Monday, March 30, 2015

About Jade Helm 15...

Jade Helm 15.  It could be as SOCOM says it is.  Nothing more than a training exercise.  It could be like its many supporters say it is...a chance to get off base and "Master the Human Terrain".

American Mercenary could be right.  I don't have the experience to make an informed decision (although the bastard is twisted to think that I have to have experience planning large scale exercises to be able to have an opinion on whether a training event needs to be conducted in civilian space when the US military has millions of acres of land to operate on).

One thing these apologists, staff weenies, SOCOM worshippers and fellow travelers all have in common is one thing.

They can't answer a simple question.  Why is it essential for these forces to operate in US cities?  We've seen an increase in this and no one can explain what benefit training in a US city brings when it comes to operating overseas.
The US is distinct.  Its different.  Even European cities are totally different from our own.  British cities are different and they speak the same language.  SO how can training in a US city prepare a team to operate in Kabul, Istanbul, Shanghai, or another foreign area?

People like American Mercenary can spin this all they want but until they answer why its necessary then many will look upon it with suspicious eyes.

The government is here to help?  Bullshit.

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