Saturday, February 07, 2015

What's old is new again. Blood Restriction training by another name.

Blood Resistance Bands sold on Amazon.

via Navy Times.
Better yet, what if — after that kind of workout — not only do you not feel any of the typical soreness that comes with pushing your body to total muscle failure, but you're ready to do it again within just a few hours?
And what if you could get that workout with just a few basic body-weight exercises and minimal weights?
Best of all, what if that workout not only adds solid, lean muscle mass, but also significantly increases strength and endurance, while reducing body fat?
All within just a few weeks?
That's the promise of a revolutionary new training system just coming over from Japan dubbed Kaatsu.
"It really does sound too good to be true," says former Army physician Dr. Brian Law. "That's exactly what I thought."
But Law recently tried Kaatsu for less than two weeks. And he's already a believer.
"I work out a lot. I normally bench press 350 pounds," says Law, now a researcher at Ohio University. "After 10 days of doing Kaatsu for only about 10 minutes a day, I added 10 pounds to my max bench press — without even using a spotter. All the hours I've spent in the gym and, wow, these kind of results after only 10 minutes. It's pretty cool."
This irks me to no end.


Because this has been used forever and a day in the bodybuilding community.  They go to Japan and its Kaatsu?  In the US its been used for certain since the 1970's and is called "Blood Resistance Training"!

If any of you have watched old skool wrestling then you know how all the wrestlers wore bands on their upper arms?  Why?  Because it gave you a better pump!

For you old skool Marines that remember rolled sleeves before Amos took it away and then brought it back....remember rolling a tight cuff to make those guns pop?

Same fucking thing.

What's old is new again.  Consider this the perfect example of people not understanding fitness history and then think about how it applies to lessons learned when it comes to the military art.

This is how you end up wasting money, studying thing you already have the answer to.


  1. Replies
    1. yep! i guess thats what makes it cool. if it was first discovered by the likes of Schwarzenegger, Ferrigno, Sergio, Zane and others (which it was in gyms in California and New York) then it just isn't so fancy anymore.

      i wonder why Americans hate American stuff and gravitate toward foreign trends?

    2. You're never a prophet in your own backyard.


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