Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ukraine set to increase production of the BM Oplot MBT (Ukrainian T-84)

Thanks for the link Jonathan!

via ukraine.setimes
Roman Romanov, the CEO of Ukroboronprom, the government-controlled group of 150 defence production companies, said there are plans to increase the production of Ukrainian BM Oplot tanks by almost 25 percent.
According to a report on Ukroboronprom's website, 40 units will be produced this year, with plans to increase to 100-120 per year starting in 2016.
"The BM Oplot is an advanced tank," Vadym Grechaninov, a military expert and president of the Atlantic Council of Ukraine, told SETimes. "It has advanced armour, a proper gun, speed. It is a modern tank with night vision equipment, and so on. It is a very expensive piece of equipment."
Read the entire article here.


  1. It was pretty much to be expected after the trouble on the borders. In a way, its ironic. Russia was trying to keep NATO from its borders... by pissing off its neighbour. Think they traded the lesser evil for the greater one. NATO is impersonal, they simply don't care. Ukraine is pissed off. They are seriously mad. Which one do you think will be a more accommodating neighbour?

  2. 100-120 per month in 2016. Who cares?

    They need to get their inventory of T64, T72s and T80s into action NOW or else they are going to get steamrolled and will be another province in the Russian Federation.

  3. They can live with ukraine no mater how mad as they can easily enough tame it ,put some politicians on a payroll and suddenly they will be BBF in no time.

  4. Think you underestimate hatred. Last time, they tossed out a president on Russia's payroll. These days, they'll probably hang him. If it was so easy, why did Russia fund the separatists instead of putting Ukraine's new government on payroll? They can't, because public sentiment is anti-Russian for now.

  5. Too late, they lost the breakaway areas. This is for Round 2 in the future, not now. Now is already too late.

  6. And it will not change for long.. long time.

  7. You telling me? lol. I know some older generation folks that still spit at Japanese!

  8. That's nothing... my grand, grand uncle still split on Austro-Hungarians... even when they don't "exist" anymore. :D

  9. Offtopic

    Just a photo from Ukraine

  10. wanna bet that the "ukrainians" will kiss the russian flag the next day the war ends?

  11. Offtopic
    Ukraine, Russian specnaz in a complete equipment. Bgggg

  12. You are so right! 2016 is too late.

    Also, aren't most of their production facilities in eastern Ukraine near where the fighting is?

  13. Take these plans to increase tank production with a huge grain of salt. Most of the tank components were produced in the factories of Donetsk, Lugansk and Mariupol. --That's WERE produced. They aren't any longer, not for Ukraine anyhow, plus the country is dead broke and requires huge infusions of capital just to survive.

  14. Ahhh you failed again... Oplots are build in huge Malyshev conglomerate factory in Kharkov. From Soviet time this city was core tank producer with EVERYTHING on site. Hulls, engines, guns, optics, electronics... everything there. You really need to start to check things before you post them. And no... RT is not good source.

  15. @producer with EVERYTHING on site.@
    Sure? Can you prove your words? ERA was produced in Donetsk. Part of optics in Crimea (Feodosian plant) - no? Are You sure they can produce barrels? I guess no, If I’m correct Ukrainians had problems with barrels’ producing even during proceeding of Pakistani contract, rumors go – Russia preformed hidden supply of barrels for the contract.

  16. 100%
    The ERA on Oplot is Nozh-2 manufactured by FCCT-Microtek in Kiev.
    Optics, PNK-6, 1G46M and PTT-2 ect. are also manufactured outside Crimea.
    They can produce barrels as they use rather old but still good KBA-3 in T-64 and Oplot. In tank building department Ukrainians did not lost anything, they will lost it when they will lost Kharkov and Malyshev conglomerate.

    And... Ukraine did not sell to Pakistan Oplots nor T-64. I don't know what are you talking about.

  17. Info-Infantry Ukraine did not sell to Pakistan Oplots nor T-64.@
    A number of Ukrainian T-80UDs were exported to Pakistan in the late 1990s.


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