Friday, February 13, 2015

White House indecision delayed the rescue attempt...

via The Daily Beast.
The U.S. did not think British intelligence was good enough to act on and waited a month to launch a mission to rescue ISIS's hostages. By then it was too late.
The U.S. government obtained intelligence on the possible location of American captives held by ISIS in Syria last year, but Obama administration officials waited nearly a month to launch a rescue mission because of concerns that the intelligence wasn’t conclusive and some of it had come from a foreign service, U.S. and British officials told The Daily Beast.
British officials, as well as private security contractors, said they were frustrated by Washington’s hesitance to give the go-ahead for a rescue attempt, which eventually was carried out on July 4, 2014, by which time the hostages had been moved. The following month, ISIS began beheading its American and British prisoners in a series of grisly Internet videos.
Read it all here.

So my suspicions are confirmed.  It probably extends (I'm almost sure of it) to the clusterfuck that was our "embassy evacuation" all the way to every facet of our battle against ISIS.

Indecision is worse than making a bad decision.  If you act and you're wrong you can reorient and fix things.  If you vacillate then you're always a step behind.

Doesn't that sound like current US foreign policy?  Always a step behind? 


  1. Let's wait...

    This are probably two words that became a law in Obama Administration.

  2. well said. i have never seen someone over analyze situations to the extent that he does...and yet blunder forward on societal issues like a bull in a china shop. this dude is different. i really don't understand him.

  3. President Obama is... a pop star, a celebrity. He look perfectly in TV, shake hands, joke with people (he has a great sense of humor that for sure) and he is black! What an wonderful composition for a TV star!

    But being and President of still the most powerful nation on the world is not an Dancing with the Stars show... it's hard work with many hard decisions in the very complicated world. In this department Barack Obama failed on almost every front.

  4. Apparently it's a world tendency. Social issues over anything else.

  5. Its funny, because that is the 2nd common psychological condition a leader or a person in a position of authority can develop, "indecisiveness". The other one is "infallibility" - which is apparently what Putin suffers from. It does makes sense, if a leader makes a few mistakes, and is not particularly strong willed in the first place, he will develop this indecisiveness, this fear of making a mistake, which will cause him to prolong, sometimes avoid entirely the decision making process. Also, as a side effect, this leader will turn into a micromanagement freak, because he will be afraid some of his subordinates will make a mistake that will be pinned on him. You probably saw people like this - officers and sergeants in the military who are constantly on edge, constantly micromanaging their subordinates, looking so hard for anything that can go wrong that they entirely miss opportunities to make things go right. Trying to take as little risk as possible while forgetting that inaction by itself carries the huge risk of your adversaries taking the action and initiative to their hands. On the other hand, you will have the "infallible". The leaders who got a few things right, and now think they are always right.

    Honestly, the more I look at modern politics, the more I come to the conclusion that half the politicians should seek treatment by psychiatrist.

  6. i dislike trying to play psychologist from afar but just glancing in the direction of the White House i detect arrogance, infallibility, narcissism and a few other maladies. the guy is a piece of work. i've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but geez! its like he has no management experience. like he wants what he wants and he's going to shove it down the country's throat and says fuck the consequences.

    the one undisputable good thing that has happened to this country is falling oil prices. AND HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

  7. On the oil price issue, not only did he have nothing to do with it, his administration has done everything in their power to hinder new production capabilities that brought the drop into being!!

  8. yeah you're right. and that's why i'm done. i was patient. i wanted to give him a chance to be what many thought he could but everything he's touched he's made it worse.

    its almost to the point of where i wash my hands of everything and just get ready for armageddon.

  9. He looked great on TV and had a great sense of humor...when everything was scripted pot for him. When he has no script he is bumbling, indecisive, mean-spirited, self centered and arrogant.


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