  That's an MMA move.  Additionally check out  what he does once he has the guy on the ground (a move where he delivered the full blow by planting the guy into the concrete)...he moves into a full mount.  If the guy didn't surrender immediately we were looking at a ground and pound from hell.

Ok.  To me this is good news.  The cops are training.  They're learning at least basic, modern fighting techniques and that means a more professional force.  This isn't good news.  Its great news.


  1. Ranger strikes. No more than 10 minutes in the kill area and then out. Rinse and repeat. At night.

  2. Somewhat related to the region, not sure how good this publication is or if they are just coming up with sensational sh#t:


  3. 1) Take them off the CIA payroll.

    2) destroy their mobility by taking their fuel away

    3) destroy their heavier weapons and any resupply after the CIA stops feeding them by air and cruise missile & wait for them to begin starving in their occupied territories.

    4) mobile ground offensive...kill them all...maintain conquered territory inside Syria and negotiate a step-down of Assad.

    Actually, I think that was the plan all-along anyway. Just like the Shah, Pinochet, Noriega, Saddam, Bin Laden and Yeltsin....ISIS is just the latest incantation of the Fox that Langley creates and sets loose on the world so that the American military can get paid to hunt it.

    And the Banks win!!!!

  4. we should just pay the Chinese to build them for us.....like we do with everything else we use. Thanks Clinton!!!

  5. the interest on out debt to them is paying for their military expansion. If we do what Greece just did to Germany and tell China to go suck it.....they'll sell off their dollar holdings for gold and Rubles and whatever other BRIC-S currencies will still have value and send the US economy into a tailspin.

  6. Call me an idiot Ex Corpsman (which means at least somebody read my 2-cents here) by issuing mil-spec .300 Blackout uppers too the grunts, and keep using Milspec AR-10 or M1A rifles in 7.62mm to the DMR guys.

    This should solve the hitting power issues within the 400m envelope, provide extended range and rapid follow up shots for the maneuver and over watch element, and many of the logistics issues with adapting to a new platform could be avoided as well. (just slap the .300 blackout upper on the G.I.-issued lower, use the same magazines for thhe .300Blackout ammo and.....well how bout that?....you can even swap your QD suppressors between .300 and 7.62 as well.

    Keep you A4 uppers in reserve storage. and sell the rest to gun nutters like me.

  7. The strategy is probably one that William and Meint was espousing. Step away and let the hungry dogs tear each other to pieces. Look at what is happening now, wait long enough, Jordan and Egypt are now in the fray, with nary a human rights activist in sight. They're better suited for dealing with ISIS. Less PR baggage. The US goes in, CNN won't be far behind crying "waste", "human rights violations" and "constitutional violations". Middle Eastern countries just don't care.

  8. 10th SFG tested HK416s and CQBRs in 2005 at Fort Carson, and found out that the HK416 was no more mechanically reliable than the CQBR. Im working on finding the link, as I lost it because I switched laptops and a different browser.

    The 2007 dust tests raised more questions than they answered too, and should hardly be the conclusion when it comes to gas piston vs stoner system.

    Examples such as Knights Armaments (20k rounds I believe) and BCM's Filthy 14 speak for themselves. The Stoner system is extremely reliable.

  9. I am with Sigourney weaver on this. Give ISIS the run of the place and nuke them all from orbit. You bring the nukes, ill bring the beer.

  10. They are the ideal candidates to test the new electromagnetic rail guns.
    Instead of send airplanes just send a couple of ships with this guns to shell the area day and night for months until sterilize the region with those cheap rounds.
    Don't waste your nukes.

    The World War 3 Cannon ?: Blitzer Railgun by General Atomics - Electric ...: http://youtu.be/9hqm-9Cdkk0

  11. This post really have 10 comments? I can't read them.

  12. When ISIS threatened Russia with full scale terror-war, there was a lot of discussions about a realistic approach to this problem. Here a some notes from it, may be you'll be interested.(sorry for bad english, though)

    1) Nor Coaltiton, nor Russia, nor Turkey\Iran will wage a ground war. Yes, it would crush ISIS, but the terror-like tactics, which ISIS will surely use, will lead to certain losses - and big Players cant afford loosing their troops in this conflict - politically it is hardly acceptable

    2) Iraq Army is useless. Disbanding it AFTER killing Saddam was a huge mistake, the US-trained rookies are useless without the full US suport.

    3) The proxy armies cant do much in this situation. Yes, they can fight, but they cant crush ISIS, their war will be too long to afford - too many terrorists attack will be done till ISIS is dead

    4) The only one army, that already fights ISIS and can continue so - is SAA, Syrian Arabian Army. For so many years SAA stays surrounded by insurgents(SSA, Nusra and other 'churkobesi') and still fights. Fights and sometimes beats the hell out of them.

    So if Russia is to be forced into war(if ISIS will murder bunchs of russian citizens or perform some bloody take-over - then Russia has no option but to enter the battleground) then:

    1) it should take all the Air Force staff. Su-24M2, Su-34 and Su-25 in some, er, enormous counts to drop the bombs on every suspicious house, while SAA will do the ground things

    2) Russia should supply SAA with artilley systems, tanks and other vehicles(Mother Russia has a lot of this stuff for Third World War scenario) optimized for an insrugency war. There are already a modernization kits in testing, just for this scenario.

    3) First, all other parties in Syria is to be crushed - FSA, SAA, Al-Nusra and others are to be could down so ISIS is the only problem

    4) Russia should heavy reinforce Syria air and ground defenses with own fighters, SAM etc, packed with some Iskander divisions. This is to keep Israel\USA\Turkey\Jordan out of the game, so SAA could concentrate on their epic quest.

    Put it simply - Syria must stand. No other options without bloody mess is seen.

  13. When ISIS threatened Russia with full scale terror-war, there was a lot of discussions about a realistic approach to this problem. Here a some notes from it, may be you'll be interested.(sorry for bad english, though)

    1) Nor Coaltiton, nor Russia, nor Turkey\Iran will wage a ground war. Yes, it would crush ISIS, but the terror-like tactics, which ISIS will surely use, will lead to certain losses - and big Players cant afford loosing their troops in this conflict - politically it is hardly acceptable

    2) Iraq Army is useless. Disbanding it AFTER killing Saddam was a huge mistake, the US-trained rookies are useless without the full US suport.

    3) The proxy armies cant do much in this situation. Yes, they can fight, but they cant crush ISIS, their war will be too long to afford - too many terrorists attack will be done till ISIS is dead

    4) The only one army, that already fights ISIS and can continue so - is SAA, Syrian Arabian Army. For so many years SAA stays surrounded by insurgents(SSA, Nusra and other 'churkobesi') and still fights. Fights and sometimes beats the hell out of them.

    So if Russia is to be forced into war(if ISIS will murder bunchs of russian citizens or perform some bloody take-over - then Russia has no option but to enter the battleground) then:

    1) it should take all the Air Force staff. Su-24M2, Su-34 and Su-25 in some, er, enormous counts to drop the bombs on every suspicious house, while SAA will do the ground things

    2) Russia should supply SAA with artilley systems, tanks and other vehicles(Mother Russia has a lot of this stuff for Third World War scenario) optimized for an insrugency war. There are already a modernization kits in testing, just for this scenario.

    3) First, all other parties in Syria is to be crushed - FSA, SAA, Al-Nusra and others are to be cut down so ISIS is the only problem

    4) Russia should heavy reinforce Syria air and ground defenses with own fighters, SAM etc, packed with some Iskander divisions. This is to keep Israel\USA\Turkey\Jordan out of the game, so SAA could concentrate on their epic quest.

    Put it simply - Syria must stand. No other options without bloody mess is seen.

  14. Sol, you've asked a question waaaaaayyyyyy to big to answer. I actually feel like I cant answer it. Too many If's and buts.

    The only constant being that Obviously....we cant nuke them. Where will the rest of us get our Oil.

  15. Soooo ISIS is on USA payroll... interesting theory.

  16. Make friends with other people in the region.

    Instead of trying to topple Assad, bring him onside, he's desperate, he'll accept our terms.
    Jordan is a fairly sane place for the area, hand them buckets of cash.
    The same goes for the Kurds, not a few rifles diverted from scrap, fund the entire Kurdish state for the next decade, mobilise its entire military aged male population.
    If turkey doesn't like it, so what, what are they going to do, declare war? We'd crush their conventional arms in an afternoon.

  17. if you can't get into Syria to topple Assad for the Saudi's and Israel one way....release a fox in their back yard (ISIS), let it run wild, and then send your dogs in after it in order to get in with public approval another way....

  18. If Argies petitioned for J-31, the sun will set for Brits in Falkland!

  19. In that theory everyone that had something against Assad regime would done this. And the US is on the last place in that race...

    Turkey, Israel, Saudis, Iran... even Russia would have better reasons then US. ISIS is the problem that US did not expect to surface, that's why they are so chaotic and indecisive in response against it.

  20. Football is lame 5seconds of action and pause beyond boring

    Take a look at florentine version practiced for last 500 or so years


  21. It's hard to get past the training that says never go to the ground and for us to stay on our feet. All the nice things we have to carry on our belts normally makes it hard to move on the ground. The good part about going to the ground is a guy screaming from a hold just looks like he is being a little bi____ verses standing up and punching it out with the guy. The first doesn't "look" as bad though it may hurt much worse.
    Look into that R&B baton yet?

  22. 1. Open up unrestricted bombing and cruise missile attacks on any target of opportunity in ISIS held territory.

    2. Move the ABCT from Kuwait to Baghdad(This is to be a blocking force against Iran once ISIS is defeated and to maintain peace between the Kurds and other groups in the region)

    3. Use Green Berets as they were meant to be used to raise and advise large amounts of local troops. Equip these forces with weapons just good enough to beat ISIS say surplus M60s, M113s, M101 howitzers, M16s and M60s. of course probably a mix of FN FALs, SLRs, G3s, AKs and other former soviet weapons.

    Note: The local forces that would be best to support would be the Peshmerga.

    4. use these local forces supported by the Green Berets to launch an aggressive ground offensive heavily supported by Coalition air power against ISIS and to drive them out of Iraq.

    5. Once ISIS is out of Iraq things will get even more complicated. We will be getting involved with the Syrian Civil War if we continue to pursue ISIS from there. We would have to choose sides wither the dictator Assad(who I hate) or the moderate rebels(who are the weakest faction in the war). The US cannot justify supporting another dictator but the rebels cannot guarentee victory without heavy US ground support. So the question is do we get further involved in the middle east for at leastthe next decade or do we leave the job unfinished. Personally I say for the sake of stability and peace in the region once ISIS is pushed back into Syria side with the moderate rebels give them as much support as possible in the air and on the ground in destroying ISIS and beating back Assad's forces. Once that is achieved leave the moderate rebels to build the country as they would see fit. Get a Status of Forces agreement with Iraq, Kurdistan and the new Syria leaving about a brigade of troops so around 4500 ground troops in each country just to ensure security kind of like what the allies did in Germany post WWII only to a much lessened degree. As a bonus we remove a major middle eastern country(Syria) from Russia's sphere of influence.

  23. I dunno. Doesn't matter much either way; but about 45 years ago I was taught that an ideal face-on tackle was feet planted, shoulder into the runner with head slightly aside, arms wrap around the runner's thighs, slight lift to get his feet off their traction, and dump him backwards (although if often ended sideways or even with a twist/turn that had the tackler on this back firmly holding the runner's legs as they both went down). I'd never heard of MMA back then. Mind you, I never made it as a football player (too scrawny); so maybe I have it all wrong.

  24. Many of these improvements are already on the IOR and seem popular.... We'll see.
    What is your take on MARSOC going for Glocks:

  25. Solomon is right!

    Here is an alternative solution.

    1. Recognize that Islam has declared war on this nation, and therefore out of courtesy declare war on Islam right back. Outlaw Islam in America. Level all mosques in this country. Allow all Muslims who will not leave their religion to emigrate elsewhere; allow no more in.

    2. Concentrate on obtaining our own supply of oil from North America; reduce consumption by providing clean, safe mass transit. Once we don't need their oil, we can stop trying to run the world, especially the middle east (except we should still defend Israel, the only free middle eastern country).

    3. Let the Muslims of the middle east do as they will to each other. Let it be known that if there are ANY Muslim terrorist attacks in either the US, Israel or Canada, that both Mecca and Medina will be nuked thoroughly and become a dumping ground for pig carcasses, and the Dome of the Rock/Noble Sanctuary will be surgically removed from the Temple Mound so that not one molecule remains (but Temple Mount is left unscathed); that means ANY terror attack by ANY Muslim, period. End of story. Keep to the plan no matter what.

    4. Encourage European nations to do likewise.

    5. Revive Christianity in this nation, and restore Judeo-Christian ethics and laws to our nation, which will strengthen it in every way.

  26. i thought so but i've been focused on other things besides weaponry lately. i'll check but i've never heard of a full auto match grade trigger.

  27. Sol, I have to ask...

    The US tests hardware like the (admittedly overpriced) F35 and performs actual milestones like flights, catapult launches, traps, vertical landings, weapon launches, etc. and you talk about how it is worthless on the battlefield. The same goes for other military programs.

    Then the Sovi... er, Russians or Chinese release CGI concept art, wooden mockups and flying mockups with leftover engines and you shout about how they will be the most dreaded weapons on earth.

    Seems like a double-standard to me. Am I wrong?

  28. double standard? how. the F-35 in any sane universe would be canned now. instead you talk about milestones being achieved 10 years late by the first schedule? take your tripe elsewhere.

  29. Please tell me you are being tongue and cheek about that process. In point one alone this plan would violate the 1st amendment to the constitution as would point five by essentially set up Christianity as the state religion. Also how do you propose removing the Dome of the Rock/Noble Sanctuary? It is in a foreign country in which we have no power. To destroy it would be an act of war on a country we would not be at war with. That country being Israel who you said we need to help.

    We do need to secure our own sources of oil for our energy needs for both the US and Europe. This is because Russia is a bully and uses its oil for leverage against the west and the middle east unless it can get its shit together will very soon cease to be a reliable source of oil.

    As much as I hate the idea of having to go back to the middle east I don't see any other option than to do so. Especially since at least in Iraq we the USA set in motion the events that led to the current situation. Iraq is our mess we fucked up by how we handled the the occupation of Iraq and we need to own up to it. Just disengaging and trying to wash our hands of the situation did not work we cannot do the same again. We need stable governments in the region not necessarily democracies but strong governments that can hold onto power.

  30. excuse me but why does the US need to worry about Europes energy situation? you hate the idea of going back to the Middle East but that is ultimately your solution.


    you first buddy. or your son. or your daughter.....i'll take anyone from your family to be in the vanguard of our return to that tarbaby.

  31. You're not wrong, but milestones being achieved is different from an animated picture. I wasn't aware that reasoned discussion was tripe, but I guess you make yourself out to be the authority on that.

  32. nothing reasoned in that question buddy. you wrapped a question in an accusation and now that you're called on it you retreat into a female like stance of aggressive passivity. fuck you.

  33. Well, my take on the LCS approach probably runs against lot
    of your guys here. I won’t tune it into an ASuW or AW platform. Sufficient self-protection
    and reasonable price tag, yes. VLS? No. LCS should stick to MCM and ASW roles
    as they were originally designed for. Leave anti-ship and air warfare missions
    to the destroyers/cruisers. If LCS to be deployed into high threat environment,
    then send in DDG or CG as escort. On the other hand, we do need a high end
    >10000 tons major combatant to take on the impending challenges from Type 55
    or similar capable ships. Cancelling CG(X) in favor of Burke Flight 3 was a
    huge mistake by the US military, with repercussion more serious than
    terminating F-22 line prematurely.

  34. yes sir. already got it and love it. trying to incorporate it into my everyday carry. becoming a bit alarmed at the "flash mobs" that seem to be spreading....

  35. Ambitious, but containing some fundamental truths about whats wrong with the region: we don't know who the real enemies are.

    On the other hand, it wont stop terrorism, since THE reason we are their targets is not religion, but that we mess in their affairs. I made sure not to say that is the reason they are fighting, coss I think that is actually a way older problem.

    In a way Solomon is half right, wile I think nuking is insane washing our hands of it is probably the best way to stop them caring one way or an other about us as well.

  36. you can tell that its much more than a "tackle" by watching the vid carefully. the clue is the actions of the cop once the guy is on the ground. notice his body positioning? that's called a full mount and its performed perfectly...the only thing i would suggest is being a bit higher so you can pin his arms with your knees so that you have a clean target when you decide to rearrange his face but all things considered not bad. the tactics part of the fight happen once he's in full mount...do you watch the cops hands? he immediately gains control of the suspect. if he was a Marine i'd say use your helmet to smash in his face but we are talking about civilian law enforcement.

    long story short, a good watching of this video shows more than a tackle happened here.

  37. Gloves off?

    Identify concentrations of these people, or herd them into concentrated locations with armor and artillery.

    Nuclear weapons and VX nerve agent, in that order. Reapply as necessary.

    This will eliminate the immediate problem and send a message to others about what will happen if they decide to take the same path.

    Of course neither will happen and you will see Washington DC and/or NYC nuked off the map as result.

  38. Solomon: that is taking paraphrasing to a bit of a new level.

    I consider nuking the region a tactic that makes us no better, or even worst then them. No one can claim there are no innocents in that region, in fact most people living under ISIS are likely their victims. Claiming all Muslims are evil is equally an extremist view as theirs that non-muslims all are.
    Besides this it is funny to see much praise for the king of Jordan wile still promoting turning him and his subjects to glass. You have not forgotten Jordan is part of this Middle East some of us want to nuke ?


    Me being against one strategy does not mean I am automatically in favor of the opposite as only ' showing patience and understanding'

    I was going to outline my preferred strategies, involving air power, limited ground strikes and arming allies, but Ill be brutally honest here: I got stuck. Stuck between conflicting reasonings and ideas. Stuck between my love of all things military and the limits there are to them.
    I am convinced Saudi Arabia and to an extend Turkey are partly responsible for ISIS and as such they are the enemy, but we are arming, supporting and cuddling them. I am also convinced the Kurds and Iran are for now our biggest allies against ISIS, but what will happen if we support and arm them? How long till that is used against us or a future ally?
    I am convinced its a good thing Sadam is gone , but I am equally convinced that opened the door to terrorists and extremists to control Irak, something Sadam did not allow. As such we bare a responsibility for opening that door.

    I am convinced this conflict in the middle east is ancient and at least as much between Shia and Sunni as it is between them and us. Likely they would simply continue to kill each other for a thousand years, without caring one bit about us if we did not try to 'help'.
    I am also convinced this is not a war of Muslims against us. You should try telling it is to the family of the female MUSLIM police officer who got killed in Paris or to the MUSLIM man who saved many ( Jewish) patrons of the supermarket that was taking hostage back then.
    Reality is not black and white.. it is not that easy. This is a struggle between western values and extremist! Extremists that indeed have a big following among Muslims, but an extremist is just as dangerous when he or she is a Russian nationalist or a home grown right wing nutter.

    In conclusion.. I don't know the solution, but as long as that is the case I tend to go back to: Airpower, limited ground strikes and helping our current allies...

    And Solomon: Every soldier or marine who fought over there and maybe lost his or her life has my respect and admiration for serving their country. Regardless if they fought for the safety of us, oil, power, religion, or to help the natives. Soldiers do not make these policies, politicians do.
    Is their life worth more then yours, mine, a random Iraki or Syrian? No, not intrinsically, that all depends on the individual and how they live their lives.

  39. Tar... oil...

    if you want to go that route, tell me.. was it worth these lives during the Second Gulf War? Was it during the first? During Vietnam? Korea? WW2?

    Politicians decide where to send the troops, they can be right , they can be wrong.. they can do it to protect their citizens or help allies, they can do it for oil, power or money or maybe they are simply nuts.
    Often we don't even know what will happen if we do or if we don't. You can not go around trying to judge one soldiers death is justified and an other is not, that devalues all their lives and deaths.

  40. In my case partly, I certainly prefer the middle eastern nations to fight their own wars, but since we do have a stake in it I would try to help from the air, with aid and limited ground missions (for instance to get a pilot out ) .

    Wile saying that, I do not believe this will change much.. The Middle East will always be a sesspool of fighting and frankly the rest of us are only little better.
    You certainly won't stop terrorism in the US or Europe by messing around in that region.

  41. So India just cleared 7 next generation frigates for $8 Billion USD. I'm not saying these events are at all related but many in the world are ignoring there is a MASSIVE buildup going on by these two asian giants and with India now the fastest growing economy on the planet and looking to spend $620 billion on defence (only around 50% will be on capital expenditure though) by 2022 things are getting very very interesting in tis part of the world.....

  42. "I consider nuking the region a tactic that makes us no better, or even worst then them."

    Let's revisit this position at a later date. Won't have to wait too long.

  43. agreed. the type of passive, feminist thinking that some are promoting here will have the Iranians with a nuke within five years. the Saudi's will buy or steal one within a year after that. the next question becomes who do the attack first. Israel or each other, but the foundation for a regional nuclear war is being laid by all these peace/we must waste more American lives Hawks.

    i say either kill them all or walk away and let them kill each other.

  44. Solomon, apparently you have a problem with blogger comments. Looks like it's repeating the disqus comments on blogger comments systems.

  45. working on it as we speak. not good with code though so this might take a minute

  46. Why should the US care about Europe's energy? Realistic answer first: The US could take over as their main oil supplier and make a boat load of money. Idealistic Answer: Europe is America's ally and we look out for our allies no matter how the current administration has not done that.

    Solomon I do not want ground forces. All I would say is extensive bombing campaign with drones and cruise missile strikes. I do not think a ground war is viable, smart or right. I would not send anyone to die for that shit hole of a region. Do stand off bombing and support those who are already in the ground fight with money and arms. Not men. America has given enough of our people for them. So do not misunderstand me Solomon when I say getting back into the middle east I mean to help our allies as much as we can while putting our soldiers, sailors, marines or airmen in harms way as little as humanly possible.

  47. NTS,

    . You make some decent points in your response. Keep in mind though that my response above was written from the jaded but historically accurate information we have that suggests that going forward, whatever can get f'ed up by Congress and the puzzle palace WILL BE!

    The entire post comes from the cynical and dark place that tells me asking for any more than I outlined will just result in disaster and contractors pocketing another $260 million.

    I mean honestly if you want to know what I would standardize on if I could revamp the stoner system, but had to keep the 5.56 round I can give you an idea. But not on a public comments section, because you WILL be seeing my vision of what should be issued in the near future. (still working out a couple of the new features I'm designing individually in test fixtures)

  48. You make no sense. If you are correct that Iran and Saudi will have nukes within 6 years then your call to walk away is ...lets call it 'ill advised'.
    That would mean we would actually need to take action to prevent it.. won't it, or do you think those nukes won't bother us if we step out of the 'arena'?

    Secondly: I do not understand your definition of passive nor of feminist. Feminist are those who call for the advancement of females regardless of qualifications, which I oppose wholeheartedly, but has nothing to do with this discussion wile my call to use air-power, limited ground missions and aid to allies certainly is not passive.

    It seems to me you and me both see there is a problem with the way the west has acted towards the Middle East in the past, if you do not then you would call for a big invasion like the ones before. Where we disagree is on the solution. Mine would be limited military engagement, yours as far as I can tell total withdrawl or total annihilation of men woman and children, guilty, innocent, ally or enemy.

    The first is a viable idea, with its drawbacks , like my idea has drawbacks. The second is not only inhuman, but also impossible and as such no more hten a wet dream.

    Lets for a moment pretend nuking the whole of the middle east is an option, let me ask you a few questions:
    How do you think the other nuclear powers will react? Is it not possible they will retaliate?
    How huge will the trade sanctions against the one doing the nuking be? I doubt there will be any legal trade what so ever...
    How many people in Europe, Africa and Asia would die on top of the original targets because of the fallout?

    Then there is the logistics, the amount of time it takes to get all American ( and lets hope allied) troops and civilians out of harms way will be measured in months. It is almost a certainty the world will know the plan to nuke the region. I suspect sanctions and the threat of retaliation even before the deed is done.

  49. "They didnt expect it." Its hard to know how they didnt. I knew the thing was going to get batshit crazy, islamist batshit crazy since 2012. The initial revolt was sponsored in a good way by the muslim brotherhood and they had an Al-qaeda franchise next to them. An increase in radical tendencies after the war started was the logical outcome.

    But if what you say is true and they didnt expect it, they are fully responsible for it. They (along with my country and other european states) encouraged the Syrians to rise up without full knowledge of what was going to happen.

    If you want ISIS out, cut the tit to all the syrian rebels dont give them a single bullet and provide help to Assad. Right now the SAA is the only armed institution willing and capable of dealing with those animals.

    PD: dont come with the "Assad is a monster argument" if you do, mention one secular, human right respecting institution in that mess.

  50. All the guys talk about 99 ways of killing ISIS (Just like we all did for Saddam). Gents, how will you be able to fill the vacuum created when the ISIS is gone?

    Problem is ''filling the vacuum'' after ISIS. Not killing them, at least for the time being. I am sure ISIS scums would already be dead by now If we could find a solution who will rule after IS.

  51. Your points were valid. Im basically agreeing with you

    and when its revealed, ill probably be drooling over it. Small arms tech is my fetish ;)

  52. I believe that the whole issue is about controlling Syrian territory with an installed regime (after toppling Russian-friend Assad and defeating ISIS for the enrichment of the military industrial complex and for world approval) to prevent Russia from being able to circumvent the Bosphorus to export oil via pipeline across Syrian and Iranian territory, and maintain strategic ports facilities at Tartus.

    Iran and Syria are Russia's two-headed baby that let the Russians keep their dick firmly planted in Saudi Arabia's eye while they increase their oil production to match Saudi Arabia's.

    OPEC (anchored and controlled by Saudi) sells ALL of its oil in U.S. Dollars in exchange for American strategic protection. This forces much of the world that imports oil to hold US treasuries in order to maintain their commerce and infrastructures. (even countries that hate us) In turn, we are able to print fiat dollars to infinity and control the world with them. If an OPEC country tries to circumvent this Petrodollar scheme and sell their oil for Euros (Iraq) or "Gold Dinars" (Libya) they get the full-court overthrow or invasion. We would have done the same to Iran if Russia wasn't protecting her.

    The Saudis were threatening to back out of the petrodollar ponzi scheme unless the USA topple Assad. So when we couldn't overtly invade in 2013 (failure of the smear campaign in US. congress and UK parliament accusing Assad of using NBC on his own people) we had to INVENT a reason to go in there so ISIS was formed.

    Same thing we did in Libya (which is steadily being taken back by its own people)

    All this is about oil, ISIS, the Syrian people, the Iraqis, our men and women in uniform are nothing but sizzling meat-shields so the old money here on earth (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs, etc. can maintain this perpetual petrodollar Ponzi scheme and the U.S. Federal Reserve's fiat dollar money printing for another 100 years while increasing the wealth of their banking and military industrial interests on Wall Street...while creating more reasons to tighten freedoms here at home and abroad...while stifling Russia's ascendance as the next oil power (with proven reserves....not estimated reserves like Saudi Arabia)

    Lives don't matter here, political parties don't matter here, to the people running this show... whole nations don't matter here. This is about power consolidation, keeping the USD as the reserve currency, creating wealth by investing in war, keeping Saudi Arabia secure and dominant in the region by overthrowing minority-sunni nations friendly to other powers and using age-old religious differences in an inhospitable place as a propaganda excuse to use war to get the oil.

  53. Honestly man,

    . I'd be thrilled to have your input specifically because you advocate a different approach than me, but I feel like we both walk away having learned something and at least for myself, I walk away excited because you've given me a fresh approach to consider. Plus honestly I'm just dying to really show a fellow gun geek the three complete versions I'm trying to pick to bring fully to life first! These vary from mild to wild departures, but oddly enough even the most wild version leans heavily on parts already having an nsn!

  54. send pics of your firearms. i'll post them!

  55. My approach is overly simplistic Ill admit. I just believe that there is no reason to reinvent a 5.56 shooter and that the Marines should take advantage of the time and sweat that the Army and other powers to be have undertaken to address the previous disadvantages of the M4.
    At least until something measurably better comes down the pipeline, like telescopic case or something like that. What are you tinkering with? if you can say?

  56. If you haven't read up on Geissele triggers look them up. His stuff is close to bomb proof. I dont know that he has anything to fit the bill exactly but he could whip one up. The man is a wizard of triggers. Two things to think about with a match trigger would be going from a 7# pull to 3.5# and a short take up. Gloved fingers and stress can make it easy to touch one off. And I agree the compensator idea is lacking unless you mounting a suppressor. But they may enjoy blowing fireballs out of their weapon.

  57. I really dunno about triggers. I mean, out in the field, you get fleeting shots at targets, you don't usually have the luxury of "squeeze the trigger slowly". Most of the time, you just grip really tight and snap the trigger before the target disappears. So even if you got a "match grade trigger", if the average Joe Rifleman doesn't use it properly (more like can't use it properly due to fluid battlefield + adrenaline), isn't it no better than a regular trigger then?

    I'm also influenced by the time I got my hands on an Ultimax SAW. Forget about finding the biting point on that trigger, you slap it, but even with that terrible trigger, the performance was still jaw dropping. It's a "lazy" weapon, you use it with all the bad habits, slap the trigger, long full auto bursts etc but even then, the performance is still "wow!". Made me take a long look on what people all say/I thought was "necessary" in a weapon. Nothing like a weapon that breaks all the rules and still gives good performance. If anyone is interested, my impression on that was the recoil was about half that of my M-4, which covered a lot of sins.

  58. No it would not set up Christianity as the state religion. It would outlaw a political system that claims to be a religion that has declared war on us. If you have ever read the Koran, it requires Muslims to kill Christians and Jews or exile them, impose Sharia law, etc. etc. In other words, Islam is not a religion, it is a political system that requires it's adherents to murder and do other things that are against our own secular laws. You should read the entire Koran and see for yourself; find an older used one as the new ones in English are often modified to exclude certain things.

    As for Dome of the Rock, it is a political statement, not a place of worship. If you watch the Muslims worship there, when they prostrate themselves to pray their butts face Dome of the Rock; their faces point towards Mecca. Get rid of their seats of political power and you destroy their political system; Mecca, Medina, Dome of Rock. Get Jewish permission and advice first. If you think Israel would wage war to defend Dome of the Rock you are not understanding.

    We cannot fix the mideast. Scouts honor. You can't fix them over there unless you fix how they think, and they don't want that. We need to stop playing God over there and spent our time and treasure fixing ourselves.

  59. This is America! You cannot just outlaw a religion or a political system/ideology! That is one of the most un-American things I have ever heard! And I have read the Koran buddy and yes there are some really fucked up things in there but I suggest you take a closer look at the Bible. Look at the last three books of the Pentatuch or maybe look at some of the things in the New Testament I would like to direct you to Luke 19:27-"But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me". That is from the Gospels a quote from Christ. All religions have fucked up things in them, the goal is to look beyond those things.

    If we are at war with Islam how come my doctor or my neighbor haven't tried to kill me yet. Why are we not having uprisings in the Muslim communities around the country? We are not at war with the religion of Islam. We are at war with Radical Islamic Terrorists.This is like an Imam saying that Islam is at war with Christianity because a Mosque was bombed by the Westboro Baptist Church!

    For the Dome of the Rock if the Israelis were aware that we were going to destroy it they would probably be OK with it. Hell they might even offer to do it themselves. I was simply trying to say that the US would not be able to launch an attack on a holy site within an allied country without that countries knowledge.

    Now we have come to the one point where we do agree. the Middle East cannot be fixed. We need to disengage and just try to prevent attacks within our own country. However the bigger picture in the middle east is the historical conflict between the shias and the sunnis. ISIS is sunni and they will fight to the death to destroy the Shias. All I have to say is cover our own asses and let them kill each other. When the dust of this war settles we will know what to do.

  60. Christianity HAS been outlawed in it's practical application here; why not Islam as well? We will spare Solomon the religious debate, however.

    Getting out of the middle east is a good idea altogether. Anyway, it doesn't much matter what we the people think anymore, as it doesn't much affect what policy our nation takes. We are but fleas on the backside of a rampaging elephant.

  61. NEGATIVE! Spare nothing. DIG IN! MAKE YOUR POINTS!

    enough of the timid talk. we must start speaking plainly. clearly. loudly.

  62. I am a Christian and I personally have not run into a single case where I have been kept from freely practicing my faith in public.Look into your own experiences and tell me if you have ever run into a situation where the government has kept you from freely practicing your faith. Also last time I checked congress still has a christian chaplain. Not to mention the thousands of christian chaplains and hundreds of christian leaning chapels with in the US military. So I would say Christianity has not been outlawed.

    Once again this is America. Everyone has the power to effect change in this country. Only when people like you say that we don't have the power to have our voices and opinions heard is when our power to effect change begins to diminish. The pessimism of you and people like you are the reason democracy in this country is dying.

  63. I assume you mean separation between church and state. In that case I agree wholeheartedly Islam should not dictate politics , law and rights either.

    I wouldn't know how to go about making it so, but it would be a huge blessing if the Middle East would take religion out of the political equation.. Sharia law in most its applications is barbaric and when its not, it still should not trump civil law.

    Sadly the former mayor successstory , Turkey, has abandoned the modern ways and is embracing Islamic law again.

  64. Solomon, while the 055 is a legitimate project, the fanboy CGIs you've posted are completely different to how the real thing is going to look. Nor is this project exactly a shock, it's been expected among PLA watching circles for three or more years now, and a land based mock up began construction early last year.

    In any case, the wikipedia page for the 055 has a fairly accurate summary of what the 055 is probably going to be, with a reasonably accurate drawing of what 055 may look like. It'll be a 12,000 ton standard displacement (so likely over 13,000 ton full) "large destroyer" aka cruiser. We're expecting three sets of phased array radars in the S band, X band and possibly L or UHF band, along with up to 128 VLS.
    In role it is probably best compared to a modernized CGBL or Ticonderoga, and in displacement it sits between Tico and Zumwalt.
    It is expected that there will be initial production of a baseline 055, followed by a more larger scale production of a modified 055A that may feature IEPS and similarly to DDG1000 class, have the capacity to field railguns and DEW aboard.

    This is a great blog for US military and especially USMC news, but for PLA news it often relies on poor sources and/or photos. You're always welcome over at sinodefenceforum.com if you want some more accurate and up to date news.

  65. i'll take you up on that. the ship you describe sounds like an absolute monster. i assume it will be optimized for anti-air and surface warfare?

  66. I expect air defence to be a primary role, given the very comprehensive radar suite that is expected, but obviously the common VLS on 055 (same as on 052D) will be able to fire not only SAMs, but AShMs, VL ASROC type weapons, so anti surface and anti submarine warfare will also be prominent missions. 055 is expected to field two ASW versions of the Z-18 (basically a very modernised super frelon) which is in the weight class of the AW101, and it is a given that it will come with a sonar suite at least as capable as 052D (which already includes bow sonar, towed sonar, and towed variable depth sonar). Realistically, I suspect 055's primary missions will be AAW and ASuW through carrying large numbers of SAMs and AShMs. Risking a 13,000 ton DDG against a submarine is not sensible.
    055 also of course is expected to have enhanced command and control capabilities and space, so 055s will likely lead the defense of future PLAN CSGs, ESGs or SAGs.

    In many ways I feel a ship of 055's profile would have been great alternative to zumwalt and burke flight iii; a larger, new, but conventional hull that integrates new generation radar, sensible levels of stealth features, a competitive number of VLS, and with enough room for the same game changing IEPS technology aboard zumwalt, and enough growth space to affordably develop new flights that can feature rail guns, lasers, or larger radar. Basically a ship that is capable, large and high tech enough to be competitive and upgradable for coming decades, but not so revolutionary that they can only be procured in a three ship class.

  67. It seems I do not wholly understand your first post...

    I do not see where we disagree on most in your second one, I am a Christian myself, a struggling one, but still and I wholly support the freedom to practice your religion, or to let it influence you in your personal decisions, but I also support the separation of church and state and wile you name examples where it is not absolute, I don't mind that either. Christianity is a part of the culture and heritage of the USA and many other places and as such has a role. Where it doe not is in law. If anyone still doubts that they should look at the horrors of Sharia and then decide again.

    Oo and besides chapels,. the US military also provides services to their Jewish and Muslim personnel.

    Why you feel the need to get personal I do not know, how am I even a pessimist? Do you know a way to stop other countries enacting sharia law? ( assuming that is where you find my pessimism)

    Where I am pessimistic.. is regarding the F35, I am afraid it will not be stopped and ruin budgets and air power for decades to come.

  68. Well then here you go, with Solomon's permission. Beverage alert!

    How does our state affect me being a Christian?

    I am a Christian, and in the state where I live (Maine) people are allowed by law to be allowed to use the bathroom they 'identify' with; so if an adult man wants to use the girl's bathroom in our local elementary school, he is allowed to and anyone who complains can be charged with a hate crime. As a Christian woman I do not share bathrooms with men.


    Homosexuals can raise children in this country. In fact, one woman who used to be a lesbian and had a child, but then repented and became a Christian, was mandated by this country to give sole custody of her genetic child to her former partner, who was not related either genetically or by adoption to the child, and who was admittedly attempting to molest the child. The mother fled to central america with her child with the help of a Mennonite pastor, who was gladly imprisoned for his part in helping them escape.


    My husband was a Justice of the Peace. He had to resign because if he refused to marry a same sex couple he could be sued for everything we own, and charge with a hate crime.

    If we start a bed and breakfast, we can be sued for not allowing homosexual couples or unmarried couples at our place.

    Even in the 1990's, when I was active Navy air, as XO we had a caricature of the devil on our squadron patch, which I didn't wear, and there was rampant breaking of the Navy Regs, and also God's laws, which I tried to fix but couldn't and ended up resigning over. I would rather shovel shit in the north Maine woods than have a pension with compromise.

    Tailhook; if you were in diapers then just google it. My own admiral, whom I trusted and respected, was involved in it.

    Send your kids to public school and they will be indoctrinated into perversion.


    This is not government but society. In the last week I had to sit in two hospital waiting rooms; in which there was a TV blaring (we haven't owned one for decades). During this time, in day time, I saw on TV the most unbelievably perverted things I have ever seen. Some blonde lesbian woman with her own show with a name sounding much like degenerate (appropriate), with women screaming for her in the audience like they did for the Beatles; effeminate men hopping up and down on game shows; main stream news anchors speaking and joking about things that they would have been fired for (or sent to jail for) 20 years ago.

    My tax dollars are used to fund abortion. Over 50 million abortions and counting in this country.

    A Christian baker can be charged with a hate crime for not making a wedding cake for gays; a Christian photographer can be charged with a hate crime for not photographing a gay wedding (both can also be sued for everything they own).


    You can go to church as a Christian, and there are plenty of dead churches but if you try to live your (real)faith by doing what the book says, then stand by for incoming.

    If God doesn't judge this country, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

  69. Meint I would like to clarify that I was not talking about the separation of church and state. I was simply giving examples against the idea that Christianity has been essentially outlawed in the US. I completely agree with the separation of church and state.

    The Pessimism statement was not necessarily aimed at you. It was aimed at Lori. It is simply that I am tired of people making statements that imply democracy is dying in this country. I view it that if democracy is dying it is because people believe it is dying and won't do anything to change that.

    I agree with you entirely on the F-35. However that is a temporary failure of democracy that can be healed if we the American do what we can to prevent another F-35 like situation by removing the people in congress who are responsible for it from office in the next elections.

  70. Lori, I can see why as a woman you would not want to share a bathroom with a grown man. This is very strange. However I fail to see how that is affected by your Christian faith.

    The Homosexual things and the bit about the unit patch we must agree to disagree.

    On the abortions I agree completely it is horrific and disgusting I encourage you to attend the march for life in Washington DC which happens every year.


    Remember what God said about Sodom and Gomorrah that if there where but 10 righteous people in the cities he would spare them(Ever Thought that like most of the stuff in that portion of Genesis it was Parable). Besides when Christ died on the cross he forgave all of our sins.

  71. You're at the top of my list to receive the first pictures sol. Right now I'm transitioning from having stuff machined by others to doing it myself, so I'm a ways from the first multiple feature integration prototypes right now. The time I'm spending getting my cnc lathe, mill, fdm printer, shaper, and a few other things going is actually a blessing though. It's giving me time to really strip mine archive.org dtic.mil forgotten weapons the MIT web presence, and pages that feature old, obscure, or "purposely forgotten" patents and knowledge for things that make my job easier, the finished product cheaper, and the tooling for guys like me more capable with less cash outlay.

    I wish I could say I'm an innovator, or that when you do see what I have done differently it will be something totally new. But I'm humble enough to admit that this project is just one young guy's attempt to use the lessons the truly great designers left for us. This whole project came out of my attempts to understand why guns were getting heavier, more complex, expensive, finicky, and all while seeing service lives drastically shorten in some instances. I was equally perplexed by the people who should know better in the field declaring small arms technology a mature technology to explain the situation. So I started really looking at the old designs to see what we have missed.

    So what you will see will be an upgrade that in 5.56 format will have a 20 inch barrel while only sacrificing about two inches in collapsed OAL over an m4 or m4a1. It'll also have a few simple user serviceable features designed to give similar benefits to the ultimax lmg/Russian balanced recoil systems to aid in aimed full automatic fire. You will also see a quick change barrel feature integrated into the system which also has a tool less forend installation and removal setup. Not so much for some vision of guys switching caliber and configuration in a firefight, but more because I believe mission specific configuration will prove to be the most economical and actually helpful to the people on the sharp end. And it allows you to just have an IAR configuration rather than a different platform.

    I'm still testing and gathering input on the rest of the specifics from people that have combat experience as well as people who have experience making a couple hundred thousand of something at reasonable prices, and guys who fix and maintain equipment in the field professionally. Not because I believe that the DOD will adopt something by a one man operation with no portfolio of successful projects.

    That's not the point even. I wouldn't want to be an OEM making 5 or 6 figure amounts of one item! My only purpose with this first project is just to throw down a gauntlet, and get the right people asking some very pointed questions of the big boys like FN Colt et al.

    My real passion is in the follow on projects that really push things into new ground, and or open peoples eyes to operation methods that are now viable because technology and tooling has caught up to the conceptual framework the original designer intended. And in my mind most important of all weapons, Enabling technologies, and basic soldiering gear actually geared to fight the battles to come not the battles we'd PREFER!

    Because honestly right now we're not even equipping to fight the last battle but instead we're allowing wishful thinking and projected profit margins of GDLS Schlockmart and the others to dictate the platforms we fund and the threats we prepare for.

  72. The current PLAN Type 052D is already much superior to the japanese and US Aegis Destroyers, that it has a superior four-faced AESA radar array (Type 346A NATO "Dragon Eye"), which is more multimode and multi-function compared to the SPY-1 series of the US and Japanese Aegis ships.

    While the Arleigh Burke and the Atago/Kongo still rely on their three mechanically steered (yep , mechanically steered !) cassegrain AN/SPG-62 fire control radar to guide their semi-active radar homing ESSM self defense missiles and SM-2s, which is essentially 1970s technology, the 052C and 052D have the advanced capability of their AESA arrays to detect, track, guide and illuminate targets for their HHQ-9A and HHQ-26 naval SAM - with lightening high-speed and precision due to electronically steered beams vs. that of the mechanical steered radar dishes of the SPG-62.

    On the electronic side of things, the 052D is clearly superior to everything but the very latest of US designs, that is the DDG-1000 class and the conceptional Arleigh Burke Flight III (AMDR), latter of which curiously feature the same sort of large, flat, rectangular AESA radar panels as possessed by the 052D, replacing its hexagonal SPY-1 PESA that are slowly becoming obsolete. Most features advertized for the Burke III AMDR are already realized in the 052D, mind you.

    And the type 055 will be far better than the 052D.

  73. one question. did China steal F-35 plans? yes or no?

  74. i ask for one reason. i will debate capabilities and acknowledge that China is gaining but you are stating a Chinese superiority that i fail to see. if its based on actual information that is one thing. but you're comparing a first gen Burke to a brand new Type 52D. the current Burke is the most advanced destroyer in the world. to state otherwise is to ignore the obvious. the Type 52D is an improvement but it does not yet match the best from the US or Japan or S. Korea for that matter.

  75. True, Charlie. Also true that more men than women (by number) are sexually assaulted in the US military. As they used to say in elementary school, "eew!"

    I am not very political, so I don't do marches; perhaps my bad. Thanks for the insights.

  76. I should have read a bit more carefully, lol. I do not understand how I missed Lori's messages, I am not even sure everything in this thread showed up for me t that time.

    I agree with you , in your criticism of Lori's post though.

  77. Send the marines in. Hey, we may have some outdated equipment, but we're still good to fight.

  78. I'm not suggesting a frigate go up against a Chinese "Bismark", by itself. But numbers matter in different theaters. A frigate with 32-48 VLS is possible as proven by the Iver Huitfeldt class and it brings a lot more to the fight than an LCS at $600 or $700M a pop.


  79. Well what strategy do we have for ISIS. We sure as hell can't beat them from their AIR. It's gona have to take Boots on the ground to wipe them off the planet.

  80. So f--king true, most of my stoppages were failure to feed due to the square hole for the magazine catch distending. But I also seen cases with burst gas pipe due to obstruction (carbon buildup) and short cycling (easy fix, tweak the gas regulator). Find that gas pistons give me less of short cycling, or at least that was my impression. Still miss my M-4 though. 20 years.

    Personally though, if you have to fire so many rounds through a rifle that it is in danger of malfunction via the gas system, you are 1) definitely in the wrong place, 2) in need of CAS or better, 16 inch NGFS 3) in dire need of a new CO.


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