Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How to Grow 6,000 Lbs of Food on 1/10TH Acre


Read about it here.


  1. Be an Interesting read, but I'm not hopeful
    My 4 chickens could eat that bare in 6 months

  2. free range chickens? naw... that's a crazy fad! predators will feast before you can harvest them.

  3. Out during the day, in at night, although they're in at the moment, one keeps picking fights with the dogs and making me make use of the 'dead, leave' commands, survived them all so far.

    But even if they are in, growing food for them on that space seems unrealistic

    But hope to be proven ignorant

  4. Looks like my back yard. Good stuff :)

    Not to make any predictions, but it would behoove people to start learning this often sneered at skill set sooner rather than later.

  5. Grew up with a huge garden. Definately the way to go.

  6. This is doable only in a few places where they have just the right climate and the right infrastructure in place. You would not be able to pull this off in most places in the U.S. because most places don't have the year round growing seasons they have there in So-cal. There is a reason that parts of SoCal is where the majority of fruits and vegetables in the U.S. comes from. More power to them for doing it though.

  7. And most stuff worth growing takes a couple of years to get started


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