Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Los Angeles Police Chief says shooting justified...body cameras worn.

via Washington Post
A homeless man who was shot and killed by police over the weekend in downtown Los Angeles had “forcibly grabbed” an officer’s gun, the Los Angeles police chief said during a Monday night news conference.
Chief Charlie Beck told reporters the man was a suspect in a potential robbery and, when officers approached him, he “repeatedly refused to comply with officers’ demands and then began to fight with them.”
Read the entire story here.

When law enforcement is wrong.  Body slam them in the press.  When they're right.  Have the moral certitude to say so.

This shooting was justified and I could see that from the video tape that was released.  So should everyone else.

Sidenote:  Remember the story about the FBI Director stating that we had terrorism cases in all 50 states?  I went to the FBI and DHS website, and one thing everyone is forgetting.  Terrorism is more widely defined today than at anytime in recent memory.  What am I looking for?  The incident in Nevada hasn't been in the news and the people that pointed weapons at Federal Law Enforcement have never been arrested.  Additionally the Sovereign Citizen movement was just classified as a domestic terrorist group.  Its on my radar and I anticipate action to be taken against those involved in that incident soon.

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