Wednesday, March 11, 2015

China's new spacecraft....

The Chinese are drinking our milkshake!

Its past time we wake up to the fact that they are modernizing at an alarming rate in every important military category.  The latest is in Space Technology.  Normalcy Bias will have you saying that this is no big deal.  Sorry but you're wrong.  My prediction?  Unless we get our space program back on track, we will see a Chinese base on the moon while we struggle to simply get back into earth orbit.


  1. Hahaha! You think we're going to be struggling in the future? Russia is able to cut us off from the ISS already and we are scrambling to get back the same capability that this video just showed the Chinese already have just so we can independently reach the ISS on our own again.

  2. SpaceX is pretty much our only hope of getting back to a real manned space program. Because we don't have one at all right now. All we have is a useless agency called NASA that vacuums up most of our best aerospace talent and wastes their lives designing missions/hardware that almost never fly. While handing out pork to companies like Boeing and LockMart.

    The stuff that does actually work, like the Mars rovers, are run by the JPL. Out of converted semi trailers and cargo containers. They barely get any funding at all, but they do the best space science.

    I have zero hope of us winning any kind of new space race with any branch of the Federal Government in charge. That system is bankrupt financially, morally, and philosophically. But if we can keep their filthy paws off the private sector, we might still have a chance.

  3. Looks like a big space station, reminds me something..

    150 billion USD

    International Space Station, Cost

    Have with that!!!!


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