Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Eagle Resolve 2015. A bone tossed to the Saudi's to prevent a freakout over Iran deal.

via Washington Free Beacon.
Some 3,000 U.S. military personnel, including American “air, land, sea, and special operations components,” have moved into the Persian Gulf region for a military exercise that coincides with the finalization of a nuclear agreement with Iran aimed at containing its nuclear arms program, according to officials from U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM).
The exercise, known as Eagle Resolve, has been taking place in Kuwaiti waters since March 8 and will run through the end of the month, when the United States is expected to announce a tentative framework agreement with Iran that is to serve as the final step toward a nuclear agreement.
I've been finding the whole debate in Washington about the Iran nuke deal to be curious.  Everyone is focusing on Israel, the US, our relationship and the Republicans reaction to what many see as a bad deal coming down the pike.
Saudi Arabia's reaction...and that of the other Gulf States are being ignored.  The sad reality?  President Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of our time.  Peace at any price has never worked.

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analysing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will.Neville Chamberlain
But you're asking.  What does that have to do with this exercise?  I believe its a bone being tossed to Saudi Arabia.  The Pentagon is trying to demonstrate that it has the power to attack Iran if things turn bad.

They're seeking to chill the Kingdom out.

It won't work.

Within 10 years you're going to see nation state armies going to war in the region.  You heard it here first....oh...and Iran will have nuclear weapons. 


  1. I see the Japanese flag, are they participating in a Military Exercise that far away from home? I'd like to see what force they are contributing to this exercise.

  2. "a bone tossed to the Saudi's".......somehow I feel that most conflicts out there are created specifically for the purpose of getting someone to toss bones at them. Its either the US or some ex-European Colonial power that these conflict creators target. Most of these conflict creators know for a fact that when faced with a full on conflict, they wont be able to survive let alone thrive for their overall goals. So they precipitate the conflict for so long to to that extent till the time someone (US, EU, UN) notices and throws them a bone.

    And the shameful thing being that the Bone thrown at them is most of the times bigger and more valuable than all what they loose in the conflict.

    P.S- And thats why Al-Qaeda and ISIS scare the pants off everyone. They dont want any bones.

  3. 1. Saudi Arabia (similar to other Gulf States) is a despotic family-run kingdom which does not represent its people. The arabs who actually live in the Middle East fear Israel and the US which have nukes and not Iran which doesn't, according to polls.
    2.The military forces of the Gulf States are intended for domestic control and are useless internationally.
    3. I expect that the "nuke deal" with Iran will be a failed attempt at political grandstanding, that sanctions won't be relaxed, the "deal" will fall through (at least with the US), and that decisions will have to be made by Iran, Russia, India and China about a new political alinement in Asia. Also the US is losing its grip on Europe.

  4. deal or no deal, I dont think India or China and maybe Japan can hold on to Not buying Iranian crude for any longer.

  5. "The sad reality? President Obama is the Neville Chamberlain of our time. Peace at any price has never worked." The saddest thing of all solomon is you are right, is the Iranians are mocking your country right now, threatening, bragging, etc. They have been outsmarting obama in the ME several times in a row and they know it. Check any recent translated Iranian video in Memritv and see for yourself. http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/4838.htm


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