Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Your President doesn't have a plan.

Notice the weak and timid response to this horrific killing?  Notice the lack of anger or resolve?  Do you sense any desire to press forward and deliver justice....American style justice to these animals?

I don't.

The world is burning and we have pure pussy in the White House.

Islamic terrorist have the upper hand.  They are "shaping" the battlefield (I used the Pentagon-ese shaping on purpose) and are inside OUR decision making loop.

Tally up the atrocities.

They have Europe on edge after the attacks in Paris.  They barbarically murdered the Jordanian pilot.  Their affiliates in Nigeria are rampaging like a pack of wolves on a sheep farm.

Lets face facts.

The terrorists are winning and our President doesn't have a clue.

Coffee Man said it best in his comment to this event...
...was talking with my 17 year old son about these zealots. Somehow they think that taking the world back to 500 A.D. is the best. I may be wrong but wasn't Thomas Aquinas tasked by the Vatican to bring the "advanced sciences" of the Muslim world to the western masses in a way that was palatable to the Catholic Church?
How time progresses......back in the 1100-1200's, Muslims were the forward leaning thinkers of the time and the western world was backwards. Now, how times have changed.

When are we, as a civilized society, going to rise up against these atrocities and call it what it is? And then have the intestinal fortitude to do something about it?
The Middle East isn't worth the life of one American Serviceman.  It does deserve several thousand tons of high explosives.