Sunday, February 15, 2015

World on fire news. Iraqi troop collapse imminent; Copenhagen terror.

via CNN (Iraq)
An Iraqi tribal leader said Saturday that ISIS militants are gaining ground in Anbar province, predicting a "collapse within hours" of Iraqi army forces there if tribal forces withdraw.
Sheikh Naim al-Gaoud, a Sunni Muslim leader of the Albu Nimr tribe, called for more U.S. intervention -- including ground troops, arming tribes directly or at least pressuring the Iraqi government to give the tribes more firepower.
While U.S. officials have said that ISIS, which calls itself the Islamic State, is on the defensive in Iraq and Syria, al-Gaoud says that's definitely not the case where he is.
"In Anbar, we are losing ground, not gaining," he said.
Personal Rant.

I AM SO FUCKING TIRED OF THE IRAQI's!  They are arrogant beyond belief but can't fight to save their lives and have the audacity to demand more US intervention....after they fucking insisted that we get out of their country.

FUCK THEM ALL.  Let ISIS go crazy then nuke the entire fucking country from orbit.

Rant off.

via CNN (Copenhagen)
After a frantic manhunt involving "all the country's police forces," Danish police say they've killed the man they believe is responsible for a pair of possible terrorist attacks that left two people dead.
"As a nation, we have experienced a series of hours we will never forget," Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said Sunday.
"We have tasted the ugly taste of fear and powerlessness that terror would like to create. But we have also, as a society, answered back."
Oh I have a rant about this one too but I won't go there.

Let's just say that "pretty words" after a terrorist attack has been committed does not solve the problem.  Neither does political correctness.

The world is burning boys.


  1. "Let's just say that "pretty words" after a terrorist attack has been committed does not solve the problem. Neither does political correctness."

    Tell that to France's president who is ready to sell Europe for 1 billion any day now or to Merkel that can be blackmailed to even dismember her own country.

  2. Solomon, here is an insight (not a full one tho) with micro details about some regional things in the East.

  3. Is this India's answer to the Grippen or a mini-Mirage? Since it has the basic same engine as the Grippen (GE-F414) it just comes down to cost vs quality of build.

  4. Middle Eastern armies suffer from the same issues: No NCO Corps or Junior Officers that have training/leadership, incompetent and/or corrupt generals, incompetent and/or corrupt political leaders.

    or the book: Arabs at War: Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991 (Studies in War, Society, and the Military)

    A few coats of paint, some shiny equipment, new uniforms and all an Arab army is, it is still fundamentally flawed. Even our Allies.

    Arab leaders don't want competent militaries because then they become political threats.

  5. There is an old saying: A fish rots from the head down

  6. The problem starts right at the top
    'Arab' states aren't states like we are. They still function like empires, a collection of peoples with strong loyalty to a local power and weak loyalty to the centre. A strong man at centre can force greater cooperation (sadam) but that's a rareity.
    Frequently the centre negotiates with the fringe.

    And this feeds in to military power.
    In a tribal society, the central army is secondary to tribal militias that would take the lead, in empires, regular army units are directly in the command of regional governments, one if the biggest worries I have over Ukraine is that it may simply be beyond Putin's power to reign in local commanders who want to support the separatists.

    In Iraq, now, there's a very weak centre, but the fringes have been disarmed under both Sadam and the Americans, planting bombs they could do, fighting ISIS less so.

    They now fear after backing the Iraqi army, if it retreats, ISIS would massacre them when it takes over.

    As for europe
    As we type, there are ships off the coast of Italy with 'refugees' in. They came from Libya, which has fallen under ISISesque rule.
    NordaLeague believes the ships contain jihadis, but there are no legal grounds to stop the ships docking and processing the occupants as asylum seekers fleeing oppression.

  7. Not linked to this post but-

    How about that, an India-Brazil joint project


    T72b3 tanks in the background. They can be identified as such by two distinguishing features:

    Firstly, their Kontakt-5 explosive reactive armour (ERA), which consists of large, angled pairs of plates around the turret.
    Secondly, their Sosna-U sights: Sosna-U was only introduced to the T-72B series, on the B3, in 2013.

  9. "You can buy it in every hunter shop near you... Friday promotion 2 in price of 1 and trained crew as bonus" [sarcasm off]

  10. They just send the "letter" to "Uncle Vlad" and new wave of "spontaneous volunteers" will cross the border alongside the usual shipments of weapons and supplies.

  11. There is a limit to how many men you can toss into an area before limited returns bite you on the arse. You need to be very wise to know the limits, for example, General Yamashita in the Malayan campaign was widely praised as a wise commander because while he only used 25% of his total force in battle because he knew his logistics couldn't support any more.

    There is a knee jerk reaction to all battlefields to simply "toss more men in". Unfortunately, sometimes, it is exactly the wrong thing to do.

  12. A map of alleged situation in Debal'tsevo town

  13. A fresh vid from the Debali's pocket

  14. "toss more men in" is rather classic school of Russian military...

  15. It is a combined vehicle Tornado: anti-riot, anti-fire, engineering. A concept, shown on Interpolitex‘2011, never noticed in real operation.More photos here
    As for me it is more engineering then anti-riot – too much of attackable devices outside.

  16. Hej Guys.. i am from Copenhagen
    I just wanted to say that when the danish government alows muslims to build mosks in denmark, they should have ekspect such terorist attacks. No body goes to a mosk for pray.. they go there for listening to Mullahs preach.. and i really dont think he is preaching integration in the society :-) excuse my bad "freanch" ;-)

  17. Then again, the Philippines are desperate to rebuild their military after two decades of squandering it. Now they are begging for the world to give them military gear and asking the US to base troops their.


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