Thursday, March 19, 2015

Russian Supersonic Strategic Transport Airplane?

via Sputnik News.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia plans to build a fleet of supersonic military transport aircraft with an unprecedented payload of 220 tons capable of deploying a full-fledged armored army to anywhere in the world in seven hours, Expert Online reported Thursday.
A fleet of 80 such aircraft, dubbed PAK TA, will be built by 2024 and will be capable of transferring 400 Armata heavy missile tanks or 900 light armored vehicles with ammunition to the American continent or Australia in 7-8 hours, according to the media outlet, which cited a military source who attended a closed meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission in Moscow.

Read it here.


  1. they can't even make a tv and they sell these bolshevik illusions to their obedient people...they have to stay the top somehow

  2. A supersonic transport is impossible, especially a one wide enough to transport tanks.

    Another interesting bit. China's Shenyang is bidding on Turkey's TF-X project. This is not far fetched as China already won Turkey's SAM contract bid and China provides the most generous tech transfer and prices of all bidders.

    There are understood to be about nine companies interested in the programme, including Lockheed Martin, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, Dassault, BAE Systems, and Saab. Those interested are required to respond to the RfI by 20 March.

    China confirmed an agreement to sell the HQ-9 air defense missile system to Turkey on Tuesday, during the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace exhibition in Malaysia.

  3. Will be about as succesful as Kliper and at least other dozen of their hyped up projects.

  4. Wow they are desperate to be relevant, they have no money. Yawn.

  5. They don't need money, they have vast resources.

  6. "400 Armata heavy missile tanks"... first, wtf is a missile tank? second, really 400 to 2024?

    Wet dream nothing else.

  7. Americans haven't forgotten about AA, ask John McCain.

  8. You can't pay people with raw ore... or give them salary in unrefined oil.

  9. Beautiful design, but all I could think of was the Germans trying to resupply the Afrika Corps using the Gigant transport. Can we say "sitting ducks"? Putin seems to enjoy beating the drums. As they say "be careful what you wish for, you may get it". Maybe one day the Russian people will get a leader that actually cares about improving the lives of their citizens.

  10. Muzzlehatch: "They don't need money, they have vast resources."

    That's what the Soviets said, the problem is fundamental economics disagrees.

  11. at that scale if the crew is not wearing multicolored Spandex and helmets and the Bird does not transform into a giant Robot... Putin should demand his money back

  12. Can you say any of a panoply of buildups in a nation which shares a border with the target nation?

    Especially given the fact that how many smaller nations would gladly allow the transports to land and etc in exchange for some high end SAM's or other big ticket items?

    Yeah, this is about achieving serious build up at a jump off point in a neighboring nation, you know the reason the DOD has fast transports....

  13. Armata is the code name of the new russian tank project (also known under the names t-99 or T-14). As I remember they will present it first time in public on the 9th of may this year. With missile tank i assume it is meant the abilitiy of the tank to use not just grenades. As I remember the tank should be also able to fire anti tank missiles. The Armata project is designed as a platform concept. So it could be also possible we will face a tank with installed rocket/missile launcher.

  14. But where is Russia going to deploy an army that needs supersonic transport? They have never ranged beyond Europe, so why the need for an intercontinental transport? My call is that it is simply a prestige project.

  15. If a tank fires grenades as their main weapon, the army should ask for their money back.

    Galvars, my guess is that they are extending their research further along the lines of the Sheridin type guns, dual shell/missile launching capability. IIRC, they have some equipment that is capable of that, so basically a tank that can fire missiles through the main gun, something similar to the LAHAT(?).

  16. Speak for yourself, I'll gladly be paid in gold. :)

  17. So not going to happen. The ones closest to a supersonic transport these days are the British and their experimental SABRE engine. Unfortunately, there may not be a market for supersonic transport. See what happened to the Concorde and the Russian copy. Totally not economical at all.

  18. Not even a prestige project... it is no more then Bovine Excrement!

    Never gona get beyond the internet and a few boys wet dreams.

  19. This is as unrealistic as Paris Hilton winning an Oscar... but beyond that totally useless.
    What is the practical upside of getting a bunc of tanks there in 8 hours instead of 16 using an Antonov?

  20. Is very friendly in cooperative spirit to advertise there about Ru forces coming to the emergency aid of Australia within 8 hrs, with force of 400 MBT et al, to help defend AUS against full-blown amphibious invasion by alien crawlers against her uranium fields? Or was something missed in that marketing pitch??

    Either that, or an implied threat, which would of course not be taken lightly and only amount to more piss poor escalations of tensions and sour relations. Truly... rather pathetic tact guys today, 21st century. Watch the rhetoric all.

  21. Hey, don't insult cows, I like beef. :)

  22. Journalists smoke crack - and everyone takes this seriously. That is pretty fun =)

  23. That would be too easy... what about a 100kg of unrefined ferrum for every week of work huh?

  24. >Wow they are desperate to be relevant, they have no mone

    Yet it is Pentagon, not our DoD who suffers from budget cuts.

    Our military program GOZ-2020 is almost sacred. There can be an optimization, dellay - but thus far no huge cuts and and cancelations.

  25. I know what Armata is... or what supposedly to be. Missile tank describe a "tank" that use only missile, there was one type that soviets build in limited numbers, the IT-1. But Armata is again probably armed with cannon, even if it will be able to fire guided missiles like M551 it still will be an ordinary tank. The term "missile tank" describe a tank without a gun... I doubt that Armata will not have a gun.

  26. Still it would be a tank... missile tank don't have the cannon.

  27. You know it's Russia... "state of mind not a country" ;) You think they smoke crack and they are serious... you think they are serious and they just smoke a crack...

  28. >You know it's Russia... "state of mind not a country" ;)
    you can always check it with some different media, google translate can do just fine =)

    Supersonic transport, wow. Our DoD already said that they do not need another "to strange to craft" things. Yes, we have some very advanced and complex projeccts - but havent heard about a supersonic transport for too long - not from a DoD nor from a scientific institutes such as TSAGI.

    And Armata too suffers from too much rumouring about it. However, production rate is ought to be high - plant UVZ has undergone a one more modernization for this - failure is not an option.

  29. We speak about country that build large, missiles armed ekranoplans... supersonic transport is not that crazy when we look at different Russian/Soviets projects. :D

    Armata suffers from rumoring because nobody see it, some promo pictures would be nice and this is not need to be such "top high mega secret" because... well, they don't invent anything that was not invent already by others. Let's wait for them to show a single one that can move on own power... then we can say about any production. But looking at other "high secret tech" project the "huge" production was an irony or even sarcasm. And failure is always an option... always. Especially when you try to build first time something that is not only a modification of old T-64 line.

    Don't ride the hype train.

  30. >We speak about country that build large, missiles armed ekranoplans...

    Common, it wanst we, that were Grandfarthers!

    They were sometimes, errr, too avangard, yes =) But no more

    For example - ekranoplans research continues, but primarilly for a people's need - we need transport for some Eastern Siberia regions. Military wants it as a mere transport and(dont know the word =(, sorry ) saving operations. 911 task, something like that.

    >hen we can say about any productio

    Plants are ready, that i wanted to say. Can armata be delayed - damn of course. Everything can be delayed. But cancellation - no, stakes are too high. In this terms Armata is similar to F-35 - stakes are high, too damn high to fail it completely.

    >some promo pictures would be nice

    It is a research tradition of our militry industry now. They try not to show a conept before they are assured for some extent that it will work out. Why? Damn Chinese, thats why.

  31. Considering that there was never a "missile tank" class in the first place, the first one to define it wins. :) In this case, tank firing missiles through the barrel = missile tank. lol

  32. Need to check iron prices, get back to you on that :)


    building roads, stopping brain drain, ending the massive influx of heroin, and increasing the average age of death for men (at 59 years old which is 3rd world africa status) should be more sacred.

  34. Question of the times priorities We got possible huge scale war at former Soviet republics - and building roads will not save you from a forming ISIL-like structure in Middle Asia. And another possible conflict at the North.

  35. Lol... who doesn't?

    I made my own jerky the other day... and ate it all in like a week... its sadly hard to get here...

  36. Has anyone here played Command and Conquer and its Red Alert expansions?

    This plane, the Amata tank and the term 'missile tank' made me think of those games.
    Fun.. impressive looking, yes!
    Realistic?... Me thinks not!

  37. Lol I'll belive this when I see it.

  38. Read the article and you could make an intelligent comment. It is but a single paragraph.

  39. Logistically they are not going to move a division by air. This is a stupid concept unless it can go to space like starship troopers and drop on an alien bug planet with no self defense.

  40. Um... yeah... this seems pretty out there. With no experience in building large supersonic transports, they're just gonna slap together a fleet of these to roam over the planet with by 2024?

    Doesn't fit their capabilities, their budget, their doctrine, or their national interests as I see it.

  41. They already fire missiles through the barrels of their tank/BMP guns. They've been doing it ever since we gave up on the M-60 "Starship" idea.

  42. that's my point it's so ridiculous it might as well be fighting kaiju.
    A Super sized SST with a blended wing body, powered by a single jet engine and two electric fans with thrust vectoring, all by 2024! It's Science fiction.

  43. OMG :I, the effects of our propaganda machine are strong in you man. Russia average death rate is 65 not 59, its not good but has been steadly increasing since Putin arrived to powerr, not trying to sugarcoat anything he does, its just a fact a simple google search could have save you the trouble of posting nonsense. All the "facts" presented by the western media are a decade old from the ugly 90's, Russia demographic outlook has been getting better by every year, for example: its fertility rate is higher than most of europe right now. Russia improved a lot in the last decade and pretending otherwise doesnt help no one.

  44. I put my bets on that: what we will see on Parade will be empty shell not a tank, let's call it a "propaganda series" the vehicles that will ride on own power but will not have any military tech inside, made by not military grade steel, no armor ect. Just something to show the crowd. In next 2/3 years we will see some real prototype series that will enter testing phase and they will look different then what they will show on parade. Planet will not stop circle the sun because president Putin will say so, just like something such complex like tank will not be ready because he snap his fingers.

    Mark my words, 2-3 years and we will see IF we will see first pre production series of new tank.

  45. But they don't call it a "missile tanks" do they?

  46. Who knows what they will call it, their carriers were called missile launching aviation cruisers. :)

  47. Pfft, I see your Mammoth and raise you a platoon of Black Hand. BBQ driver anyone?

  48. I'm afraid you are mistaken. By WHO for 2012 report the life expectancy in Russia is 63 for males, 75 for females. On the average it is an 69 years for both. In demographic its not better by every year... it worst, you are for many, many years on minus with birth numbers. But that is not something unusual. Fertility is a little higher then some country, much lower then other in Europe But as I said it's nothing unusual, Russians like I'm afraid couple of others in the region are die out... the speed Russians are die is faster because lover life expectancy.

    You need to drink less, try to be in better shape, more health friendly life style and start to fuck more... and this advice is form most nation on this part of Eurasian continent.

  49. Didn't Israel mount a multi-ATGM launcher in dummy Merkava turret during their last operation in Lebanon for medium range AT support? Seems like that would qualify for the title of first missile tank.

  50. Nah there is already a missile tank, Soviet IT-1.

  51. I think a Starship firing missiles through its gun barrel would beat that thing handily. :)

  52. Shhhhhh!!! Don't give Lockheed Martin any ideas!

  53. Boeing is more likely to try then Lockheed either way no way... well maybe 2090

  54. The Israeli system would be the LAHAT I mentioned earlier. They can fire the missile through the barrel.

  55. Not really, the Starship uses the same system as the Sheridin, along with the same problems, though that is due to bad ammo/bad execution rather than bad concept.

  56. "I'm afraid you are mistaken. By WHO for 2012 report the life expectancy in Russia is 63 for males, 75 for females. On the average it is an 69 years." Data varies from time to time, the latest number stand at 65. Still even if its 63 its not 58. they are not good numbers, but they are not subsaharan ones as the propaganda guy said. Quoting the demographic study (Components and possible determinants of the decrease in Russian mortality in 2004-2010) “After a long decline, life expectancy in Russia substantially increased in 2004-2010; this is the longest period of health improvement that has been observed in the country since 1965″

    "In demographic its not better by every year... it worst, you are for many, many years on minus with birth numbers." You are right, Russians are far from recovering from the 91 demographic beating the received. But recent numbers show hope, they stand 1.71 I believe, still low but higher than the 1.4 they had in the 90's and higher than most europe which has an average of 1.5 If im not mistaken. Are we seeing a recovery or just a temporary lump? I dont have a crystall ball to answer that.

    "Russians like I'm afraid couple of others in the region are die out." At this moment yes, they are behind the 2.1 replacement rate but also Polish, Baltics, Germans, Spanish (ouch and we fuck a lot), British, you get my point. Im not a demographer so all Im saying could be bullshit, but check Mark Adomanis at forbes, he is one and well informed on Russia. Not the usual propaganda bullshit western media potray as facts like 58 life expectancy

  57. I though the problem was controls that were too complex, which the Russians solved by just using laser targeting?

  58. No, I thought this was a box-launcher hidden in the back of the turret. With a wooden cannon barrel so that the tank couldn't be easily picked out as a preferred target.


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