Friday, March 13, 2015

Chinese Aviation Corporation-AVIC Products Vid...

Did you catch the subtle messages in the vid?  The Chinese (I'm assuming) strategy game being played...the drawing of the sword...but the best one came at the end with this quote...
Making the best weapons for the guardians of peace!
Wow.  That beats the hell out of "We know who we're working for"!


  1. they have better CG artist than textron...

  2. Russia and China have always been all about appearances - putting on a fancy show has been priority for both economic,political and defense domains.

    While in reality its all very meek.

  3. Those Chinese hackers really worked...

  4. Underestimating Asian opponents has been an American past time since before WWII.

    For example, the USN was aware the Japanese were working on the Long Lance Torpedo by 1934. In 1940 they had the full technical details of the weapon; however, the USN Bureau of Ordnance refuse to believe it, stating such a weapon was not technically feasible, especially by the Japanese (because they can only copy). Needless to say, the matter henceforth was promptly forgotten.

    Another example was about the A6M Zero. The Assistant Naval Attache in Tokyo actually sat in the cockpit of one and carefully memorized the manufacturer's information tag, with the horsepower and weight. He sent a detailed report to the Office of Naval Intelligence and had it totally discounted (because the Japanese were incapable of developing such things).

  5. I just want to remind you that the "Guardian of Peace" refer to North Korean government hacker that ruined Sony Pictures.

    It would be interesting to see what happens when North Koreans get a hold of J-31.

  6. At least the US has one thing going for it; the unimaginable level of corruption within the PLA. To pay the bribes to advance in rank, one must collect bribes from offers and soldiers under his command.

    So widespread was the trade in ranks in the past decade that they came
    attached with unofficial price tags, with promotion to general costing
    at least 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) and to senior colonel more than
    half that,
    current and retired officers say. Even just enlisting as an
    ordinary soldier could cost 10,000 yuan in bribes,
    they say.

    Senior military officers briefed on Gen. Xu’s case were told that he and
    his family received about 40 million yuan ($6.4 million) in bribes from
    a protégé, Lt Gen. Gu Junshan, according to a person with direct knowledge of the briefing.

  7. Its my imagination or in 3:16 they are shooting down a F18?

  8. I am not sure the reality is all that meek. The Ukraine situation from no angle looks meek. The anywhere from 1200 to 2000 Chinese Missiles pointed at every piece of infrastructure in Taiwan also does not look meek. 400 Billion dollars worth of "energy trade" with each other thereby facilitating a trade that will never be affected by any "western sanction" does not sound meek to me. Having more than a Trillion dollars as a Trade Surplus also does not sound meek to me. More than 120 submarines between the 2 also does not sound meek to me. The possibility of having the South China sea littered with Navy vessels just iching for war also does not sound meek to me. A fragile country that has not groomed any leader yet to effectively replace Putin once he is gone for any reason whatsoever is also not meek.

    Does all this sound meek to you?

  9. If Russia and China are all about appearances... Where does that leave us with the F-35 fiasco? Or Abrams tanks that can't maintain an advance without being carried on trucks?

    Our procurement programs are all about appearances and nothing else. We may be better led if it comes to a fight, but if our weapons are unreliable shit it won't matter too much. Russia and China are also playing the long game. Whereas we're fixated on what happens about 3 months out, to the exclusion of what we should be planning to do in 5, 10, or 20 years.

  10. I would not be surprise if they promote that and sell it in Latin America.


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