Wednesday, February 04, 2015

UAE grounds its female fighter pilots.


MSNBC is reporting that UAE is grounding its fighter pilots after seeing the video of the Jordanian pilot being burned alive.

You can expect the same thing to happen in other countries soon.


  1. UAE completely stopped the strikes on ISIS

  2. You are not a Muslim if you support Kaffirs or Mushrikeen in attacking a fellow Muslim or an Islamic power. You have committed a Major Sin (what we would consider a 'Deadly Sin' though there are more gradations of punishment in Islam). You are thus not protected by Islamic prohibitions on the use of torture and extreme (fire is reserved to G-o-d as a punishment) violence on Believers.

    There is a saheeh hadeeth (authentic narration) in which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever helps to kill a Muslim, even with half a word, will meet Allah with (the words) written between his eyes, ‘He has no hope of the mercy of Allah.’”– i.e., the mercy of Allah will not descend upon one who helps a kafir (non-Muslim) to kill a Muslim. This is what I understand from the hadeeth. Please explain further.

    Praise be to Allah

    As I said in my other post, these are people tired of being bombed from the skies by untouchable, Western equipped, trained /and believing/ Islamic warriors and so will act accordingly to set examples. They are vicious and murderous but the results of their actions are no more intolerable than random women or children exsanguinating over a couple of hours in total agony because of massive blast overpressures, fragmentation or structural collapse inherent to bomb strikes upon buildings and vehicles which they just happened to be standing in or next to.

    We don't get to see that aspect of things, thanks toe Western Media censorship but ISIL does.

    That pilot was a warrior and died as an individually targeted combatant. How often can we say the same?

    IMO, it is beyond likely that Saudi is contributing to the funding of these groups for the simple reason that anything which helps Iran or takes petroleum/LNG sales out of their own (Gates Of Hormuz) purview is not to be tolerated. The General Intelligence Presidency acting to fragment a Shia dominated Iraq and framing Iran-friendly Syria for gas attacks follows this policy.

    And since the U.S. is about to wage a war in the Ukraine _specifically_ to thwart the movement of large quantities of Oil/LNG Eastwards through the SCO states to enable China to be energy independent of USD controlled oil sales, it stands to reason that they will also follow the Saudi line, albeit from the standpoint of 'human rights violations', because we absolutely cannot afford to lose our stranglehold over this base enabler for modern economics as it would destroy us and our greed driven march to Globalism, in a heart beat.

    It likely doesn't hurt that Israel wants to sell her own petrogas through Syrian pipelines, into the Turkish Corridor to power Europe.

    Of course, this highlights the utter hypocrisy of Islam's conditional beliefs as, to do -anything- to aid the Israelis in light of their genocidal attacks on the Palestinians or the Americans after their murder of tens of thousands of Muslims throughout the ME, is also a major act of Kufr (disbelief).

    For Apostates and those who insult the word of Mohammed as the law of Allah, there can be only one penalty.

    As a female serving in the armed forces in a male role is itself against two or three different teachings of the Koran as well as multiple cultural prohibitions which see men as the 'ruler' (literal) or 'bread winner' (interpreted) translation of the following-

    1. >
      The Quran dedicates numerous verses to Muslim women, their role, duties and rights, in addition to Sura 4 with 176 verses named "An-Nisa" ("Women").[25] Some verses are considered as key in defining gender roles in Islam, one being verse 4.34:[26][27]

      Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion [committing a religious sin], admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.

      —Qur'an , [Quran 4:34]

      The above verse 34 uses the word qawwamun to depict the gender role of men. This is the plural form often equated as lord, master, ruler, governor, manager. Some scholars[10][28] claim this verse establishes a hierarchical gender role, with man as ruler and woman as ruled. However, other scholars[10][28] suggest that this Arabic word may not mean ruler in its context. Rather, it means ‘bread-winner’ as an economic term. Such an interpretation of Quran then implies a division of functions, with men as bread winners, and women as child-bearers.

      Islam differentiates the gender role of women who believe in Islam and those who do not. The Muslim male's right to own slave women, seized during military campaigns and jihad against non-believing pagans and infidels from Southern Europe to Africa to India to Central Asia, was considered natural.[29][30][page needed] Slave women could be sold without their consent, expected to provide concubinage, required permission from their owner to marry; and children born to them were automatically considered Muslim under Islamic law if the father was a Muslim.[31][32][33]

      Note especially the rights of women who are -not- treated as Muslims but as war prizes. They have none. If you are not following the laws of Islam, you are Kufr at best and Riddah (Apostate) at worst.

      Where, in the seat of Islam-

      In some cases, when women have the right to work and are educated, women's job opportunities may in practice be unequal to those of men. In Egypt for example, women have limited opportunities to work in the private sector because women are still expected to put their role in the family first, which causes men to be seen as more reliable in the long term.[70][page needed] In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for Saudi women to drive, serve in military and other professions with men.[71][page needed] It is becoming more common for Saudi Arabian women to procure driving licences from other Gulf Cooperation Council states such as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.[72]

      There would be absolutely no protection for female fighter pilots would be in double jeopardy from the start and the UAE, which ironically is the rape capital of the Middle East for Western women and boys, has taken them out of the firing line under the certainty that -by their own laws- a female pilot's punishment would be assured and likely 'personal'.

      ISIL are simply enforcing a radicalist vision of Islam that would sweep the region were either Shia or Sunni fundamentalism to gain sufficient upper hand as to marginalize the other. They are, at present, a mutually self-cancelling ethno religious bipolarism which will not survive as a stable entity (non threatening to the West) if a major theater war sees the disestablishment or delegitimization of one or the other.

      We should have no business there and only our own, unforgiveable and certainly unsustainable, economic weakness have forced our presence in their affairs.

  3. As if burning a man alive would be somehow less worse than doing the same to a woman.

    1. No, they won't rape the man first before burning him. Have to extrapolate what comes before and after.

    2. ... you sure about that rape part? Because you know... it's still happen to the man.

    3. It can, but it won't. Homoseualism is wrong according to the quoran, right?

  4. they won't rape the man first before burning him.

    Homosexuality maybe "banned" under Qoran (depending WHO is interpreting) but two males doing the "deed" (in private) is "tolerated". There have been several known cases in Afghanistan.

  5. funny reading all the outrage from the civilized western people about the burning of jordanian pilot.. and yet it is ok for rebels in libya to torture and sodomize muamar ghadaffi to death..

    double standard and hypocrisy

    1. I'm betting the sodomy part was your personal invention.


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