Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Amphibious Ops 1990-2013

Research done by John C. Berry, Jr., Director, Concepts Branch, Emergent Force Development Division, Futures Directorate, DC CD&I.


This reveals a few things...The Navy/Marine Corps Team has been extremely busy...The public focuses on Amphibious Assault but this chart reveals that Amphibious Operations should be the yardstick and they're being well served by their Corps....Last....All signs point to increased ops tempo.

There will be no break for our forces.

Note:  If the document is difficult to read then either download and enlarge or follow the link to read it on Scribd.


  1. Yeeeeaaaa right... ok, so they sure this is for Marines? I would say... that it the fine commercial for Army Engineering units that now will storm castles... but Marines... Marines... they have something with water right?

  2. well major combat has been occurring in the desert for the past decade plus plus so i can forgive for that, but you do have a point. the idea is suppose to be emphasizing our amphibious capabilities so that can be considered another miss (notice i didn't say "going back to the sea"....i hate that term...we never left).

  3. So why not join two things... landing FROM sea on the BEACH... get it, beach - sand - desert... that would have more Marines in it the only the... wall.

  4. Knowing how well those walls are made, pretty sure any breach to create a hole that big is going to need that M1 Abrams to make that hole.

  5. a tank round isn't going to punch through like that though. not even a HE shell would make that big a hole.

  6. I know, that was a little sarcasm, those mud brick walls are a absolute nightmare to breach.


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