Thursday, March 19, 2015

A terrible day at the office...eyes firmly shut holding on for dear life....

Like the Army Facebook Page says...this guys face says it all!  He's having a terrible day at the office, his eyes are firmly shut and he's holding on for dear life.


  1. Big ramp, small door. Next.
    And suck it up Marine, it builds character. lol
    On a more serious note, you get people out the door faster by using the ramp and it is safer, less chance of slamming against the hull and further from the turbulence caused by the propellors. Off the ramp is better.

    And regarding the pic, I bet he'll have his eyes closed even if he did went out the door.

  2. have they started teaching ramp jumps at Benning? i don't know. i do know that for mass jumps they still do it out the door and off the ramp is usually something for special ops bubas or events for guys to get their jump pay.

    as far as prop blast the jump doors usually take care of that for the most part.....i wonder if it has something to do with the new T-11's.

  3. Odd, I thought they did mass jumps out the back these days. You get two rows of jumpers instead of the single line at the door. Initial parachute training is sometimes off the back of Chinooks. Less logistics hassle. The CH-47 lands on the field, the stick loads, it goes up, they jump off, it lands for the next stick. No need for an airfield.

  4. like i said i don't know. i'm dating myself with this one. oh and you go out both speed advantage when you're talking about mass drops.


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