Saturday, March 14, 2015

Reinforced Stryker Company video taped being moved by rail through Romania!

Thanks to M.C. for the link!

I could easily be off but that looks like a reinforced Stryker Company's worth of vehicles being moved by rail through Romania.


I wonder what the projected countermove by the Russians is?  The State Dept, US Army and NATO could not expect to do something this provocative without some type of reaction could they?


  1. I don't know what the russians will do, probably send some planes to violate our airspace, as usual...
    On another note, the US/NATO needs to put some real pressure on our politicians regarding defense spendings, 12 F-16 and some rusted T-55's won't cut it, it's like nothing is going on nor rusia exists...

  2. Most likely elements of 2nd Cavalry Regiment returning to Germany after their participation in AR. 3ID and 173rd now up to bat. If anything was provocative, it was a Stryker platoon rolling down the avenue in a parade a few weeks ago led by its Baltic state host…but a few hundred yards from the Russian border. And those old Soviet bloc states…so depressing in appearance ugh.

  3. It's probably public news by now that temporary deployments of at least a company-size worth of US troops will participate in training exercises in Romania. Not sure how actually documenting any actual deployment of such forces will be provocative, or surprising. And arguably, these deployments are in fact a reaction and response (as blowback) to uncertainty of Kremlin's absolutist and ultra-hawkish policy actions, vis-a-vis so-called 'unresolved' political disputes in Europe since the early 1990s, which Kremlin is potentially trying to 'reshape'. No doubt though, better transparency and open dialogue will better present Kremlin's position, so as to better factor into what EU/NATO/US's counter-position should be. That said, I'm an optimist for the next 6 month time-frame, in terms of what can be better resolved and in terms of back-tracking/mutual understanding and resetting.

  4. Reinforced Stryker Company video taped being moved by rail through Romania!
    This is why President Putin went into his hidey-hole.
    His last words: "I can take almost any provocation and deal with it, but a reinforced Stryker company? No Way, Jose."

  5. Provocative? Russia is not the law of the Baltic region. Romania is a NATO member and nobody can tell what NATO forces can or cannot do with their member state to deploy troops or not. Who cares what Russia says. Why don't Russia leave Ukraine alone, return Crimea and be at peace, probably with that NATO will abandon reinforcing NATO forces along Russia's borders.


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