Wednesday, March 11, 2015

China's VN12 Armored Fighting Vehicle News.

via WantChinaTimes
China's new VN12 armored infantry fighting vehicle has a similar design to Western armored vehicles as opposed to Russian models, according to the Kanwa Defense Review, a Chinese-language military magazine based in Canada.
Designed originally based on the Soviet-built BMP-3, the VN12 is the export version of China's ZBD-97 armored infantry fighting vehicle. The vehicle nonetheless looks very different from the ZBD-97, which was produced for domestic consumers. The original Russian-designed vehicle was not popular among foreign buyers, according to the report.
To attract more overseas consumers, Beijing-based China North Industries Corporation redeveloped the vehicle to fit a more Western look.
Read the article here.

It appears that we're finally seeing Chinese armor development evolve away from Russian design influence.

I hope someone is keeping book on the different types of armor that the Chinese are putting into service.  The advancement in aviation tech has been stunning.  I contend that their advancements in armor tech has been even more stunning....and ignored.



    A little Slovakian vibe?

  2. yeah.....the only thing that has me spinning on the Chinese model (not really sure which came first) is the production capability and the variety that we're seeing.

    the Chinese are getting their armored vehicle act together. i don't know if the Armor Center at Ft. Benning is paying attention.

  3. Only one possible problem I see here. I dont know stable that AT missile is on that exposed rail. If the BMP-1 early models are anything to go by, not very stable at all.

  4. The problem is simple. The Chinese procurement system is less corrupt than ours (shudders).

    I mean face it, if LockMart is the "integration contractor", the Chinese will be on their 3rd iteration of a design before we get even one prototype fully built.

    We've got all sorts of smaller companies in the US that are hungry to innovate in the design and construction of armored vehicles. But without procurement reform, none of that matters.

  5. Makes me wish World of Tanks had more modern armored vehicles. The way things are going, lots of American servicemen might need practice blowing up Chinese armor for the future.


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