Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ukraine News. Listen to the "Fuck the EU" tape again

Victoria Nuland: US-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
Geoffrey R. Pyatt: United States Ambassador to Ukraine
Jeff Feltman: head of the United Nations Department of Political Affairs
Oleh Tyahnybok: member of the Verkhovna Rada and the leader of nationalist Svoboda political party
An international guy as the new president (?)
Robert Serry: Dutch diplomat serving as United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
Ban Ki-Moon: Secretary-General of the United Nations
Jake Sullivan: national security advisor to Joe Biden
Joe Biden: Vice President USA
Viktor Yanukovych: President of Ukraine
Vitali Klitschko, the complicated electron: Leader of the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform and Member of the Ukrainian Parliament.
Listen carefully to this tape.

Listen twice if necessary to get the full ramifications of what's being discussed here.


Think about the situation in Ukraine.

Ain't pretty is it?


  1. Fuck the NeoCons like Victoria Nuland!

  2. U.S. State Department. Should be on the terrorist watch-list.

  3. The material you are citing is over one year old, not exactly breaking news. Maybe the the F35 can just drop Fbombs from VN all over the place, like m&m's on the belly of a fat chick. Murica, FuckYeah!!!

  4. what the hell? the material i'm citing is relevant because we're seeing (in my opinion) alot of pain and suffering and i'm trying to track back the string to the people responsible for it. to me this tape is a smoking gun and gives us clues that were not properly evaluated when first reported.

    so you're right. America! Fuck Yeah!

    oh and your country can eat shit.

  5. It would be ironic if he was American...

  6. Remember this ,and keep in mind that guy is an Estonian Foreign Minister so no BBF of the Russians

    Its easy to dismiss things a conspiracy theory




  7. It is necessary to remind those claiming that this has been strictly an "internal struggle" that they are wrong. The residents of Donbas have taken a severe licking but they keep on fighting for their rights, in an affair orchestrated by the US, which currently by the way is doing a similar operation in Venezuela (again).

  8. The nut-bags in Kyev have gone over the edge, as reported by CBCNews.
    Ukraine preparing for 'full-scale war,' says former envoy to Canada
    Vadym Prystaiko, now deputy foreign minister, calls on the West to 'stiffen up in the spine'
    Ukraine's deputy foreign minister says he is preparing for "full-scale war" against Russia and wants Canada to help by supplying lethal weapons and the training to use them.
    Frank Kendall, the Pentagon arms guy, is now in Dubai arranging arms to be delivered by UAE to Ukraine, according to this tweet. Poroshenko is there also.
    Christopher Miller @ChristopherJM
    Poroshenko, UAE agree on "delivery of certain types of armaments and military hardware to #Ukraine."
    The U.S. will now encourage Kyev to again break a Minsk agreement, and attack. But with whom. The army is destroyed and young Ukrainians are dodging the draft.

  9. The interesting thing to me, about this conversation is not the obvious US controlled regime change but rather who recorded this conversation. Ditto for the Estonian / EU conversation.
    I personally believe it was the Russian intelligence who recorded this conversation and probably a lot more conversations. If so then the Russians knew all about this US planned coup. But they did not interfere directly, why not?
    Instead they appear to have made their plans and been well placed in Crimea. I think the speed of the takeover stunned the Western powers. Similarly they were well ahead in the Donbass.
    I just wonder what the Russians end game is? I first thought the idea was just to do a Georgia/ Ossetia type standoff so as to keep Ukraine out of NATO. I am wondering now if the plan is to seize all of Novarussia which includes all the industrial and resource rich areas of Ukraine and leave the rest as a broken financially wrecked country which will be a leech on the EU, as a warning to others.
    Anyway just chalk it up as another foreign policy disaster of the Obama administration.

  10. I believe the next target in eastern Europe will be Hungary. The president is far to pro Putin.
    I can hear the street protests being organized from here.

  11. There are no indications that Russia wants to annex Donbas. After Dotetsk and Luhansk voted for independence they asked to be annexed and Russia said no. Russia has consistently promoted federalization of Ukraine with provisions for self-identity of the people there.

    From Minsk 2.0:
    4. On the first day after the withdrawal, start dialogue on ways of conducting local elections in accordance with Ukrainian legislation and the law of Ukraine about “On interim local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions” and about the future administration of these areas based on this law.
    Adopt promptly, no later than 30 days from the date of signing of this document, a resolution of the parliament of Ukraine specifying the territory enjoying a special regime according to the law of Ukraine “On interim local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions”, based on the Minsk Memorandum of 19 September 2014.
    Of course the U.S. won't permit any of that, it wants mo' war, but that's what Russia wants.

  12. Don, I never meant that Russia would annex Novarussia. Rather they would have a friendly neighbor on their doorstep.
    But my main point was that I don't know what the Russian end game is here. I don't believe all this crap about Russia wanting to invade but I do believe that the Russians have had a plan from the very beginning which has the West floundering. The Obama gang thought they were being ever so clever and it has all blown up in their faces. The worry is that Obama might decide to double down on stupid and escalate even further.

  13. I tried to answer your question. The Russia end game is a federalized Ukraine according to Minsk.

  14. I suspect UAE weapons deal is a US bypass around NATO and EU members who are against arming the Ukraine . UAE itself doesn't have much to offer anyway. I guess is time for some polonium drinks in UAE

  15. Of course there is frequent US meddling in international affairs, most notably Ukraine. To suggest otherwise is to be childishly naive.

    The good news is that most of the thugs that support and partake in the "global hegemony"-thingy are thoughtlessly self-absorbed and controlled by their egos, meaning they are each other's worst enemy. Even greater enemies than they are to the common man/woman. Their gig is rapidly coming to an end too and they know it.

    how does the saying go? "pass the popcorn"?

  16. NTS,

    . While I agree with you about the current clique's shelf life rapidly approaching it's expiration date, you also stated directly in your comment the source of my deepest fear.

    That fear is that said self absorbed power mad jackholes would rather do everything in their power to drive humanity into at best the stone age and at worst total extinction rather than allow their lies to be exposed by the people who replace them in power.

    As is I've begun in sincerely wonder if many of the moves they're making are about sabotaging anyone who successfully takes them down in case they don't manage to hit the big red button on their way down...

    This is a very likely scenario when dealing with not just one, but an entire network of malignant narcissists who are losing their grip on power AND their ability to induce widespread belief in the outlandish lies they use to make the world dance to their tune.


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