Friday, March 13, 2015

A bully runs his mouth while the little guy puts in work.

A buddy sent me this vid.

His talk and my focus is on the obvious MMA techniques that are being picked up at a younger and younger age.  This isn't a passing fancy.  This can be considered the new form of American unarmed self defense.  I see it at my gym and I'm sure you've seen it too.

The problem?

The mainstream is picking up on what was once another of those closely held "secrets" of the warrior class.  Fads come and go but this has been around long enough for the bad to start creeping in.  What is that?  Criminals will start utilizing some of these techniques against the unsuspecting.

Train hard guys.  It can be a pain in the ass and take up your time but practice ground defense when you get a chance.  If the worse happens it could save your life.

Sidenote:  I love the way the big guy is talking smack instead of putting in work.  Did you notice the little guy?  Not one word.  Just grim determination.  I LOVE IT!


  1. The smaller man was definitely stocky, something the flabby taller dude should have taken into consideration.

    My favorite part is the restraint he showed once he had him down.


    US gun ownership rate falls to the lowest level on record.

    Young people are not interested in guns, but fewer people are collecting larger number of guns.

  3. the poll you site is a perfect example of why polls are not to be trusted. the number of FBI background checks to purchase guns has skyrocketed to several times the numbers ever seen before. so have the number of concealed carry licenses. the reality is much different. gun ownership is WAAAAY up. thats why you see the OBama Administration pushing so hard for federal gun control.

    why would the feds want more laws when what they have is working...and demographics are on their side? the answer? because gun control is popular only in the Northeast, California and big cities in between.

    don't believe what you read unless you have a bit of nuance.

  4. Surveys like that are worthless for determining gun ownership rates for one simple reason...Gun Owners Lie!! Why do they lie? They lie because No One feels safe telling a perfect stranger who has cold called them on the phone whether or not they own firearms. Firearms are one of the three most desirable targets in burglery and home robbery, the other two being cash and drugs. That being the case, many people just say they don't own any firearms when asked by survey takers.Others just opt out of the survey which skews the results farther to the none ownership side. As for whether young people are not interested in guns that seems to fly in the face of my personel experiance as a volunter Scouter. We find that the activities where any of the shoointg sports are involved are our most popular and highest attended events by a substatial margin. We held a turkey shoot last november in our small district and we had over 500 youth attend. Scouters I have talked too from other cities and States have all shared similar experiances. Other evidence that contradicts this survey is the booming numbers of women getting concealed carry permits. Women as a class have not historically been heavily represented in the traditional shooting sports but over the last 30 years they have become more visible and more promenent in these activities. (just look at the growing number of Professional Shooters who are Women.)

  5. That was too funny! Love how the little guy took his time to remove his sweater and pants, gave him time to physic himself up, distracting the bigger guy that obviously just thinks because he's big, he can't be taken down then the little guy went 100% out, no freaking ROE restraining him! Love it!

    I know we shouldn't put this into some political/military issue but that's really how I feel the USA acts, just like the big guy, no effort, just happy to be dumb and lazy, all about past glory and not paying attention to what the little guys out there are doing.....

  6. maybe i'm in a bad mood but i have another analogy for ya. we're the little guy, some bully is running his mouth and our allies sit on their hands and do nothing while we have to do the work.

    what country are you from again?

  7. I am by no means liberal, at what point though will our repubublican led congress do what's righ5 for the people first. It would s sickening. Yet they blame every issue on Obama. Where is their accountability?

  8. I don't think America can be seen as the little guy, maybe in the 1940s but not today, we are just too happy to live with the past results and think we don't have to put in any effort or work anymore.

    Born in the USA by the way......

  9. you miss the bigger point so let me be blunt. you sound like another ungrateful European that doesn't properly support his own defense forces through taxes yet complains that the USA does.

    additionally you didn't answer the question or perhaps i wasn't clear.

    what country do you live in?

  10. The bully was just an idiot and the small guy was totally decided to stop it, I really like his face when he attacked. Remind me when I was in similar situations in Peru when I was a kid, I had to fight several times and teachers didn't really care. My older brother once encourage me to kick the ass off a huge bully in my school that was pissing me off. The bully smashed me at the end but I also gave him several nice punches and kiks. My brother that was as big as him didn't stop him. After that I never feel afraid any more and I thank my bro for the lesson.
    I theach the same to my son and he did the same in Canada but he was suspended with the bully. It's a different culture and bullies can act pretty much freely if the teachers don't see what is Happening.

    Aikido is my favorite martial art, I use to teach it in South America long time ago and save my ass twice. People totally underestimate the power of focus the and use ot the enemie's energy. Today there is too much focus in competition and not in real life or dead situations. Some times if you attack you open your guard and it's risky, being upset or afraid will make you loose concentration and balance and you will be done pretty fast.

    Returing to Aikido, it takes more time to learn than other martial arts but it's 100% effective. People from other martial arts think is just fake (in some it can be depending of the schooll or the teacher) I always suggest to learn Aikido if you want to lear a real and effective self defense martial art for the street.

    My only concern about MMA and Judo techniques is that if you need to fight on the floor somebody else will kick your head on the street.

  11. I live in Phoenix AZ, didn't mean to piss you off Sol.

  12. MAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!! that's some serious punch.

  13. If that kid did that to my kid, the principle would be the least of his worries after ti beat the crap and taze his fat butt. He would not walk after I am done with him.


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